
Lu Zhaolin: From endless suffering, born to death

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
Lu Zhaolin: From endless suffering, born to death

Author: Dai Ke

When one day, the calm is suddenly broken, and unfortunate disasters befall us. Faced with cancer possession, withering, quadriplegics and unrecognizable, will you choose to die after a period of cissiocre indulgence, or will you choose to survive and struggle in peace?

Perhaps, everyone will choose the latter. Because for death, life seems so beautiful and precious. Especially after a person has enough knowledge of the world, death is a thousand times more difficult than life.

But there are always one or two people who can't stand the ordeal that life inflicts on him. They will choose to die, but not violently, but quietly after breaking away from prosperity. Such a death, there is no complaint, even equivalent to a normal end of life.

There is a story in the miscellaneous articles of Zhuangzi: Zhuangzi is about to die, and the disciples discuss how to give the teacher a funeral? At this time, Zhuangzi said, "I take heaven and earth as a coffin, the sun and the moon as a continuous bibi, the stars as pearls, and all things as gifts." Am I not prepared for evil? ”

Zhuang Zhou's death is a kind of free realization, illuminating the belief that man and heaven and earth coexist. Looking back more than a thousand years ago, a brilliant man stood at a crossroads and made the same choice. At that time, he gave up nostalgia, adhered to the belief of "living to death", and chanted the verse "Dead and dead is like this, born and born to be Like this", and ended his life in the cold water. He was Lu Zhaolin—a poor, poor, talented, sick, poor man.


The exact time of Lu Zhaolin's birth is unknown, but the common theory is that he was born in 635 AD, the ninth year of Zhenguan. Theoretically, it should be smaller than Luo Bin Wang.

Judging from his later life experience, the one who has the deepest feelings for him is not a rising star like Yang Jiong and Wang Bo, but Luo Binwang, an "emotional expert" who is good at fighting and hugging! He once passed on a erotic love poem to him on behalf of Guo, Lu Zhaolin was in the red dust of the ten thousand zhang, and what he got was not a rebuke and insult, but a beam of hope and light in suffering! And before this love and suffering, everything was so beautiful.

Lu Zhaolin was born in Fanyang, Youzhou, and his ancestors were the famous Fanyang Lu clan. In his generation, if it is said to be completely declined, it is not called. The conditions were much better than that of King LuoBin. Like ordinary students, Lu Zhaolin is diligent and diligent, and he is self-motivated in reading. Although he was not named a "child prodigy" at a young age like the other three partners of the Four Masters, such a beginning of life seems to be more simple.

Whether Lu Zhaolin was as talented and intelligent as Wang Bo and others did not need to be investigated too much. Because, for a child, can the gifts at birth represent future achievements? Lao Du also said: "Rich and noble need to be obtained from hard work, and boys need to read five cars of books." What Lu Zhaolin is most worthy of emulation by future generations is not talent, but diligence and hard work.

At the age of twelve, Lu Zhaolin's children traveled under the guise of Cao Xian, a famous scholar at that time. Cao Xian was an old man of erudition and virtue, and Emperor Taizong of Tang had invited him to be an official, but he, like Yan Ziling, who was "cloudy and cang, and the rivers and rivers were full of water", bluntly refused. Its quiet governance can be seen.

Cao Xianzuo's commentaries on Cang and Ya became authoritative interpretations. Therefore, anyone who wants to seriously engage in some academic work will choose to worship him as a teacher. Lu Zhaolin is no exception.

As the saying goes, a good student cannot have only one teacher. After studying with Cao Xian for several years, Lu Zhaolin mastered the phonological precepts, and then went to Wang Yifang's door to study the history of the scriptures. From the perspective of modern people, does the "history of the scriptures" still need to be worshiped by the teacher? Don't you just memorize it yourself and read it? But this is not the case.

If you want to understand scripture and historiography at a deeper level, you must find a Hongru who has a unique insight and a way of governing. Just like the Analects, children at the age of eight or nine can memorize them, but if they do not read the annotations of Zhu Xi and Zhang Juzheng, their understanding of the Analects is still superficial. Lu Zhaolin's time did not have Zhu Xi and Zhang Juzheng, but there were people similar to them. Hey, Wang Yifang is such a person.

Lu Zhaolin then studied with Wang Yifang for several more years. He later wrote in his memoirs, The Interpretation of diseases:

So wrapped grain to find a teacher, to visit the ancients, to explore the old seal in South Vietnam, to get a suicide note in Donglu, meaning that there is a lack and must be published, and there is no text to supplement it. Entering Chen Shiwei, He is tireless in his perch; tired and heavy, thousands of miles do not tire of labor. Even if the dragon is slayed, the carved bird is just formed, the next pen is smoke and clouds, and the paper is returned to the phoenix. Tong Li stole the price, created Zhang Hua and pretended to be, Guo Linzong was convinced when he heard it, and Wang Yifu saw it and was fascinated. Leaning over and laughing, looking forward to it. He claimed to be the Lord of the Ming Dynasty, and the imperial court took Huang San as a scripture.

