
Lu Zhaolin: The four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, the two jie drowned and died, but the world only knew Wang Bo and did not recognize the neighbors

author:Tsing Yi ShuSheng
Lu Zhaolin: The four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, the two jie drowned and died, but the world only knew Wang Bo and did not recognize the neighbors

Lu Zhaolin

Heaven is jealous of the talents, two great talents, drowning and dying

Mentioning poetry articles can't get around the Tang Dynasty, and the Mention of the Tang Dynasty people can't do without the Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty. Lu Zhaolin and Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, Luo Binwang three people collectively known as "Wang Yang Lu Luo", by the world as the first Tang Dynasty Four Jie, even in the talented Yingjie brilliant, countless Tang Dynasty, the style of the four of them has never been hidden, has been brilliant, they are the pioneers of the Tang Dynasty literary world.

Lu Zhaolin, the character Shengzhi, the number of Youyouzi, although Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, Luo Bin Wang and the three are called sijie, but is the most mysterious of the four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, and there is no clear historical record of his birth date and death time. The date of his birth and death is recorded in the Great Dictionary of Chinese Dynastic Names as "about 635-689 years, and about 636-695 years"; The Revised Edition states that it is "634-686, one says 635-689"; the "Commentary on Tang Poetry" is recorded as "about 630-about 680 years later", all of which have their own theories, and it is completely impossible to confirm which is true and which is false, and it is only speculated by later generations based on the connection between his poems and related events in his life.

Lu Zhaolin: The four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, the two jie drowned and died, but the world only knew Wang Bo and did not recognize the neighbors

The Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty

Lu Zhaolin's childhood was not much different from the other three of the Four Masters, they were all familiar with poetry and books since childhood, erudite and able to write, and at a young age, they could understand the major scriptures, and they were called prodigies by the world.

However, in other respects, he was very different from Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, and Luo Binwang. Lu Zhaolin once worshiped the Taoist celebrity, the medicine king Sun Simiao as a teacher, and stood out among the four people, the most fairy wind Dao bone, wandering outside the crowd. In his later years, he was always looking for immortals, first entering the Taibai Mountain to practice, then moving to Longmen Mountain in the east of shaomu Mountain, and finally migrating to the bottom of Yang Zhai Gu Ci Mountain, and living a life of "planting beans south of the mountain" with the Jin Dynasty hermit Tao Yuanming, he bought dozens of acres of pastoral gardens, and then dredged the Yingshui to make it surround the residence, as if to create a peach blossom source outside the world. Not only that, Lu Zhaolin seemed to have decided his own destination long ago, and he built a tomb for himself on Mount Guci early.

Lu Zhaolin, like Wang Bo, another of the Four Jies, drowned. However, Wang Bo accidentally fell into the water due to natural disasters, and Lu Zhaolin died of man-made disasters and threw himself into the water.

Lu Zhaolin: The four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, the two jie drowned and died, but the world only knew Wang Bo and did not recognize the neighbors

It may be because Wang Bo's "Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion" has been circulated too widely, and in addition, he died young, and he was only 27 years old when he died, or a small age of prosperity, so it is more regrettable, more memorable, and has always been known by the world. On the other hand, although Lu Zhaolin did not know the specific date of his birth and death, nor did he die at the end of his life, but his life should also last for more than fifty years, compared to Wang Bo, he was naturally less memorable. Why did Lu Zhaolin choose to commit suicide by throwing himself into the water? It may be because of depression with an unfavorable political career, or because of the lack of results in asking for immortals, or even the failure of alchemy, due to the accidental taking of Dan medicine, he was poisoned and his hands and siblings were crippled. The double torture, both mental and physical, is ultimately very unbearable. The frustration of his career and the torment of long-term illness finally made this reclusive, rather immortal talent can no longer persist, in front of his own door, throwing water and dying, Lu Zhaolin's tall tomb is still standing on the west bank of the river stream in Shangjia Village, Longmen Village, Wuliang Town, Yuzhou City, Henan Province.

Although Lu Zhaolin seemed to be only the third in the "Wang Yang Lu Luo", most of the literati in the world and later believed that the head of the Four Masters should not be Wang Bo, but should be Lu Zhaolin, along with Yang Jiong of the Fourth Jie, who also said the words "shame to the queen, shame in front of Lu Zhao", which made most people at that time also extremely recognized.

New Book of Tang: Wang Bo, Together with Yang Jiong, Lu Zhaolin, and Luo Binwang, they are all known for their articles, and the world is called "Wang, Yang, Lu, and Luo" as the four masters. Jiong tasted, "I am ashamed to be in front of Lu, and I am ashamed to be the queen." The speaker said so. The Poetic Origins :(Zhaolin) and Luo Binwang, Wang Bo, and Yang Jiong, known in the world as the "Four Masters", and Lu is at the head. "Bamboo Forest Answers": The Six Dynasties have Tang, and the power of the Four Masters is also. In the middle, only Lu Sheng's in and out of the wind, the temperament is ancient, not within the reach of the three sons.

Lu Zhaolin's poetry is excellent, unlike the other four people in the Four Masters, he is not only good at a certain style or poetry, such as Wang Bo is the best at writing, Yang Jiong is best at five-word poetry, especially Lefu, Luo Bin Wang is good at five-word and seven-word poetry at the same time, but Lu Zhaolin is extremely good at each, and he is the best at singing and acting, and the good sentences are endlessly praised.

Lu Zhaolin's masterpiece "Chang'an Guyi" has been rumored to be a masterpiece, one of which is "To become a comparator and die, willing to be a Mandarin Duck and not envious of the Immortal" is a famous sentence for thousands of years, which has been praised by posterity as a classic in the classic, and has been turned into the colloquial saying "only envy the Mandarin Duck and not envy the Immortal", which appears in the words of countless love stories and lover confessions.

