
Yiyang Academy, the footprints of a thousand years of trekking

author:Morning Yiyang

Yiyang is famous as the "hometown of culture". The so-called "collection of humanities" is by no means a pompous and exaggerated word, from the famous Tang Dynasty minister Pei Xiu and the poet monk Qi Ji, to the Qing Dynasty Tao Shu, Hu Linyi, Tang Peng, and then to the contemporary Zhou Yang, Zhou Libo, Zhou Gucheng, and the famous overseas Chinese leader Zhang Guoji... "Only Chu has materials, Yu Si is prosperous", Yiyang people can read, and they are well-known in the xiangchu land. Whether it is in the era of feudal scientific research to take the people from the people, or in today's scientific and cultural Changming, it can be said that there are talents in the jiangshan generation, which is the envy of the world. The so-called "humanistic convergence" is by no means accidental, but the accumulation of culture and the result of education. No matter how the stars change, no matter how the world changes, the wind of advocating education in Yiyang's urban and rural areas has always been so strong, "hundreds of years of people have nothing but accumulation of goodness, the first good thing is just reading", it seems to have become the family training of Yiyang people for generations. The so-called "villages of ten households do not abolish recitation" and "far mountains and deep valleys, where residents are, there are all teachers and learners", which is the true portrayal of this fashion; and the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, which mark the supreme status of China's scientific circles today, have eight academicians from Yiyang, and three academicians of the two academies have come out of a river and a water village in Taojiang County, which provides a realistic confirmation for this fashion. Yiyang has a profound cultural heritage and a long history of education, all of which are inseparable from the developed college education in Yiyang. It can be said that the education represented by the academy has promoted the development of local culture, education and economy to a considerable extent, and has also affected the local social atmosphere. At the same time, this kind of education itself has also brought rich cultural accumulation to Yiyang, not only talents, but more importantly, it has accumulated confidence for this place, and cultivated a humanistic force and regional soul for this spiritual place.

  In China's feudal society, the academy was a secondary-level educational institution higher than a private school, and it was a place for children and children to learn. The host is called the mountain chief, and there are other teachers, and the mountain chief and the teacher are mostly well-known people who are scholars or people. The study content of the college focuses on the "Four Books" and "Five Classics", expands to the classics, histories, sub-books, and collections, and learns to compose "Eight Strands of Literature" and "Trial Poems". The teaching method is a combination of individual study, mutual questioning and answering, and concentrated explanation. The academy began in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, declined in the Ming Dynasty, and revived in the Qing Dynasty.

  Before Yiyang led the way, the emergence of the academy was almost synchronized with the earliest academy in the country. The academy, trekking through the thousand-year history of Yiyang, has left a clear trail of strings: Song Yousongfeng Academy, Yuan Youqingzhou Academy, Ming Longzhou Academy, and in the late Qing Dynasty, there were Proverbs Academy and Xinyi Academy. Anhua is the county with the largest number of yiyang academies, and has successively built Zhongmei College (Chongwen College), Fengle College, Jiangbei College, Xichong College, Jiangnan College, and Binzi College.

  The site of Songfeng Academy was in present-day Sandang Street, Taojiang County. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong ordered Chi Gong to build the Longya Temple in Taojiang Santang Street, which was grand in scale and had a wide range of temples. There is a tibetan scripture cabinet in the Dragon Tooth Temple, and there are many scriptures in the collection. During the Northern Song Dynasty, the "Songfeng Academy" was established here. Li Xian, a famous sage of the Northern Song Dynasty, once taught here. The six sons of Huang Zhao, a jinshi in the sixth year of the Northern Song Dynasty, were proud of Songfeng Academy, all of whom were jinshi and the first, one of the seven jinshi, which is rare in Chinese history. Songfeng Academy opened the door of Yiyang Academy.

  Gyeongju Academy was founded in the Yuan Dynasty, and its site is in the area of xuemen in present-day Ziyang District, named after the "Gyeongju" of the Zijiang Center at the xuemen. Guangxu's "Hunan Tongzhi, Character History, Liu Lutai Biography" once mentioned that Liu Lutai taught Qingzhou and taught the mountain chief, but the construction of the academy, the scale, and the year of origin and month have not yet been examined.

  Longzhou Academy was built in the 30th year of Ming Jiajing (1551), until the 30th year of the Qing Dynasty (1904), the abolition of the Keju and the xing school, changed to Yiyang County's first high school, later longzhou normal school, now Yiyang No. 2 Middle School, has a history of more than 450 years.

  Longzhou Academy is located on Guitai Mountain on the south bank of the Zijiang River in present-day Yiyang District, founded by Liu Ji of Ming Yiyang Zhi County, because it is between Huilong Mountain and Shizhou, hence the name. There are 60 original large and small houses, more than 300 acres of school fields, and the scale is about the same as That of Yuelu Academy and Shigu Academy. After the completion of the academy, Liu Jishou invited Jiang Xin, a member of the Jiajing Dynasty to give a lecture.

