
What kind of shrimp is suitable for sashimi, share three kinds of sashimi, peony shrimp, red devil shrimp, Antarctic crayfish

author:A whistle to eat

Sashimi is a way of cooking, also known as sashimi, to put it bluntly, it is eaten raw, fresh fish, shellfish and other ingredients are cut into thin slices or whole shrimp are placed on ice cubes, and then eaten together with mustard, seafood soy sauce and other spices.

What kind of shrimp is suitable for sashimi, share three kinds of sashimi, peony shrimp, red devil shrimp, Antarctic crayfish

So with shrimp as sashimi, what kind of shrimp is the most suitable? First of all, since it is eaten raw, it is necessary to choose shrimp with few parasites to eat, so sea shrimp is the first choice. Secondly, because it is eaten raw, eating is the original taste, the selected shrimp should be sweet, the taste is tender, it is best to be fresh, if not live shrimp should also ensure that it is fresh.

What kind of shrimp is suitable for sashimi, share three kinds of sashimi, peony shrimp, red devil shrimp, Antarctic crayfish

Below I will share three kinds of excellent sea shrimp sashimi, peony shrimp sashimi, red devil shrimp sashimi, Antarctic deep sea crayfish sashimi.

Peony shrimp sashimi

What kind of shrimp is suitable for sashimi, share three kinds of sashimi, peony shrimp, red devil shrimp, Antarctic crayfish

Peony shrimp body color reddish brown, shrimp head on both sides of the stripe white stripe, shrimp body also has dots white spots, rich in the deep water area of Western British Columbia, Canada. Due to the bright red color of peony shrimp and the sweet shrimp meat, it is very suitable as a raw sashimi food, and its shrimp meat is fat, extremely elastic, fresh and refreshing, sweet and rich, and the aftertaste is long. Peony shrimp is rich in protein, high nutritional value, and rich in calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. It is of great benefit to human health.

Red Devil Shrimp Sashimi

What kind of shrimp is suitable for sashimi, share three kinds of sashimi, peony shrimp, red devil shrimp, Antarctic crayfish

The red devil shrimp is about 15 to 22 cm long, the color is scarlet, the meat is tender and smooth, the taste is delicious, and the shrimp flavor is rich. Where shrimp eat meat, god shrimp eat brain, the red devil shrimp is the most addictive, is its shrimp brain, which contains 10 times the taste of other sea shrimp. Therefore, after the little friends use the shrimp body of the red devil shrimp to make sashimi, the shrimp head must not be thrown away, and it is a delicious dish to fry.

Antarctic deep-sea shrimp sashimi

What kind of shrimp is suitable for sashimi, share three kinds of sashimi, peony shrimp, red devil shrimp, Antarctic crayfish

Antarctic deep-sea crayfish, also known as New Zealand crayfish, is small, bright and fresh, and its double claws are significantly elongated compared to traditional lobsters. It is found in deep waters between New Zealand and Antarctica at 150-650 metres. The meat is delicious and mellow, elastic, smooth and sweet, whether in taste, nutritional value is slightly better than other similar seafood products, is the best raw material for sashimi.

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