This period of study experience is the same as Song Lian's later self-description in "Sending Dongyang Horse Life Sequence". This reminds me of an evaluation of Daiyu: Where there is any genius in the world, it is just a smart person who has worked hard.

After stating that it was difficult to study, Lu Zhaolin began to evaluate himself.

Several of the characters he listed are extraordinary. Li Yi was once considered a "model in the world". Zhang Hua was the sixteenth grandson of Zhang Liang, and wrote the "Naturalist", which was highly respected by Ruan Zhi and others. And Guo Linzong is Guo Tai. There were thousands of disciples of Confucius, guo tai was also thousands, seventy-two sages of Confucius, and more than sixty of Guo men's yingyan. Even Cai Yong was his fan brother. When it comes to Wang Yifu, it is Wang Dao, Liu Yiqing in "The New Language of the World" he does not hesitate to write and ink.

Lu Zhaolin pulled these people to foil, which can be said to be full of confidence in his own learning. So what is the first thing to do after returning from school? Naturally, it is to send resumes and submit cover letters to the imperial court.

Lu Zhaolin: From endless suffering, born to death


Lu Zhaolin's first job was to serve as a pawn in the palace of Li Yuanyu, the King of Deng, that is, the line of documents. King Deng loved to read, and his family had a wealth of books, and he was willing to support these talented people with humble status. He had the habit of saying things to others, and often praised Lu Zhaolin in front of his guests: "This king is like this king!" The guests naturally could only smile and agree, and Lu Zhaolin's fame also rose because of this.

In the first year of Long Shuo (661 AD), the ethnic minorities along the Ejina River in Gansu province invaded the border, and the imperial court sent troops to fight. In the autumn, Lu Zhaolin was sent to the west. During his time with the army, he wrote a lot of works on the theme of border plugs, and there were as many as eleven poems in a rough calculation, of which classics also emerged in an endless stream.

The general came out of the purple plug, and Mao Dun was greedy in U.

North of the Wild Goose Gate, south of dragon city.

The carved bow turns at night, and the iron rides Xiao Shan.

It should be stationed in the daytime for the sake of the war.

- "Battle City South"

The poem is neat and tidy, and the "victorious spirit" is overbearing. In order to win the battle, soldiers can go days and nights without sleep. Occasionally take a break, but also hold the carved bow in hand, always on guard. Such a result is naturally to directly pound the Dragon City and return triumphantly.

And that song "Liu Sheng" is also arrogant:

Liu was angry and wanted to recruit with his sword.

Repay the favor as a hero, and death is rampant.

Cui Yu is equipped with a sword sheath and a gold ornament with lantana.

But Ling Yi took care of the weight and did not skimp on his body.

You really should feel lucky. Because if there is no experience of this side plug, there will be no such magnificent side plug works. Lu Zhaolin's later "Chang'an Guyi" may not be able to become the salvation of the "palace body".

Soon after returning to the capital, Lu Zhaolin's deadline for serving in the Deng Dynasty had arrived. According to the rules, at this time, he should write a self-statement, and the prince should recommend it to the imperial court to help him find a serious position. However, this time it was different from that of Luo Bin wang, who did not bother to write, and eventually remained in the Dao King's mansion. As for Lu Zhaolin, he did not become a Beijing official, but was appointed as a lieutenant of Xindu County in Yizhou. In this way, there is that poignant love story.

Soon after arriving in Shuzhong, Lu Zhaolin fell in love with a woman surnamed Guo. If you don't know much about this, you may wish to read his "Tanabata Rafting Ii":

Ting Ye Xiao wandered in the summer, and the river tree was cool at first.

The water is suspected of weaving the room, and the boat resembles a pan immortal.

The radial ferry sounded sharply, and the light floated under the sound.

Evening and evening singing, the wind and smoke are full of sunset.

Since ancient times, men have often paid attention only to objective description and self-expression when writing love, and have little grasp of women's inner world. Therefore, it has achieved Li Qingzhao's "leaning on the door to look back, but sniffing the green plum"; feng Xiaoqing's "thin shadow from the spring water, Qing must pity me and I pity Qing"; and lin Daiyu's "three hundred and sixty days a year, the wind sword and frost sword are strictly compelling!" ”

Lu Zhaolin ignores the inner world of women, so he can only describe it in the way of "straight men".

