
How do you evaluate the merits of a poem? In the dragon carving, Liu Xunwen proposed that the six views can be used as the standard preface I, guan body two, guan zhi ci three, guan tong change four, guan qi zheng five, guan shi yi six, and guan gong shang concluding remarks

author:Old street taste

There is a saying that everyone has heard:

Say hello, you're good, say you're not good, you're not good.

Bian he and Xianbi were cut off by generations of Chu kings who did not know the goods. It was not until King Wen of Chu succeeded to the throne that Heshi Bi was recognized. Van Gogh's paintings were not worth anything, but after his death, his paintings sold for sky-high prices.

The same is true in ancient and modern poetry. Du Fu's reputation was not obvious during his lifetime, and after his death, he became a poet saint. The Qianlong Emperor's poetry was highly revered, but now it has become a joke. For most of the melon-eating masses who lack the ability to identify, they are confused, is it good or bad?

Liu Xun said in "Wenxin Carved Dragon Zhiyin":

 It's hard to know! The sound is hard to know, and it is difficult to know the truth! Whoever practices a thousand songs and then xiaosheng, looks at a thousand swords and then recognizes the instrument; therefore, the image of the circle is illuminated, and the first is to look at it. Yue Qiao Yue is in the form of Pei Yuan, and the vicissitudes are used as metaphors. Selflessness is important, not partial to love; then it can be balanced and balanced, and words can be like mirrors.

Zhiyin is rare, Bole is rare. There are experts in every field, but it is difficult to meet bole without selfishness and fairness. Which of the ministers who praised Qianlong for writing poetry was not full of poetry books? And how many modern people who joke and write poetry really know how to write poetry?

Liu Xun put forward the "Six Views" in "Wenxin Carved Dragon Zhiyin", telling everyone that you can rely on your own eyes to identify the advantages and disadvantages of poetry from six dimensions.

It is to read the text, first marked the six views: One view of the body, two views of the rhetoric, three views of change, four views of qizheng, five views of righteousness, and six views of the palace business. If the technique is in shape, the advantages and disadvantages are obvious.

Of course, everyone uses the six views, although it is not enough to a thousand songs and then know the sound, but it also needs to have a certain amount of knowledge to master. Lao Jie talked about the understanding of the six views and welcomed the poets to correct them.

How do you evaluate the merits of a poem? In the dragon carving, Liu Xunwen proposed that the six views can be used as the standard preface I, guan body two, guan zhi ci three, guan tong change four, guan qi zheng five, guan shi yi six, and guan gong shang concluding remarks

Looking at the body, that is, looking at what genre the work uses.

Liu Xun's Six Views does not refer specifically to writing poetry, but Lao Jie's article is dedicated to poetry, that is, using the Six Views to appreciate or create poetry.

When Lao Jie appreciates a poem, the first habit is to see what genre the poem is, whether it is ancient or near, poetry or words?

If it is a word, it does not meet the basic requirements of word spectrum. If it is a Vinaya poem, is it in line with the norms of confrontation, adhesion, and equality of the Vinaya?

Whether the poem is good or not, the genre does not matter. Because you can write good works in any genre. However, to choose a certain genre and refuse to create according to this genre is a layman. For example, filler words only know how to fill in the number of words, and the rhythm poem does not know the level, etc.

Only after judging the genre can we understand the wonder of the poet's syntax and rules, and only then can we understand the poet's good intentions.

As a lover of ancient poetry, if you don't know that Li Bai's "Quiet Night Thoughts" is an ancient style sentence, and if you don't know that Du Fu's "Wangyue" is not the five laws, then don't look at the five views behind. Make up the lesson first, because you can't understand the rest of the content.

How do you evaluate the merits of a poem? In the dragon carving, Liu Xunwen proposed that the six views can be used as the standard preface I, guan body two, guan zhi ci three, guan tong change four, guan qi zheng five, guan shi yi six, and guan gong shang concluding remarks

Looking at the words, that is, looking at the words and sentences of the work.

