
Three marriages to three generations of Shunyi kings, promoting the peace of Menghan and restoring the "Gongshi", she is the legendary three ladies

author:Xiang sister shopping history

The Third Lady is a female master of the Mongolian ethnic group. She was born in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, and at the age of twenty became the wife of the ten thousand household chiefs of the Mongolian right-wing Tumut tribe, The Khan of Uttar Khan, a versatile and beautiful woman. She is both literate and reasonable, and she is good at riding and shooting, especially in politics. She promoted the peace between the Mongols and the Ming Dynasty, restored the "gongshi", strengthened the friendship between the Mongolian and Han people, and has been praised by posterity.

Three marriages to three generations of Shunyi kings, promoting the peace of Menghan and restoring the "Gongshi", she is the legendary three ladies

During the Ming Dynasty, the Mongols and the Ming Dynasty were in long-term opposition, and the northern border was very restless, and there were often conflicts and wars, which brought endless disasters and suffering to the peoples of Mongolia and Han. At that time, the Mongols were divided into three major departments: Tatar, Wa thorn and Wuliangha. The heads of the various ministries, although they had received knighthoods from the Ming Dynasty, also ostensibly recognized the central government of the Ming Dynasty. However, they still used their own tribes as a power side, and often had military conflicts with the Ming Dynasty. In the twenty-ninth year of Jiajing (1660 AD), the supreme leader of the Tatar tribe, Li Da Khan, led his troops to the city of Beijing, plundered a large amount of wealth, and then retreated on his own, causing serious damage to the northern prefectures and counties, and the people's lives and property were greatly damaged. This incident is historically known as the "Change of Gengji".

At that time, the Ming Dynasty was in power by the university scholar Yan Song and the general Qiu Luan. Their extreme corruption and incompetence have brought great disaster to the people of the North. On the other hand, due to the long-term war with the Ming Dynasty, although mongolia has obtained a lot of booty, its own strength has also been greatly depleted, which is also extremely unfavorable to the Mongolian people.

Three marriages to three generations of Shunyi kings, promoting the peace of Menghan and restoring the "Gongshi", she is the legendary three ladies

In early 1566, Emperor Ming died and was succeeded by Emperor Mingmuzong. His strategy against the Khan was to strengthen the military forces of the border guards against invasion on the one hand, and on the other hand, to adopt a peaceful posture and wait for the opportunity to negotiate peace. At this time, the Ming Dynasty was ruled by talented ministers Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng.

An unexpected thing happened in 1570 AD. The beloved grandson of Uttar Khan, named Tsunakahi, was raised by his grandmother from an early age due to the early death of his father. After Han Naji grew up, due to family marriage disputes, he led a small number of people to Datong City in Shanxi to defect to the Ming Dynasty. Wang Chonggu, a ming dynasty vassal, suggested that Han Naji be released to restore peaceful relations between the two sides.

After surrendering Han Naji to the Ming Dynasty, the subordinates of The Khan of Uttar Khan had a lot of opinions, and many people advocated the use of force, mobilizing soldiers and horses to attack the Ming Dynasty, and capturing several Ming officials in exchange for Han Naji. However, Utah Khan loved his grandson very much and was deeply afraid that the use of troops would prompt the Ming Dynasty to "kill my grandson quickly". At the same time, Uttar Khan also realized more and more profoundly that the use of force with the Ming Dynasty would make his own strength more and more depleted, and only by negotiating peace with the Ming Dynasty and realizing the mutual market of tribute was the best policy. At this time, the third lady, the wife of The Great Khan, also vigorously promoted peace. After several months of negotiations, the peace talks were successful.

Three marriages to three generations of Shunyi kings, promoting the peace of Menghan and restoring the "Gongshi", she is the legendary three ladies

The Ming Dynasty sent a courtesy to return Hanaji to the side of The Khan. When the grandchildren met, they hugged each other and wept, and prostrated their heads to the south one after another to express their heartfelt thanks to the imperial court. On March 28, 1571, Emperor Mingmuzong issued an edict to crown Li Da Khan as the "King of Shunyi"; the Third Lady played a major role in promoting the peace talks and was also named "Lady Zhongshun". Thirteen articles of peace and friendship were also announced, indicating that the Mongolian and Han ethnic groups would be friendly for generations, live in harmony, and never violate each other. Since then, the Mongolian and Han ethnic groups have replaced national vendettas with peaceful trade, and a new historical period of unity and friendship has begun. The beginning of this new period is inseparable from the efforts of the Three Ladies. She has done a great job of this.