  By the end of the Ming Dynasty, the academy was destroyed by war. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the students of the academy were influenced by Guo Duxian, Luo Yuyi and others to maintain national integrity and not to attach themselves to the Qing court, so the Qing Dynasty changed the academy to yixue to educate children. It went through the three dynasties of Shunzhi, Kangxi and Yongzheng. Yiyang students, very few people participated in the examination. It was not until the Qianlong period that the academy was gradually restored. In the twelfth year of Qianlong (1747), Gao Zi of Yiyang Zhixian restored the Longzhou Academy on the basis of repairing the Longzhou Yixue, and built the Wenchang Pavilion and the Zhai House on the site of the Zunjing Pavilion, and then built the Wuxian Ancestral Hall, and inscribed the word "Longzhou" on the right gate. In the thirty-seventh year of Qianlong, Feng Dinggao of Zhixian County built a gate at the foot of the mountain, entitled "Longzhou Academy". In the sixth year of Jiaqing (1801), there were county advocates such as Hu Hu and other advocates who donated land to study, the number of schools increased, and the academy entered a prosperous period. The number of students in Yiyang doubled, and during the Jiaqing period, many people entered the army and the first. Hu Dayuan and Tao Shu are in the same family and the first, Hu Dayuan is hand-picked to explore flowers. Tongzhi YuYu Ke Tian SuYou, Liu Jixun, and Long Jun's three jinshi are good stories.

  In the second year of Qing Xianfeng (1852), the Taiping Army was destroyed by war through Yiyang, Wenchang Pavilion and Wuxian Ancestral Hall. In the fourth year, Zhixian Lin Ting raised funds to rebuild the Wuxian Ancestral Hall and rebuilt the school on the site of Wenchang Pavilion. In the ninth year, Zheng Benyu of Zhixian County raised funds to repair the Zhai House, and added more than 20 new Zhai rooms. In the eleventh year of Guangxu (1885), Mao Longzhang of Zhixian County had a large number of disciples and could not accommodate it, but abandoned the nearby Dongyue Temple and opened dozens of new houses. In the thirty-first year of Guangxu (1905), the examination was discontinued, and the academy was changed to Yiyang Academy, which was soon changed to Yiyang Government Primary School. In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), it was changed to Yiyang County No. 1 Higher Primary School.

  In the democratic revolution, Longzhou Academy can be said to be full of talents. For example, Liu Wenjin and Liu Chenglie, the revolutionary martyrs Xiong Henghan, Xiao Shanling, Xia Xi, Zhang Kundi, and Yuan Zhuren, contemporary historian Zhou Gucheng, literary and art theorist Zhou Yang, famous writer Zhou Libo, and overseas Chinese educator Zhang Guoji have all been educated in the academy.

  In the Longzhou Primary School, the footprints of Comrade Mao Zedong were also left. In the summer of 1917, Mao Zedong invited Xiao Zisheng to travel to study and conduct social investigations. They set out from Changsha and returned to Changsha via Ningxiang, Anhua, Yiyang, Yuanjiang and other counties, and when they traveled to and from Yiyang and Yuanjiang, they twice stayed in the study room of His Excellency the Emperor in the Longzhou Academy at that time. Tian Shiqing, a teacher from Yiyang who worked in Changsha after liberation, was originally a good friend of Mao Zedong's First Normal School. In September 1963, he was invited to Beijing, and in the middle of the farewell, Mao Zedong said: "Longzhou Academy is a good place to study. Nice view with mountains and water. I remember that during the summer vacation of the sixth year of the Republic of China, I came to Yiyang twice, and both lived in the study under the library in the academy. In the evening, we went for a swim in the Zi River below the pagoda. The river was clear and cool. Swimming for a while washed away the dust and washed away the fatigue of the day, which is a good enjoyment. We have walked through the vast rural areas of several counties and felt that the peasants are really at the lowest level of society. The pain of life is unimaginable without seeing. From then on, I have become more firmly convinced that to solve China's social problems, it is necessary to fundamentally improve the situation of the peasants. ”

  In 1925, Longzhou Higher Primary School was changed to Longzhou School, and there was a normal department and a high school tuition department, which became a simple rural normal school. After the "Ma Ri Incident" in 1927, the school was suspended, classes resumed in August of the following year, and in 1929 it was renamed Yiyang County Longzhou Normal School. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in order to avoid enemy air raids, in 1938, it was successively relocated to Majiaping in Taojiang, Qingtang Village in Daqiao Township, Fujia duan in Ruihua Township, Shanshulun, Niu Cambridge and other places. In the past eight years, although the situation has been turbulent and relocated several times, the sound of string songs has never stopped. What is even more valuable is that under the leadership of the Yiyang underground party, hundreds of teachers and students went to society to publicize the anti-Japanese resistance, support the front line, and comfort the wounded soldiers. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Longzhou Normal School moved back to the original site of Guitai. After the founding of New China, the teacher was taken over, and in 1950, a new Yiyang Municipal No. 2 Middle School was established on the original basis.