After distinguishing the genre, it is easy to understand the author by looking at the words and sentences. For example, Cao Zhi has a poem "Gift to the White Horse Wang Biao", which has a sentence cloud:

The husband is full of ambitions, and the thousands of miles are close to each other.

These two poems were used by Wang Bo in his own poem, "SendIng Du Shaofu to Ren Shu Prefecture"

The city que assists the three Qins, and the wind and smoke look at the five jin. Parting ways with Jun, the same eunuch. Confidant in the sea, the end of the world is like a neighbor. Nothing is wrong, and the children are together.

Why did Wang Bo's neck become: Confidant in the sea, if the end of the world is next to each other?

The ancients borrowed and used it, and Wang Bo used it in this way, one of the reasons is the reason for the genre. The five-word verse must use the law and meet the requirements of the peace and the battle.

Cao Zhi's verses are in the ancient style of poetry, and her husband is full of ambitions and miles away from each other. 仄平仄仄仄,仄仄平仄平。

Wang Bo became: Confidant in the sea, the end of the world is like a neighbor. Ping Ping Ping, Ping Ping Ping.

In order to conform to the flatness, because some words should be preempted, some should be post-positioned. Neighbor, the word, conforms to the rhyme of the five laws, so it is still placed in the last position.

In fact, Wang Bo may have used cao zhi's two poems before thinking about the other six sentences and composing this poem.

The above is about the relationship between genre and word making. Liu Xun's "observation and discourse" is, of course, not only these contents. Regarding the requirements of refining words and refining sentences, it is very important to see the skill of a poet, which can be improved after more reading and practicing.

How do you evaluate the merits of a poem? In the dragon carving, Liu Xunwen proposed that the six views can be used as the standard preface I, guan body two, guan zhi ci three, guan tong change four, guan qi zheng five, guan shi yi six, and guan gong shang concluding remarks

Looking at the change, this is to see the inheritance of the works of the predecessors and their own innovations. The above mention of Wang Bohua's use of Cao Zhi's verses is a good example.

Chen Shidao's "Poetry of Houshan" said:

Uncle Yong said that there are three more texts: see more, do more, and discuss more.

The first is to look long. Only by seeing more can we learn more.

The second most is to do more, and the third is to negotiate more. That is, more practice, and more consideration and more modification, only in this way can we innovate on the basis of predecessors.

Inheritance and innovation, in addition to content, there is also technical and formal inheritance. For example, the Yongming style is the inheritance and innovation of hanle fu poetry, and the Gelug poem is the inheritance and innovation of the Yongming body. And filling in words (long and short sentences) is also an innovation.

The transmutation of the poem, similar to calligraphy, has the shadow of the post, but also has a personal style.

How do you evaluate the merits of a poem? In the dragon carving, Liu Xunwen proposed that the six views can be used as the standard preface I, guan body two, guan zhi ci three, guan tong change four, guan qi zheng five, guan shi yi six, and guan gong shang concluding remarks

Guan Qizheng, the different techniques expressed in the work.

Odd and positive are the unity of contradictions. Writing poetry is like using soldiers, there must be different changes. In the "Art of War of Sun Tzu", it is written:

Whoever fights, wins with unity and victory by surprise. Therefore, those who are good and surprising are as infinite as heaven and earth, and inexhaustible as rivers and seas. The battle situation is not just strange, the change of strange is positive, and it is invincible. Strange and positive are born together, such as the unprovoked cycle, who can be poor!

Positive is a normal expression method, such as in the syntactic structure, the subject is the normal syntax, such as: Gyokuro - withered - maple forest.

Odd, that is, unconventional expression techniques, important content premise, such as: fragrant rice pecking parrot grain, biwuqi old phoenix branch.

Odd and positive, in the creation of poetry, lies in the word change.

How do you evaluate the merits of a poem? In the dragon carving, Liu Xunwen proposed that the six views can be used as the standard preface I, guan body two, guan zhi ci three, guan tong change four, guan qi zheng five, guan shi yi six, and guan gong shang concluding remarks

Looking at the meaning of the use of the work, the ancients called the use of the code "use of things".

