
Good people don't live long? The fate of Cao Cao and Jian Jian

author:Nothing does not exist

Why was it that they were all a big defeat in the process of unifying China, and after the Battle of Jian jianshui, who was lenient to others, they completely collapsed and finally lost their lives, but the traitor Cao Cao was still able to divide the world?

Militarily, "Cao Cao's wisdom and strategy are inferior to others, and his use of troops is like Sun and Wu, but they are trapped in Nanyang, dangerous in Wuchao, dangerous in Qilian, forced on Liyang, defeated the Northern Mountains several times, died in Tongguan, and then pretended to be ears for a while." Look, time and time again desperate reversals have become a normal state of Lao Cao's combat. And each final victory gives the subordinates a psychological hint - "it is right to follow the boss". Every defeat is a reinforcement of the "cult of leaders."

Zhang Lu even said, "It is better to be a prisoner of Cao Gongjie than to be a guest of Liu Bei." In addition to the contempt for Liu Bei's danger of taking advantage of people, it was also possible to see the reverence for Cao Cao, even the enemies at that time, let alone his subordinates.

Therefore, although Cao Cao was defeated at Chibi, he was still able to arrange the defense of Jingzhou in an orderly manner, and in the face of the powerful offensive of Sun and Liu's two families, Cao Renlejin, Xu Huangwenping and other generals resisted layer by layer even if their troops were inferior, and launched a tug-of-war with their opponents in Jingzhou, although most of Jingzhou was finally lost, but it bought time for Cao Cao to rest and make a comeback.

Former Qin Emperor Jian Jian was able to unify the north, of course, he was also capable and charismatic, but he was more of a political talent. The specific commander of Former Qin's military victory to unify the north was Wang Meng, and Wang Meng was dead. When suddenly faced with a dilemma, the eyes of the generals who fought for each other naturally looked at Jian Jian, and in the process of counterinsurgency, Jian Jian lamented because of a defeat caused by the weather, "Heaven is dead I am also!" "What will be the mood of the subordinates?"

An inadvertent failure is actually not fatal, the fatal thing is that after the mental collapse, the coma moves are repeated, and Murong is released and forced to rebel against Yao Cang. Militarily, Former Qin's losses on the battlefield of Shuishui were actually only a small part, the main force did not even enter the battlefield, as long as the organization was strong, it would not collapse, or even if the main force collapsed, but the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not carry out a large-scale Northern Expedition, most of the local government of Hebei was still controlled by the generals of the Huan ethnic group, as long as the generals could resist desperately, murong's hastily formed army could not be driven straight into the trapped capital in a few months, and the powerful empire collapsed unexpectedly. So comrades, frustration education is very important!!

More important than the military is politics.

"Cao Cao's five attacks on Chang hegemony could not be stopped, the four Yue Chao Lake failed, Li Fu was appointed and Li Fu Tuzhi was appointed, Xiahou was appointed and Xiahou was defeated, and the former emperor called Cao Neng"

Cao Cao carried the political baggage of "wearing clothes and edicts", and thirteen years after Jian'an, it seemed that everyone was condemned, more than one Li Fu, and the betrayal and assassination of political enemies became commonplace. Moreover, there were also major setbacks in the military (in 219, the fall of Shangxia Xiahou, the flooding of the Seventh Army by Guan Yu), Cao Cao's most dangerous time was actually similar to Thatjian, the territory was full of smoke, and the rebels had marched to the outskirts of Xudu, but unlike Xiangjian, the main military generals had always remained loyal, so a generation of traitors could still end well in the end.

Since the conquest of Zhang Xiu, Cao Cao had established a rule that all relatives of generals with troops must be placed as hostages in his base camp, Yecheng. "I have lowered Zhang embroidery, etc., and it is inconvenient to take its quality, so that it is so. I know why I lost. From now on, there will be no defeat."

Lao Cao's political philosophy is to assume that everyone will betray and pre-emptively prevent the system, which is in stark contrast to emperor Jian Jian's open-mindedness and tolerance. In fact, whether you are sincerely attached, for the safety of your family or obedient, unless you are prepared to be like Ma Chao, six relatives do not recognize, alone. However, Jian Jian first trusted unconditionally and treated the Murong clan leniently, and then he wept bitterly and played the emotional card, still only in exchange for betrayal after betrayal.

Human nature, human nature!!! Imagine that if Murong Jian had Cao Cao's thick blackness, Murong Chui might have been a loyal general like Zhang Liao. But just like the proverb "good people do not live long, and disasters are left behind for a thousand years", history may be more good people may not be good rewards.

Good people don't live long? The fate of Cao Cao and Jian Jian

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