
Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

author:Eight fresh across the sea

Friends who like to eat seafood will certainly not be unfamiliar with the name of Canadian peony shrimp, especially seafood connoisseurs who are familiar with Vancouver, Canada. Canadians have a particular preference for this internationally renowned premium ingredient. This level of love is even so much that peony shrimp has its own exclusive festival in the Vancouver area, the B.C. Spotted Shrimp Festival (usually held in May when the peony shrimp are caught).

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Canadian Shrimp Festival poster

Canadian peony shrimp is mainly raw food, shrimp meat is fat, very elastic, fresh and refreshing, sweet and rich, long aftertaste. Peony shrimp is an excellent delicacy for making sashimi, which is popular with the majority of Chinese and is widely exported to Asian countries such as China, Japan and South Korea.

Diners love the Canadian peony shrimp so much, but how much do they really know about it? Today we will take a closer look at it~

Classification: True shrimp - Decapods - Suborder Peritoneal embryos - Under the order True shrimp - Long-fronted shrimp - Long-fronted shrimp family

Scientific name: p. platyceros /(pandalus platyceros)

The English name: pacific spot prawn

Commonly known as: Canadian spotted shrimp, Alaskan shrimp, California spotted shrimp, Vancouver shrimp, point shrimp

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Elegant posture, dressed as peony shrimp attending an undersea event

The wild peony shrimp is the largest of seven commercially caught shrimp species found off the west coast of Canada, with females typically over nine inches (i.e., 18 cm) in length and females reaching more than 23 cm in length. The body color is brownish red or yellowish brown, and there are longitudinal white stripes on the cephalothorax, and the biggest feature is that there are white spots on the 1st and 5th body segments, so it is also known as the Canadian point shrimp.

It is the beautiful peony shrimp that walks in the spring breeze, and the gorgeous colored robes are full of dot-shaped or clustered willows like ribbons.

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

This is my self-portrait, remember my characteristics

Canadian peony shrimp is also known as Alaskan shrimp, the main production area in addition to Alaska in the United States, but also in the Canadian city of Vancouver. So also Canadian peony shrimp is called Vancouver shrimp or BC shrimp.

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Map of the distribution of the main production areas of peony shrimp

Tell you a secret: Canadian peony shrimp is hermaphrodite, and the yin and yang are decaying. They are boys until the age of two, and mature women after the age of two. Since the male peony shrimp is small (up to 18 cm long), local law prohibits fishing. So the Canadian peony shrimp we eat is generally female.

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Size contrast between female and male shrimp

The appearance characteristics of peony shrimp are very significant, first of all, the frontal sword (the thorn on the head of the shrimp) is very, very long, and the long one is not edged (this is the common feature of the long-fronted shrimp, not only very long, but also curved upwards)...

Secondly, just said that the white stripes on the body, the spots on the shrimp whiskers are ring-shaped, the spots on the shrimp head are band-shaped, and the spots on the body are dotted, and if these points are consistent, it can be determined that it is a peony shrimp.

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

This is my selfie, look at my forehead sword and stripes beautiful

Japan is the most important export object of Canadian peony shrimp, but with the improvement of China's consumption level of high-end seafood in recent years. China has also begun to import peony shrimp from Canada on a large scale.

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Peony shrimp fishing cage on a fishing boat

In Canada, the fishing method of peony shrimp is also mainly caged, which not only greatly protects the living space of peony shrimp, but also ensures that the captured peony shrimp will not be squeezed, preserving the maximum freshness.

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Fishermen are catching peony shrimp

Commercially caught peony shrimp are usually caged on rocks at the bottom of the ocean at 50 to 150 m (180 ft to 295 ft) long.

Shrimp cages are rectangular or cylindrical, but most are funnel-shaped. There is a one-way exit on the shrimp cage. There is a bait inside the cage to attract peony shrimp into the cage. The cage is marked with suspended solids to facilitate the recovery of shrimp cages.