Wang Bohua's use of Cao Zhi's verses is also a kind of dictionary, and more of a dictionary is the story of the ancients in the verses. For example, Du Fu's "Eight Songs of Autumn Xing" No. 3:

Qianjia Mountain Guo Jing Chaohui, Ri Ri Jiang Lou sits cuiwei. The fishermen of Xinsu are still general, and the swallows fly in the early autumn. Kuang Heng's anti-neglect merit is thin, and Liu Xiang's heart is violated. Classmates and teenagers are not cheap, and the five lings are light and fat.

Kuang Heng's anti-neglect merit is thin, and Liu Xiang's heart is violated. Kuang Heng of the Han Dynasty gave advice to the emperor, who took his future very lightly; Liu Xiang did not succeed in teaching the scriptures. Du Fu used the stories of these two people to illustrate his own experience.

Whether the use of the dictionary is in line with the status status, whether it is helpful to understand the things reflected in the poem, whether it is clever and not blunt, all reflect the level of the author.

Guan Gong Shang is to look at the musicality of the work.

A poem, in addition to content and form, must also consider the beauty of the music when reading. Mr. Wen Yiduo summed up this point very well, and he believed that poetry should pay attention to three beauty: the beauty of architecture in form, the beauty of painting in content, and the beauty of music in hearing.

The Yongming poet pays attention to the four voices and eight diseases, and avoids the "eight diseases" through the harmonious combination of the four voices to achieve the perfection of poetry. In fact, the eight diseases are similar to the six views, and they also judge the merits of a poem through different dimensions. However, the eight diseases are too harsh, and many poets do not fully comply with them.

Among the eight diseases, big rhymes and small rhymes are the diseases of rhyme that need to be avoided. For example, the big rhyme:

Five great rhymes such as "sound" and "ming" are rhymes, and the words "shock", "tilt", "flat", and "rong" must not be used in the upper nine characters.

This is easy to understand. An example is given in the Treatise on the Secret House of the Mirror:

Purple flowers and trees, yellow oriole idle green branches.

The branch is the rhyme foot, and the first nine words avoid rhyme with the branch. Orioles rhyme with the branches, so they have committed the disease of great rhyme. It can be seen that the words rhyme with each other during the recitation are a bit difficult to speak.

Another example is Xie Hazel's "Four Ming Poems", which mentions the method of suppressing Yang:

Fu Ping Is in sentences, and is in tune with Yang. If there is more or less, it will be evenly adjusted; if there is more yang and less, it will be adjusted. Ruo Du Chang's "Huaqing Palace" poem: "The west wind on the Chaoyuan Pavilion is urgent, and all enter the Changyang as an inch." The second sound of the previous sentence is commensurate with the sound, and the song is neutralized.

The second sound of the previous sentence refers to the "west wind on the Chaoyuan Pavilion", there are two into the sound of the pavilion and the urgency, and the suppression is commensurate, and it is easier to chant.

The flatness of the rhythmic poems and the application of the four sounds in the word spectrum are all requirements for musicality.

In fact, regarding the musicality of the work, the most obvious thing is the rhyme. Nowadays, many people do not rhyme when composing poems, but they are also called poems, and literary creation is really a hundred flowers.

How do you evaluate the merits of a poem? In the dragon carving, Liu Xunwen proposed that the six views can be used as the standard preface I, guan body two, guan zhi ci three, guan tong change four, guan qi zheng five, guan shi yi six, and guan gong shang concluding remarks

Liu Xun was a native of Southern Qi, and the Yongming body, which focused on four voices and eight diseases, had begun to become popular. Therefore, it is equally useful to measure poetry with six views.

Liu Xun said: If the Sishu is in shape, the advantages and disadvantages will be seen. As long as you make good use of the six views, then you are also a Bole, and the quality of the work can be seen.

However, liu xun's six views, except for the first view, the other five views have their own knowledge. Only after "seeing more, doing more, and discussing more" has reached a certain level can we make good use of these five views.

@Old Street Taste

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