After that, due to the old age of the Khan, many political affairs were handled by the Third Lady. The young third lady not only has a beautiful face, but also is "intelligent and cheerful" and "witty and courageous". She skillfully helped the Qada Khan to manage the affairs of his subordinates in the vast areas under his jurisdiction, including present-day Inner Mongolia, Gansu and Qinghai, and presided over the annual tribute and mutual market trade activities, thus gaining great prestige among the Tatar tribes. The three ladies often wore leather clothes, sable hats, and rode horses with bows, patrolled and inspected the border land, learned about the implementation of peace treaties, and devoted themselves to safeguarding the cause of national unity. Ming Dynasty border officials and the people believed with confidence that as long as the Three Ladies were in charge of political affairs, the trade between the two ethnic groups would proceed normally, the border would be too peaceful, and the people would be able to live a peaceful life.

The Third Lady admired the advanced culture of the Han nationality at that time, cherished the friendship between the two ethnic groups, and often had close contacts with the Border Officials of the Ming Dynasty. She visited Wu Dui, who served as the governor of Xuanhua Province many times and later became the governor of Xuanda, and performed Mongolian songs and dances there many times. The elder Wu Dui often feasted on the three ladies and gave her eight crowns, hundred phoenix cloud clothes, red bone cloud skirts and other clothing. They were warm and friendly and were as close to each other as a family. In this way, the friendly relations between the Mongolian and Han nationalities have been further consolidated and strengthened. The leisurely pastoral songs on the grassland replaced the poignant horns, and the vast land on the border of the Ming Dynasty also grew green crops. The Third Lady won the warm praise of the broad masses of the people of the two ethnic groups.

Three marriages to three generations of Shunyi kings, promoting the peace of Menghan and restoring the "Gongshi", she is the legendary three ladies

In 1581, Li Da Khan died of illness, and the Ming Dynasty solemnly offered sacrifices to mourn. Huang Taiji, the eldest son of Utah Khan, succeeded his father and succeeded him as King of Shunyi. In accordance with the ancient custom of the Tatar tribes, after the death of his father, he took his stepmother as his wife, so he took the initiative to ask the third lady to marry. At this time, although the third lady was in her early thirties, her style was still the same, not reduced to that year, but it was not at the mercy of others as it was ten years ago. She did not agree to marry Huang Taiji, who was already over fifty years old, so she led the crowd away and left the naturalized city (the old city of present-day Hohhot, Inner Mongolia), where the King of Shunyi lived at the time.

Huang Taiji knew very well in his heart that although he had inherited the throne, if there was no support from the Three Ladies, there was a possibility of division within the tribe. At this time, Ming officials sent people to persuade the Third Lady, hoping that she would realize that only as the wife of the King of Shunyi would the Ming Dynasty continue to support her in maintaining her original position. The Third Lady, who had always respected the opinions of the Ming government, understood the great righteousness, put the interests of the two ethnic groups first, gave up her personal will, and finally agreed to become the wife of Huang Taiji, the second generation of Shunyi King.

Three marriages to three generations of Shunyi kings, promoting the peace of Menghan and restoring the "Gongshi", she is the legendary three ladies

In 1587, Huang Taiji died, internal disputes occurred, there was a tendency to split, and later under the mediation and mediation of Ming officials, in July of this year, the third lady became the wife of the third shunyi king, Larik, avoiding infighting.

Shi Zai's third lady held the military power and personally trained tens of thousands of elite soldiers, so the people of the army all respected and feared her. Because of the high prestige of relying on the three ladies. The Third Lady was able to unremittingly support the situation and assist the second and third generations of Shunyi Kings who succeeded to the throne of Uttar Khan, so as to ensure the stability within Tatars, adhere to peaceful and mutual market relations with the Ming Dynasty, and promote the harmony and friendship between the Mongolian and Han ethnic groups, so that the production in the north can develop steadily.

During the three niangzi's administration, the stability and harmony between the Han and Mongolian ethnic groups were the mainstream, but sometimes there were some skirmishes. Whenever there was a conflict, the Three Ladies always strictly observed the peace agreement rules and punished those who violated the peace agreement rules within the tribe. Once, someone in the tribe robbed a Han chinese horse, and she severely punished it, ordering two horses, one cow, and seven sheep. In the Ming Dynasty, it also strictly abided by the regulations of the peace agreement and worked hard to develop the trade of Gongshi. Thanks to the joint efforts of the two sides, the situation on the northern border of Cyprus has undergone a fundamental improvement, and the northwest border of the Ming Dynasty has basically been lifted. "For more than sixty years, the people of the two ethnic groups are no longer threatened by war, and the shadow of the sword and blood has become a historical relic, and they have lived a life of living and working in peace and contentment. With the emergence of this peaceful situation, the three ladies made important contributions.

Three marriages to three generations of Shunyi kings, promoting the peace of Menghan and restoring the "Gongshi", she is the legendary three ladies

In 1612, the third lady died at the age of sixty-three. The people of both the Mongolian and Han ethnic groups deeply missed her, and many literati wrote poems praising her, and many painters painted her portrait and called Hohhot, where she lived, "Three Niangzi City".