
When you see teenagers using this "small cylinder", be sure to call the police!

author:Jinzhou Political Science and Law

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as "laughing gas". Long-term inhalation of "laughing gas" can cause damage to the central nervous system, and the harm is no less than that of drugs. However, due to reasons such as not being included in the control list, the many ways of public access, and the difficulty of cracking down, the "laughing gas" compressed in small cylinders is still quietly popular in the small circle of individual teenagers.

4 people party often consume thousands of bottles of "laughing gas"

Not long ago, a takeaway brother in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, was on the way to deliver the order when he heard the sound of metal colliding in the package. Because he had watched a TV show about "laughing gas", he was highly vigilant and chose to call the police. After receiving the clue, the police followed the vine to find the melon, and swept away a gang that transported, stored, packed, and sold "laughing gas", and detained 6 people.

A number of public security police officers said that in recent years, "laughing gas" has spread in individual small circles among young students. According to the political commissar of the anti-narcotics corps of the public security department in the western region, the cases involving "laughing gas" that the public security organs in the province have only a few sporadic cases in 2019, and have increased to more than 100 by 2020.

When you see teenagers using this "small cylinder", be sure to call the police!

Some of the encapsulated and used "laughing gas" seized by the police in an eastern city

"The reason for smoking is curiosity." An anti-drug police officer said that some young people have not yet realized the harm of "laughing gas" itself, insisting that they are "confident that they can quit."

In many cases across the country, there are many people involved in the case who have injured the central nervous system, paralyzed or even died due to long-term inhalation of "laughing gas". The police said that some smoked K powder while smoking "laughing gas". Under the combined effect of "laughing gas" and drugs, teenagers are prone to fall into the abyss of "addicts".

The deputy head of the anti-narcotics detachment of a public security bureau in the east revealed that "laughing gas" can provide pleasure at a very low price, which is an irresistible temptation for individual young students. "Each small bottle of 'laughing gas', the market price is about 10 yuan, three or four people gather to consume 1,000 bottles of 'laughing gas' is not unusual."

Cases involving "laughing gas" are facing difficulties in handling cases

Chu Chenge, a professor at the School of Administrative Law of Northwest University of Political Science and Law, said that the "laughing gas" has not yet been listed mainly because it is widely used in production and life: laughing gas can be used as a dental and gynecological anesthetic, and can also be used as a cake blowing agent and sealant, and can also be used as a combustion agent. "It is not realistic to rush to include 'laughing gas' in the drug control list." Chu Chenye said.

The police of the anti-drug detachment of a city in the east said that the "laughing gas" was not listed and could not be identified as a drug. Once abused, how to prevent and crack down; under the premise that laws and regulations lag behind, what consequences can be formed to manage... These are all practical problems faced by front-line police officers handling cases.

Chu Chenge frankly said that now the police handle cases involving "laughing gas", mostly for places without business qualifications, to investigate the criminal responsibility of the people involved in illegal business, but to achieve the suspected illegal business crime, the value of illegally sold "laughing gas" must exceed 50,000 yuan. "It's generally more difficult to reach this amount at once." Chu Chenye said.

When you see teenagers using this "small cylinder", be sure to call the police!

Some of the encapsulated and used "laughing gas" previously seized by the police in an eastern city

For those who possess and smoke "laughing gas", the police give administrative punishment according to "unauthorized distribution, use, storage and transportation of hazardous chemicals". The police of the anti-narcotics detachment of a certain eastern city frankly said that the results of the administrative punishment were too light, and the flooding of "laughing gas" could not have a bullet pressure effect.

Grassroots police officers said that the people involved in "laughing gas" are not only difficult to be sentenced to prison, but also difficult to fix evidence in the process of arrest. Unlike ordinary drugs, which can fix evidence through some testing methods, "laughing gas" must be "caught". Without clues, it is generally difficult to find them.

Strike hard to protect teenagers

The front-line police in a city in East China believe that it is possible to organize publicity and education on the theme of drug control, learn about the forbidden areas of drugs, especially in the primary education stage, launch education on drugs and dangerous chemicals, and build a firewall for young people.

At the same time, it carries out big data "joint defense" with big data platforms, and transforms the circulation means of "laughing gas" from the original single model to a comprehensive three-dimensional means combined with network security, logistics and transportation. Jointly with food and other enterprises to take the form of electronic labels, station scanning, grasp the circulation of "laughing gas", to avoid its flow into illegal channels.

In addition, it is necessary to further regulate the legal system involving "laughing gas". Chu Chenge said that China's anti-drug law has not been changed for more than 10 years, and there is a disconnect with the actual anti-drug work. Relevant departments should regulate the use of "laughing gas" in the abuse of the system of rules and regulations.

Producer: Yi Yangang | Editor-in-charge: Zhao Cen | Proofreader: Hui Zhang

Source: Half Moon Talk, Xinhua Daily Telegraph

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