
The actors of "Wolverine 1" have changed from past to present: the young Wolverine has become a poker, Deadpool and Uncle Wolf are handsome

author:Marvel Fun Talk

Marvel X-Men series, "Wolverine" series has been a very good box office movie, which is inseparable from Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, it is rumored that 20th Century Fox forced the wolf uncle who should not have appeared in "X-Men" to add it, it can be said that the X-Men series has become more popular with the audience because of Wolverine's addition, and in the subsequent Wolverine series, word of mouth is even more blown, so what happened to the actors of the highest-rated "Wolverine 1" at that time?

The actors of "Wolverine 1" have changed from past to present: the young Wolverine has become a poker, Deadpool and Uncle Wolf are handsome

One, Wolverine

The actors of "Wolverine 1" have changed from past to present: the young Wolverine has become a poker, Deadpool and Uncle Wolf are handsome

In 2000, Hugh Jackman was selected as the actor of Wolverine, according to the image of Wolverine in the comics, Wolverine should have been a thin, shorter, always wearing a yellow battle suit mutant, but Hugh Jackman presented a different Wolverine, this Wolverine image is still difficult to forget, for 18 years, Hugh Jackman has been playing this role for 17 years, in 2017 "Wolverine 3" for the role of Wolverine drew a perfect end, many people sighed, There is no Wolverine after Hugh Jackman, which shows that the weight of this role in the hearts of the audience is various. Perhaps because of fitness, Hugh Jackman didn't get old much, he was still handsome and approachable.

The actors of "Wolverine 1" have changed from past to present: the young Wolverine has become a poker, Deadpool and Uncle Wolf are handsome

Second, the silver fox Kara

The actors of "Wolverine 1" have changed from past to present: the young Wolverine has become a poker, Deadpool and Uncle Wolf are handsome

As Wolverine's original true love, the Spirit Fox was sent by General Stryker to monitor Wolverine, and his superpower is to be able to control other people's thoughts, control General Stryker's suicide in the movie, but in the end he also died of excessive bleeding, and the 40-year-old Kara is now less plump than she was at the time, thinner, but still beautiful.

The actors of "Wolverine 1" have changed from past to present: the young Wolverine has become a poker, Deadpool and Uncle Wolf are handsome

Third, saber-toothed tigers

The actors of "Wolverine 1" have changed from past to present: the young Wolverine has become a poker, Deadpool and Uncle Wolf are handsome

As one of the three most handsome men in "Wolverine 1" at that time, because he always wanted to distinguish between himself and his brother, as well as his performance in the movie, the saber-toothed tiger also had a high popularity, and now the saber-toothed tiger Levi Schreibor is 52 years old, compared to Hugh Jackman's fame, Levi has also produced several works in recent years but has not added too much popularity to him.

The actors of "Wolverine 1" have changed from past to present: the young Wolverine has become a poker, Deadpool and Uncle Wolf are handsome

General Stryker

The actors of "Wolverine 1" have changed from past to present: the young Wolverine has become a poker, Deadpool and Uncle Wolf are handsome

As the villain in "Wolverine 1", Danny Houston can also be regarded as playing this role, at least the teeth that make the audience hate, but in reality, Danny Houston is an Oscar judge, not only that, people also visit the door everywhere, both playing Marvel roles, but also running to dc to participate in the role of big guys, such as General Ludendorff in Wonder Woman and so on.

5. Deadpool

The actors of "Wolverine 1" have changed from past to present: the young Wolverine has become a poker, Deadpool and Uncle Wolf are handsome

In addition to Stan Lee in Marvel, Ryan Reynolds is the oldest actor, still playing Deadpool, Wolverine in Deadpool is also a dumb character, and now in Deadpool's independent movie, it is still a mouth cannon, the years seem to be really kind to fitness people, Hugh Jackman has not changed much, Ryan is not much changed, but more and more handsome.

Vi. Little Wolverine

The actors of "Wolverine 1" have changed from past to present: the young Wolverine has become a poker, Deadpool and Uncle Wolf are handsome

The young Wolverine is played by Troyeshwen, it was actually played by poker, this now very popular Australian singer, when he was a child, he actually starred in Wolverine, not only in singing talent, did not expect to play the young Wolverine is also very good, now 24 years old Poke Grandpa does not know whether he will return to Marvel to make a cameo?

Who do you think has changed the least among the other Wolverine stars? If Marvel restarts the Wolverine series, who do you think will be able to control the role of Wolverine? Welcome to like the comment message to tell me yo.

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