"Yiyuan Ziyan": The seven words of song and the long must let Lu and Luo. Strange vulgarity is extremely good in "Lunar Eclipse", and humble is extremely inferior to "Jinyang", which is not enough to faye. "Shi Xue": Lu and Luo Wuyan, the backbone is more than enough, and the wind is particularly lacking. As for the law of platooning, the time is self-righteous.

Speaking of which, Lu Zhaolin's career path was actually quite smooth, at least much smoother than the other three of the four jie.

Lu Zhaolin: The four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, the two jie drowned and died, but the world only knew Wang Bo and did not recognize the neighbors

In his early years, Lu Zhaolin was deeply respected by Li Yuanyu, the King of Deng, and served as a pawn in the Palace of King Deng.

The royal official, the pawn signed two people, from the eight pins, in charge of propaganda and teaching. - New Book of Tang

Not only that, Li Yuanyu, the King of Deng, even compared Lu Zhaolin with the great writer of the Western Han Dynasty, Sima Xiangxiang, saying that Lu Zhaolin was "like me." ”。 And the post of pawn signature is also a position that Lu Zhaolin likes very much, because Li Yuanyu was the uncle of Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi of Tang at that time, and he was also very good at reading, and the collection of books was quite rich, and the pawn was the official in charge of the book books in the government, Lu Zhaolin could just take advantage of the convenience of his work, read a lot of books, and make himself more knowledgeable and knowledgeable.

However, it seems that the literati who pursued their careers at that time could not avoid being belittled, and a single disagreement would provoke the dissatisfaction of the people of the middle and high authorities and suffer misery. After Lu Zhaolin was transferred to Yizhou (益州, near present-day Chengdu, Sichuan) as a new capital lieutenant, when Zhiman went to the official residence in Luoyang, just as Wang Bo was degraded for a cockfighting poem, Lu Zhaolin was imprisoned for offending Wu Zetian's nephew, Wu Wu, because he wrote in the famous "Chang'an Ancient Meaning" that "the Liang family painted the cabinet in the heavens, and the Han Emperor's golden stem was straight out of the clouds". However, Lu Zhaolin did not seem to be like the other three of the four masters, so he pursued an official position, and directly began his life of seclusion after his release from prison, and even wrote the famous "Five Sorrows Text" to self-evident.

"He thought that he was a fashion official of Emperor Gaozong, and he was a confucian; he was a martial artist, and he was alone with Huang Lao; after sealing Song Mountain, he repeatedly hired sages, and he was abolished." Author of the "Five Sorrows Text" to self-evident" - "New Book of Tang"
Lu Zhaolin: The four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, the two jie drowned and died, but the world only knew Wang Bo and did not recognize the neighbors

Lu Zhaolin's life is also the same as other Tang Dynasty literati, first proud and then frustrated, and finally he is plagued by illness and cannot end well, it can be said that the scenery and scenery of life have been experienced once, and finally he has seen through the impermanent world, so he will walk outside the world and live a life of seeking immortality. Soon after his release from prison, Lu Zhaolin suffered from wind disease, so he had been looking for a way to treat himself, but unfortunately, due to the limitations of medical technology at that time, there was no way to cure it, and even his teacher, Sun Simiao, who was the most famous at the time and was known as the king of medicine, was helpless. Lu Zhaolin, who had no choice but to search for the legendary alchemy in the hope of curing himself, but unfortunately it backfired, and even because of the poisoning of taking Dan medicine, he crippled his hands and siblings.

Lu Zhaolin also wrote the "Five Sorrows Text" to describe his illness,

"The skeleton is half dead, the flesh is extinct, the four branches are withered, and the facial features are lacking." The skin is thick and wrinkled, and the clothes are full of hair and knots. Hairy and bald, no uncle's eyebrows; cold lips and teeth, with Zhang Yi's shy tongue. Look up and look at it, and look at it; lean down and move, and bend and want to fold. If God exists and dies, his heart will not be born but not destroyed. ——Lu Zhaolin's "Five Sorrows"

From this, it is not difficult for us to see his tragic situation at that time, and even let him issue a "death and death, and now this is the case, and the life is born and the life is like this." Such a helpless sigh is like the Dao number he himself gave himself: "Sorrowful Son, Gloomy and Worried, It is really miserable." This talented man who was tormented by illness can be said to have tasted the loneliness of the world, knowing that at that time, his last reliance, the teacher Sun Simiao also died one step ahead of him, Lu Zhaolin could no longer bear such a life, and he finally chose an ending of suicide by throwing himself into the water.

Lu Zhaolin: The four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, the two jie drowned and died, but the world only knew Wang Bo and did not recognize the neighbors

Although Lu Zhaolin was unfortunate in his life, he was first imprisoned for the disaster of heaven, and then he was suddenly infected with wind disease, and then he accidentally ate Dan medicine and his hands and feet were crippled, knowing the desolate ending and committing suicide by throwing himself into the water. However, compared with the other three people of the Chu Tang Dynasty, there was also his luck, at least his life and ending were chosen by himself, and the early initiative to leave the official field allowed him to stay away from the official field early, and he did not have to be entangled in the career like the other three, depressed. Because he could see more thoroughly than those three people, first of all, unlike the other three people who had been tirelessly pursuing fame and fortune, from the beginning Lu Zhaolin did not care much about the achievements of his career, after returning to Luoyang after returning from the end of his term in office in Shudi, he did not seek an official, and after being imprisoned, he saw the darkness of politics more thoroughly and directly chose to be born. It's just a pity that Heaven is jealous of talents and does not follow people's wishes, or let him end up with a miserable ending, which is really sad and lamentable.


Old Book of Tang

New Book of Tang

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