
#Say love her in the name of food #Mom loves to eat bitter melon green pepper meat shreds

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Say love her in the name of food #Mom loves to eat bitter melon green pepper meat shreds

Xiao Man is coming, this season mother likes to eat this dish also like to make for the whole family to eat, because Xiao Man will be hot after the weather, the rain will increase, so Xiao Man health should be "healthy spleen wet" mainly, you can eat more bitter melon, clear heat, promote appetite. Green pepper supplement vc, lean meat enhances resistance, nutrient-rich can eat more.

By Hao Yi private kitchen

1 bitter melon

1 green pepper

Pork 300 g

3 green onions

Ginger 4 tablets

4 cloves of garlic

1/4 scoop of pepper

1/4 scoop of peppercorns

1 scoop of cooking wine

1 scoop of oyster sauce

1 scoop of light salt soy sauce

1 scoop of starch

1/4 scoop chicken broth mix

#Say love her in the name of food #Mom loves to eat bitter melon green pepper meat shreds

1, prepare all the ingredients to clean, bitter melon shredded, add water, add a spoonful of salt to rinse the bitter taste of bitter melon (like a little bitter can not drift), side dishes cut well and set aside, cut the meat shredded put a spoonful of water

#Say love her in the name of food #Mom loves to eat bitter melon green pepper meat shreds

2: Add cooking wine, oyster sauce, light salt soy sauce, salt

#Say love her in the name of food #Mom loves to eat bitter melon green pepper meat shreds

3: Pepper, allspice, starch, stir well and marinate for 10 minutes

#Say love her in the name of food #Mom loves to eat bitter melon green pepper meat shreds

4: Pour oil into the pot and sauté the shredded meat to change color, then add green onion, ginger and garlic to fry until fragrant, pour in green pepper and stir-fry, add bitter melon and stir-fry, add a little chicken powder before coming out of the pot

#Say love her in the name of food #Mom loves to eat bitter melon green pepper meat shreds

5. Delicious rice

#Say love her in the name of food #Mom loves to eat bitter melon green pepper meat shreds

6. A home-cooked dish with love

Stir the shredded meat with a small amount of water and stir it constantly, so that the meat will be very tender to suck up the water and fry it

Bitter melon cold taste bitter, into the heart, lungs, stomach, with summer thirst, lower blood pressure, blood lipids, beauty, promote metabolism and other functions. Bitter melon is rich in vitamin B1.Vitamin C and minerals, long-term consumption, can maintain energy, has great benefits for the treatment of acne.

1. Clear heat and improve gas

Bitter melon has the effect of clearing heat and cooling the heat, nourishing the blood and qi, tonifying the kidney and spleen, nourishing the liver and bright purpose, and has a certain effect on the treatment of dysentery, sores, heat stroke fever, excessive prickly heat, conjunctivitis and other diseases.

2. Protect the body

Bitter melon has the effects of preventing scurvy, protecting cell membranes, preventing atherosclerosis, improving the body's stress capacity, and protecting the heart.

3. Anti-cancer

The active ingredients in bitter melon can inhibit the cancerous transformation of normal cells and promote the recovery of mutated cells, which has a certain anti-cancer effect.

4. Lower blood sugar, lower blood lipids

It has medicinal and health care functions such as lowering blood sugar, lowering blood lipids, anti-tumor, preventing osteoporosis, regulating endocrine, antioxidant, antibacterial and improving human immunity.

5. Beautify the skin

Bitter melon can moisturize fair skin, but also calm and moisturize the skin, especially in the summer when it is easy to dry and hot, applying iced bitter melon slices can immediately relieve the irritability of the skin.

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