
"007: No Time to Die" broke 300 million, and Xu Ke's "Changjin Lake" accumulated 5.6 billion

author:Chuxue qin rhyme

November 7, 2021 (Sunday) Large-cap box office 73.66 million:

Director Carey Fuyong, Daniel Craig, Anna de Armas and Leia Saidu and other starring "007: No Time to Die" earned 23.72 million, ranking first in the single-day box office list, 21.3% of the scheduled film received 32.2% of the box office, box office revenue was higher than the scheduled film expectations, 10 consecutive days of release won the single-day box office list the cumulative box office of 314 million, is expected to easily break the 300 million mark at noon on Sunday.

"007: No Time to Die" broke 300 million, and Xu Ke's "Changjin Lake" accumulated 5.6 billion

Huang Jianxin, chen kaige, Xu Ke and Lin Chaoxian, Wu Jing and Yi Qianxi starred in "Changjin Lake" with a revenue of 17.28 million, ranking second in the single-day box office list, 19.6% of the film received 23.4% of the box office, box office revenue was higher than the expected box office, the cumulative box office in the 39 days of release was 5.593 billion, and the box office exceeded the 5.6 billion mark by the time of publication.

"007: No Time to Die" broke 300 million, and Xu Ke's "Changjin Lake" accumulated 5.6 billion

Directed by Xu Chao, Starring Wang Chuanjun, Wang Luodan and Li Tingting, "The Strange Adventure of Immortality" earned 6.41 million, ranking third in the single-day box office list, and 13.3% of the films received 8.7% of the box office. Box office revenue was lower than expected, with a cumulative box office of 23.28 million in the three days of release.

"007: No Time to Die" broke 300 million, and Xu Ke's "Changjin Lake" accumulated 5.6 billion

The animated film "Tianshu Qitan 4k Commemorative Edition" earned 5.06 million, ranking fourth in the single-day box office list, 8.2% of the scheduled films received 6.8% of the box office, and the box office revenue was lower than the expectation of the scheduled films, with a cumulative box office of 14.62 million in the three days of release. Taobao ticket score 9.4 points, Maoyan movie score 9.2 points, Douban score 9.2 points, Weibo big v recommendation 91%, ranking first in the rating of domestic animation in 2021. Since its release, the film has been supported by dozens of A-list stars and directors such as Wu Jing, Sun Li, Guo Fan, Chen Sicheng and Tang Yan!

"007: No Time to Die" broke 300 million, and Xu Ke's "Changjin Lake" accumulated 5.6 billion

Directed by Denis Villeneuve, starring Timothy Chalame, Rebecca Ferguson and Oscar Isaac, Zhang Zhen participated in the Hollywood blockbuster "Dune" with a revenue of 4.83 million, ranking fifth in the single-day box office list, and 4.4% of the scheduled films received 6.5% of the box office, which was higher than the expected box office revenue, with a cumulative box office of 235 million in the 17 days of release.

"007: No Time to Die" broke 300 million, and Xu Ke's "Changjin Lake" accumulated 5.6 billion

Director Yojiro Takita's "Entering the Mortician Division" earned 4.76 million, ranking sixth in the single-day box office list, with a cumulative box office of 48.91 million in the 10 days of release. Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Xu Zheng and Shen Teng self-directed "My Father and Me" earned 2.54 million, ranking seventh in the single-day box office list, with a cumulative box office of 1.465 billion yuan in the 39 days of release. Hollywood blockbuster "Special Forces: Snake's Eye Origins" earned 2.01 million, ranking eighth in the single-day box office list, with a cumulative box office of 9.51 million in the three days of release. The animated film "Honey Bear's Musical Journey" earned 1.22 million, ranking ninth in the single-day box office list, with a cumulative box office of 3.58 million in the three days of release. Director Xu Anhua's "First Incense" earned 990,000 yuan, ranking tenth in the single-day box office list, with a cumulative box office of 61.31 million in the 17 days of release. Fan Wei's "Uninvited Guest" earned 990,000 yuan and accumulated 61.31 million yuan in the 17 days of release. The animated film "Pig Dick's Blue Ocean" earned 670,000 yuan and grossed 3.32 million in the two days of release. "Youth As a Companion good homecoming" earned 610,000 yuan, and the cumulative box office in the 10 days of release was 6.77 million.

"007: No Time to Die" broke 300 million, and Xu Ke's "Changjin Lake" accumulated 5.6 billion

data analysis:

(1) The top ten films in the single-day box office list, the box office revenue is higher than the expectations of the film, including "007: No Time to Die", "Chosin Lake", "Dune", "Into the Mortician" and "My Father and Me", accounting for 50%. Box office revenues lower than expected are "Immortal Wonders", "Tianshu Qitan 4k Restored Version", "Special Forces: Snake's Eye Origin", "Honey Bear's Musical Journey" and "First Burning Incense" and other five films.

(2) The top ten films in the single-day box office list, the top three in attendance are "The Mortician" at the top of the list with 8.9%, "Dune" ranks second with 7.4%, and "My Father and Me" ranks third with 7.2%.

(3) The top ten films in the single-day box office list, imported films include "007: No Time to Die", "Dune", "Entering the Mortuary Division", "Special Forces: Snake's Eye Origin" and "Honey Bear's Musical Journey", and domestic films include "Chosin Lake", "Immortal Wonders", "Tianshu Qitan 4k Restored Version", "My Father and I" and "First Incense", and the number of imported films and domestic films is the same.

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