
Teacher Kwa Jiang Kun will be sprayed, but he has made a lot of efforts and efforts for crosstalk

author:Auntie washes and brings fish

There was such a phenomenon a long time ago, as long as it is to praise and praise such an old cross-talk actor as Teacher Jiang Kun, it will cause some people to insult and attack, or as long as it is related to these excellent old artists, even if there is no praise, just mention them in the text, it will also attract all kinds of ridicule and uncivilized language.

This reminds me of the very classic saying: scold Jiang Kun, big red.

Teacher Kwa Jiang Kun will be sprayed, but he has made a lot of efforts and efforts for crosstalk

A good actor, a good work, can't get everyone's like and recognition, and it won't make everyone satisfied, which is normal. It is understandable that there are different opinions, and even criticisms, provided that the criticism is reasonable and positive.

Instead of being like those negative energy insulters, who are full of anger, they just scold for the sake of scolding, just venting for the sake of venting. They don't even know what kind of person he's scolding, and he doesn't know what kind of work he's cursing.

Teacher Kwa Jiang Kun will be sprayed, but he has made a lot of efforts and efforts for crosstalk

Teacher Jiang is an old artist who has been engaged in cross-talk for decades, an old artist who is generally liked by the audience, with classic works and outstanding talents.

Teacher Jiang and those old artists who are as virtuous and artistic as him have been working hard for the development of quyi and cross-talk, and have always been personally driving everyone to create a better cross-talk environment.

Teacher Kwa Jiang Kun will be sprayed, but he has made a lot of efforts and efforts for crosstalk

He excavates and cultivates excellent and talented newcomers, he encourages and supports excellent creations and activities, he advocates that crosstalk should be positive and healthy, and he opposes the three customs of negative energy. It should be because of the joint efforts of Teacher Jiang and excellent new and old cross-talk artists that there is now a scene of prosperity and colorful in the cross-talk industry and a hundred flowers blooming.

I would like to pay tribute to every veteran artist who has worked hard and dedicated to the cause of art. [Like] [Like]

Teacher Kwa Jiang Kun will be sprayed, but he has made a lot of efforts and efforts for crosstalk

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