In the second year of the general chapter (669), Lu Zhaolin wanted to return to Chang'an, and the two of them said goodbye. Even if he is reluctant to give up, he cannot delay his future because of selfishness. Guo Shi stood up and said, "If you can, you must come back early!" Lu Zhaolin replied with tears: "You can rest assured, the mountains have no tombs, and the heavens and the earth are united, but they dare to be with the king!" ”

Next, naturally, there are those works of acacia with a pulse.

I have a garden tree in my house, and the autumn leaves are leaving.

Dancing amphibians, mid-show acacia branches.

Lauder looked forward to seeing each other and not knowing each other.

He Dang climbed the fold together, and sang and laughed at this hall.

- "Looking at the Trees in the House"

Setan is stoned, and the obstacle reaches Qilian.

Acacia is in the miles, and the bright moon is hanging alone.

The shadow shifted to the north of Jin Xiu, and the light broke in front of the jade door.

Send a message to the bridesmaid, when looking at the hongyan sky.

- "Guan ShanYue"

There is no record of Lu Zhaolin's marriage in the historical data, so this Guo woman can be called his wife. The words are simple, the words are neat, the emotions are natural and smooth, and the people and clouds can be glimpsed here in the neighboring poem "Qingzao".

After returning to Chang'an, I thought I could successfully find an errand. But it kept bumping and bumping, and for more than a year, there was no substantial gain except drinking and singing. Lu Zhaolin was disheartened, and with a big stroke, it was a "Chang'an Ancient Meaning" that was sprinkled with foreign flowers:

Chang'an Avenue is even narrow and oblique, and the green cow and white horse seven-spice car.

The jade dragon crossed the main hall, and the golden whip rushed towards the Hou family.


It is actually easy to understand when this long poem was written. It must have been written at the most desperate time for his career. This is to completely vent the anger in the heart!

And reading "How to die in a bibimu, willing to be a Mandarin duck and not envious immortal", people are not reminded of those palace women, but Lu Zhaolin and Guo's love is sincere! Mr. Wen Yiduo commented: Compared with the previous mere morbid shamelessness - looking at the breath and looking forward to the king, who can be ashamed and refuse to go forward! (Jian Wendi's "Wuqi Qu") What a boldness this is now! For the weak feelings of the people at the time, this really has the power to come back to life.

Back? I believe this has been achieved. At the very least, the love affair between Tang Xuanzong and Yang Yuhuan later is not a true portrayal of this kind of "resurrection from the dead".

And such a satire and high-spirited work, the results are also imaginable. It is said that Wu Zetian's nephew Wu Sansi, after reading that "the Liang family painting cabinet rises in the sky, the Han Emperor's golden stem is straight out of the clouds", he felt that it was a satire on him, so he framed Lu Zhaolin and imprisoned him.

In this regard, the history books only vaguely record five words: Imprisoned for a transgressive incident. But in fact, why not just satirize Wu Sansi? "Flying Eagle Duling North, Tan Maru Borrows Weiqiao West." Invite the chivalrous furong sword, and stay with the prostitute family peach Li Qi. Isn't that what he likes to do the most?

Therefore, Piff is innocent and guilty. The only thing Lu Zhaolin did wrong was to have a talent of the clouds, but he was born in the wrong era.

Lu Zhaolin: From endless suffering, born to death


In prison, Lu Zhaolin did not think of dying, on the contrary, he also began a new creation in the field of literature with the imitation of "King Wen and acting in "Zhou Yi"; Zhongnie and "Spring and Autumn". He wrote the poem "Prison School Riots":

The ruthlessness of the autumn night is long and too long.

The rounddo is gloomy, and the sorrowful people are draped in this severe frost.

See the west of the river Han, smell the south of the wild goose.

The mountain has a gui, gui has a fang, and the mind is not a general.

Worry and sorrow accumulate together, joy and joy are forgotten.

The wind is blowing on the trees, and the withered green leaves are blowing white clouds.

Thousands of miles do not hear each other, and the day of the Prince of Thought will be lost.

Lin has twilight birds flying in flocks, and the heavy door hides the sparse number of people.

All the tribes have been entrusted, and they have drowned alone and have not returned.

This poem reasonably explains the reason why Lu Zhaolin lost his wife, not because he was willing to drown here, but because he could not return. But how could Guo Know all this? By the time Luo Binwang wrote the love poem, it had been several years.

Fortunately, Lu Zhaolin's popularity among relatives is very good. Those young children, but they all regarded him as idols! For the glory of a family, everyone has helped each other and done their best. Lu Zhaolin also escaped from prison with this help. He wanted to return to Shuzhong to find Guo, but he suddenly suffered from a wind disease and mistakenly took Dan Medicine, which worsened his condition.

