
Why did the Qiu Pai "Judge" circulate? Fang Rongxiang's contribution was indispensable

author:One entertainment, one fun and one gossip

"Judge" is a Peking Opera bronze hammer flower face singing drama, based on "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness", the story tells that Liu Jincia was killed by Li Bao, Li Bao framed Yan Chashan, a scholar who was in love with Liu Jincia, Executed Yan Chashan in Zhixian Jiang Wanli, and the Yan family sued Bao Zheng. Bao Zheng went down to judge Yin Cao to find out the case, and "Exploring Yin Mountain" was one of the folds.

Why did the Qiu Pai "Judge" circulate? Fang Rongxiang's contribution was indispensable


Why did the Qiu Pai "Judge" circulate? Fang Rongxiang's contribution was indispensable

  In the late Qing Dynasty, "Judge" was a representative play of the famous Peking Opera master Jin Xiushan, who was once an "inner court offering", and his son Jin Shaoshan inherited his father's business and founded the "JinPai" flower face. Today, the stage has not seen the Golden Pai "Judge" for decades.

In contrast, although Qiu Pai's "Judge" has gone through ups and downs, it is still enduring on the stage.

"The Judge" is Qiu Shengrong's specialty play. Judging from the existing list of old plays, the Beijing Peking Opera Troupe still performed "Judge" in the 1950s. In the 1960s, he was banned for "promoting superstition" and disappeared from the stage.

In 1981, Fang Rongxiang sorted out and published the "Qiu Shengrong Singing Anthology", and gradually rearranged the Qiu Pai repertoire, at this time, "Judge Of The Judge" was still a forbidden play, and no one dared to touch it.

In 1985, Fang had just completed heart surgery

Why did the Qiu Pai "Judge" circulate? Fang Rongxiang's contribution was indispensable

Rongxiang wrote a letter to the leader to plead for the restoration of the play, and after obtaining permission, Fang Rongxiang, who was recuperating in bed, began to sort it out, recording the recording of Mr. Qiu's performance on a small card.

In 1987, "Judge Gong", which had disappeared on the stage for more than 20 years, was performed at the National Cultural Palace in Beijing, and there were people queuing up to buy tickets in the early morning of the day of ticketing.

Why did the Qiu Pai "Judge" circulate? Fang Rongxiang's contribution was indispensable

In 1989, after Fang Rongxiang's death, Meng Guanglu sang "Exploring Yin Mountain" in front of Fang Rongxiang's photo, but lamented that "Judge Huan" was not performed again. Until 2006, Meng Guanglu performed "Judge" at the Chang'an Grand Theater, and after a five-minute return to applause, the play was revived.

Fang Rongxiang's grandson, Fang Xu, studied under Meng Guanglu, and in June this year, Fang Xu held a solo performance of "Judge Gong" at the Chang'an Grand Theater, with an attendance rate of more than 90%. The son inherits the father's business, the apprentice inherits the teacher's business, and the "Judge" has to be inherited, and unlike the western hard-hitting teachers and students, the Chinese opera inheritance pays attention to the oral transmission between the master and the apprentice, and the most important thing about the love between the master and the apprentice is "people go, the tea is not cold".

  In the singing voice, Fang Rongxiang creatively added the duet between Lao Dan (Yan Mother) and Xiaosheng (Yan Chashan), transitioning from "Two Six Plates" to "Flowing Water Board", leading to the appearance of Bao Gong, Bao Gong saw Liu Jincia's entire section of "Anti-Er Huang", highlighting the image of Bao Gong's persistence in justice and impartial handling of cases, which was touching to the heart.

Why did the Qiu Pai "Judge" circulate? Fang Rongxiang's contribution was indispensable

After the climax of the singing section of "Exploring the Yin Mountain", Meng Guanglu added a large section of Bao Zheng and Liu Jincia's "anti-erhuang" duet, and added a paragraph of "Xipi Chopping Board" when seeing the Judge of the Five Halls of Yan Wang, sonorous and cheerful.

Why did the Qiu Pai "Judge" circulate? Fang Rongxiang's contribution was indispensable

In "Exploring yin mountain", Fang Rongxiang changed "erhuang" to "anti-erhuang", and "anti-erhuang" is commonly used by old students, which lowers the key, expands the tone area, and is more pathetic than "erhuang". Meng Guanglu went a step further, using "anti-erhuang" and "Xipi chopping board" to vividly express Bao Gong's unbearable anger and grief.

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