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Canadian fishing boats go under the net to catch peony shrimp

The Canadian government has strict regulations on the catch and size of peony shrimp, and will determine the fishing quota and size of peony shrimp for the current year based on the scientific survey report provided by a third party every year. If the harvested peony shrimp is smaller than the specified size, it needs to be released.

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Measure the length of the peony shrimp

Eating freshly caught peony shrimp on board is the most delicious: the crew said that the best way to eat peony shrimp is to steam it in the pot for 3 minutes, and the fresh peony shrimp has no fishy taste and can be eaten without adding any spices.

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Eating freshly caught peony shrimp is the most delicious

However, the annual peony shrimp harvesting period only begins in April or May, and generally lasts about 80 days. Therefore, the sales time of high-quality live shrimp is not very long, and the quantity is extremely limited. Therefore, the harvested peony shrimp needs to be frozen and then shipped around the world.

In order to maximize the preservation of the umami taste of peony shrimp. Freshly caught peony shrimp are immediately packed in boxes with ice cubes, and when the ship arrives at the port, it is transported by refrigeration truck cold chain to the processing plant.

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Refrigerated trucks of Canadian peony shrimp fishing company Organic Ocean

In order to preserve the delicious taste and compact meat quality of peony shrimp, freshly caught live shrimp are usually transported to the processing plant through a fast cold chain, and then sorted, and finally frozen according to every 1 kg of specifications, packaged and exported to Asia and the United States.

Workers are grading!

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Workers are ready to pack in grades!

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Packed up fast! Oh, there's ice!

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Packed up fast! Dangdang!

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Due to the low production of Canadian peony shrimp, and the demand for Canadian peony shrimp in the global market is very high, a large part of the peony shrimp will be sold to overseas markets to obtain greater profits, and many local people who love peony shrimp are dissatisfied.

If you want to eat the freshest Canadian peony shrimp, going straight to Canada for the Peony Shrimp Festival is your best choice.

The Peony Shrimp Festival is held in Vancouver, Bc, Canada, hosted by the "Canadian Chef Round Table Association", which is selected every Year in May during the peony shrimp fishing season, when the Canadian peony shrimp is the fattest, you only need to spend about $15 CAD to participate in the event. During the event, you can taste a variety of peony shrimp delicacies cooked by famous chefs in an unlimited amount, which is very enjoyable.

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Chefs are cooking peony shrimp

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Tourists line up to taste the peony shrimp delicacy

We generally eat shrimp very rarely when we eat shrimp, thinking that it is not delicious and nutritious. However, the taste and texture of the Canadian peony shrimp shrimp head are completely different, in a sense, it can be the essence of the whole peony shrimp.

The delicacy of its juice is that even the most beautiful words can hardly describe its special experience. Sucking on it seems to inhale the richness and beauty of the whole sea like the deliciousness of peonies!

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

The red part is the most delicious part of the peony shrimp: the digestive glands

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Grilled peony shrimp shrimp head

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Peony shrimp shrimp head tempura

Finish sucking the shrimp head to a sashimi? Taste the pure and wild beauty of the whole peony shrimp!

Wild Canadian peony shrimp: Not only is the shrimp meat fresh and sweet and nutritious, but the shrimp head is also the essence! A hit of gorgeous peony, spring wind willow flying all over the body! I have a little secret, can Ann tell if I'm male or female? Canadian Peony Shrimp Processing Canada Peony Shrimp Festival: $15 for a delicious journey! Canadian peony shrimp: eat shrimp must eat the head, delicious every bite!

Ant peony shrimp sashimi

This peony shrimp sashimi with ants appeared on the tasting menu of the opening of the world's best restaurant, Noma, Tokyo, Japan. The reason why ants and peony shrimp are combined is because the natural ants contained in ants can bring a special sour taste to peony shrimp.

------- gorgeous and delicious peony shrimp is worth a try-------

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