The so-called wind disease should also be leprosy. Many historical records record that he fell ill in Yizhou and returned to Chang'an, "lying on his pillow for ten years and closing the door for Three months". I think he planted the cause very early, but the seizures were not so severe, so he didn't pay much attention until the quantitative change caused by the qualitative change. Otherwise, if he was already quite serious in Shuzhong, would the wife Guo Shi, who loved him deeply, still be assured to let him leave alone with the illness? Even if you want to go, it should be two people walking together.

Lu Zhaolin was seriously ill in Chang'an, but he became acquainted with the divine doctor Sun Simiao. Sun Simiao is said to have lived for one hundred and forty-five years. At this time, he met Lu Zhaolin and seemed to be a savior sent down by heaven. Lu Zhaolin then worshipped the "Medicine King" as a teacher and sought the art of curing diseases.

According to the New Book of Tang, the two first went to Mount Taibai, and it is estimated that the medicine king heard that there were some rare medicinal herbs there that could cure wind diseases. The Medicine King really cared for this talented apprentice, personally refining Dan and feeding the medicine. When he brought the elixir and rice wine, a messenger outside the door came to report that Lu Zhaolin's father had died the day before. Lu Zhaolin cried bitterly, and the Dan medicine he had just eaten suddenly spat out again, so his condition became more and more serious.

This scene, friends who have read "Dream of the Red Chamber" must not be unfamiliar, is this not the careful and affectionate Lin sister?

After that, Lu Zhaolin went to Longmen Mountain with his teacher, also to find a cure. However, at this time, it is no longer as simple as the general leprosy. His feet were spasming and one hand was crippled. Unable to walk, lying down and cramping in the legs, every once in a while I have to suffer from heart-wrenching pain. When his relatives and friends heard about it, they sent him medicines, food, clothing, and food.

However, after all his hopes were worn away, he finally moved alone to the foot of Mount Kuz. The Medicine King did not follow at this time, and a large part of the reason may be that he was already immortal. Lu Zhaolin bought a garden, set up another ten acres of land, and led Yingshui to his door. In this way, a lot of silver money was spent. Many people do not understand, have been so sick, how can they still be in the mood to improve the residential environment? Alas, in fact, it is to hide people's eyes and ears, so that it is convenient for diving in the future!

Lu Zhaolin completed these projects and began to dig his own grave. According to the "Commentary on the Interpretation of Words", the difference between the two words of grave and tomb: in analysis, the tomb is flat. The grave is a high place. Therefore, Tan Bow Confucius said. Tombs of the ancients but not graves. Handan Chun filial daughter Cao E monument. Mound tombs. Zheng Zhuli remembered. The tomb is called the Mega Domain. Now the seal is also. The grave of the highest of the earth. And so on. These examples all illustrate a common truth: the uplift is the grave, and the flat ground is the same as the tomb. Moreover, according to the current social situation, only the tombs buried by the princes and nobles are tombs, and the ordinary ordinary people with flat heads are tombs.

Lu Zhaolin dug a grave for himself, and the tomb was dug well, and he lay in it when he was idle. At this time, in his heart, he was already ready to die. According to his self-description in the Commentary on Diseases:

Yu Yun couldn't lie down, he had been walking for ten years, like a turning bed, a small room. He did not climb the gui, one arm was curled up; he did not learn handan steps, and his feet were crawling. Thousands of miles, mountains and rivers. Every winter thanks for the return of spring, summer and autumn solstice, the clouds change color, the smoke suburbs change appearance, the public opinion out of the household court, a leisurely look, although the cover is wide, it is not tolerated in this life, although the pavilion breeding is complicated, the grace has been absolutely overwhelming. Is it so fateful, how can it be relied upon?

It can be seen that when this disease worsens, at least after he returns to Chang'an. Lu Zhaolin said in the "Yue Ruo" chapter: "When there is talent, there is no life, and sometimes there is no life, and sometimes there is no life, and there is also fate." Time is also fate, since the previous generation and pain! This is the compromise he finally made to his fate after suffering so much! So, on a cold and clear morning, I climbed hard to the river, rolled over, and ended this game with heaven.

The Scythians are gone, the stars were shining last night! Whether he is a brave man or a coward, please follow his poems and let others comment on them in the long river of thousands of histories!


Dai Ke, formerly known as Kong Yao. Love life, love literature, love poetry. A pure and simple literary and artistic youth; a red fan who is difficult to extricate himself; an ethereal ancient poetry writer!

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