
Many people don't make prawns, and prawns will taste better if they do

author:Neon little chef

Hello everyone today Neon little chef to give you a new dish - Enoki mushroom fans shrimp fort, if you like it, you can like to pay attention to the collection of Ao.

Step 1: Prepare some shrimp, then use a toothpick to treat the shrimp line, and use a knife bar to cut off the feet of the prawns.

Step 2: Prepare a pot, heat it for a while and then pour in the oil until it is five ripe, then prepare some onion, ginger, garlic, chop with a knife and put it in a bowl, then pour the oil into the bowl where the onion, ginger and garlic are placed, then add soy sauce and salt and stir together, stir well and set aside.

Step 3: Then prepare a casserole, and some enoki mushrooms and vermicelli then put the mushrooms on top of the casserole and put in the vermicelli and get the prawns

Step 4: After all are set, then pour the sauce on the side of the prevention into the casserole dish, pour it in and then put it in the cold and boil.

Step 5: Finally cover the casserole lid, turn on the heat and simmer for half an hour, then simmer for about ten minutes, and finally open the lid of the pot out of the pot, like to eat coriander can put some green onion coriander or something.

Many people don't make prawns, and prawns will taste better if they do

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