
Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

author:Royal gossip

In the past two days, Camilla is really proud, Kate is sick, Princess Anne has fallen, this time Queen Masako and Naruhito of the Japanese royal family visited, and she was in charge of the reception, all kinds of jewelry she wanted to wear, and she also wore a medal on behalf of the Windsor family, Lao Ka smiled, his eyes narrowed!

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

Everyone must be very puzzled, in fact, in the earliest days, in order to calm everyone's anger and for the stability of the monarchy, Elizabeth II promised the British people that Camilla will always be just a concubine, and will not become the Princess of Wales, and she will not be the queen in the future.

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

Before Charles ascended the throne, the royal family did keep its promises, Camilla has always been holding the title of Lady of Cornwall, and she is also very low-key, but no one expected that a few months before Elizabeth's death, she suddenly announced to the world that after her abdication or death, Camilla would become a queen, and hoped to respect and support Camilla forever as much as she respected and supported herself!

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

This made the whole world stunned, what was said to be good will never turn positive? It can't be the queen who said yes? Why did the style of painting suddenly change? What is the reason for this? Why would Elizabeth say yes? Don't worry, look down slowly!

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

The story begins in the 70s of the last century. At that time, Prince Charles was personable and in his youth. At a polo match, he meets the beautiful Camilla. The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. However, Camilla's family background is not prominent enough, and she does not have a noble title, so she is not an ideal candidate for a princess in the eyes of the royal family. In desperation, Charles had to reluctantly break up.

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

In 1981, under the arrangement of the royal family, Charles and Diana were engaged and married. On the surface, it was a perfect marriage: a handsome prince and a beautiful commoner girl, a fairytale union. However, Charles always had Camilla in his heart. After marriage, they remained close and eventually developed into an extramarital affair.

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

Soon, the news of Charles's cheating on Camilla in marriage was spread, which caused a lot of shock in the UK, and the public generally had a negative attitude towards Charles and Camilla's behavior and sympathized with Princess Diana's situation. Queen Elizabeth was also outraged, believing that Charles's actions had damaged the royal family's reputation.

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

But no matter what the outside world said about their relationship, Charles and Camilla remained until 1996, when Charles and Diana officially divorced. The following year, Diana died in a car accident in Paris, and the whole country mourned. At this time, Camilla was really shouted by everyone, and her reputation fell to the bottom. Queen Elizabeth is also very cold towards Camilla and firmly opposes her entry into the royal family.

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

However, Charles's affection for Camilla has always been the same. He repeatedly told his mother, Elizabeth, that he hoped to spend the rest of his life with Camilla. Faced with her son's insistence, Queen Elizabeth's attitude began to soften. She gradually realized that instead of strong opposition, it was better to compromise and accept in order to maintain the harmony and stability of the royal family.

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

Finally, in 2005, with the approval of Queen Elizabeth, Charles and Camilla finally came to fruition. However, taking into account public opinion, Camilla did not receive the title of "princess", but was called "Duchess of Cornwall". The consensus at the time was that even after Charles ascended the throne, Camilla would only become a "princess" and not a "queen".

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

But no one expected that over time, Camilla would actually win public recognition. After marrying into the royal family, she was low-key, focused on charity, often showed affection and business with Charles, and her mood was more stable than that of Princess Diana, so Elizabeth II gradually accepted this daughter-in-law, and the relationship between the two became better and better.

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

In February 2022, at the celebration of Queen Elizabeth's 70th anniversary on the throne, the queen suddenly announced that she supported Camilla to become a "queen" in the future. This decision is both an affirmation of Camilla's performance over the years and an attempt to ensure the stability of the royal family. After all, the status of the "queen" is more orthodox and more conducive to Charles's future reign.

Camilla: She has never been treated by the queen as a queen because she holds this trump card

This decision by Queen Elizabeth can be said to be a wise move after weighing the pros and cons. She realized that sticking to old stereotypes would only exacerbate the contradictions within the royal family, so it was better to adapt to the situation and give Camilla the respect and status she deserved. This will not only stabilize Charles's throne, but also win more support for the royal family.

It can be said that Queen Elizabeth's decision on Camilla's identity is the product of weighing the interests of the family, the interests of the country and personal feelings. It not only defuses potential contradictions within the royal family, but also paves the way for the future of the British royal family. The significance of this decision became more and more evident with the accession of Charles to the throne.

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