  The Proverbs Academy was located in Yaohua Mountain on the banks of the Zhixi River in the southeast corner of Shizhu Township, Heshan District, in the third year of Qing Xianfeng (1853), initiated and funded by Hu Linyi, a Quanjiaohe man who was then the governor of Hubei Province, and was completed in the third year of Tongzhi (1864), and the official enrollment of Tongzhi was completed in the fourth year of Tongzhi. The original buildings of the hospital are four, with a total of 10 buildings and 96 rooms. It lasted until the end of the Qing Dynasty, when the academy was abolished, it was once converted into a agricultural school (about two years). Later, it was changed to Yiyang County No. 2 Higher Primary School (i.e. Proverbs High School), which was discontinued in 1924. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Changsha Private Yucai Middle School moved here and continued to run the school on the site of Proverbs College. In 1954, it was founded as the First Middle School of Yiyang County. Famous professors such as Zeng Yunqian, Chen Tianqiao, and Zhang Xiaofan during the Republic of China studied here, and Comrade Zeng San, former deputy director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and director of the State Archives Bureau, also studied here.

  The founder of Proverbs College, Hu Linyi, is a chinese scholar with the title Runzhi. An important leader of the Xiang Army, in the late Qing Dynasty, zhongxing four famous ministers "Zeng (Zeng Guofan), Zuo (Zuo Zongtang), Peng (Peng Yulin), Hu", although he ranked fourth, he was both literate and martial, and he was very talented. In his youth, Mao Zedong greatly admired Hu Linyi's literary and martial strategy and the way of being an official, regarded him as a model for learning, and changed his name to Mao Runzhi. Chiang Kai-shek also particularly admired his military ability, and compiled Zeng Guofan Hu Linyi's way of managing the army and using soldiers into the "Zeng Hu Art of War", which was used as a compulsory textbook for students of the Whampoa Military Academy, and signed an inscription to give to the students.

  The reason why Hu Linyi chose stalagmites far from the county seat to create the Proverbs Academy was determined by the main purpose of its school. In order to cultivate the children of the Yi people into "virtuous, loyal and upright talents", he must adhere to the idea of "deposing HuaHua" and advocating "simple learning" that he has always advocated; second, he believes that the academy should be built in the mountains and townships, not suitable for cities, to avoid being destroyed by wars and fires in the chaotic world; third, he believes that this is a treasure land of feng shui. According to Mr. Feng Shui' explanation, yaohua mountain surrounding the academy is like a chair, the peaks are like a pen holder, the hill in front of the courtyard is like a book case, the nearby stone horse pond is a yan pond, the stalagmites are a pen, this heaven and earth have become a study, and the landscape and water are all four treasures of the study room, which are used by me.

  All the teaching matters of the Proverbs Academy were formulated by Hu Linyi, and the key points of the teaching content were stipulated, one was to teach the books of "ZhuZi", "Primary School" and "Recent Thoughts". In the study of Confucianism, it is necessary to focus on clarifying what is "public and private righteousness," and the so-called "public and private righteousness" is not only related to the issue of self-cultivation of the right mind, but also to the issue of governing the country and the people. The second is to teach the "three rites", that is, the Confucian classics "Zhou Li", "Rites", and "Rites". The third is to teach the "Disciple Proverbs" well.

  In order to manage the academy, Hu Linyi stipulated that all the descendants of the Hu clan should not interfere in the affairs of the academy; those who managed the academy should not be filled by the descendants of the Hu clan; the children and grandchildren of the Hu clan and their in-laws were not allowed to inherit the work; and the children and grandchildren of the Hu clan were not allowed to take the examination when they entered the school. Therefore, the college's regulations are strict and the management has always been orderly. Proverbs Academy implements the responsibility system of mountain chiefs, and the mountain chiefs of the academy are selected by Hu himself. The selection and appointment of mountain chiefs is very prudent and demanding, and it must be a famous Confucian who is "both excellent in character and learning". The first mountain chief Zhuang Shouqi, a native of Yanghu, Jiangsu, was a Qing Hanlin attendant, a Hubei fansi, who retired to Taohuajiang due to illness. The mountain chief gives lectures two to three times a month and is also responsible for handling the affairs of the college.

  In addition to the family property invested by the Hu family, zeng guofan, Li Hongzhang, Zuo Zongtang, Peng Yulin and other qing dynasty officials also donated.

  Zhongmei (Chongwen) Academy, founded by Zhao Zhibi of Anhua Zhi County. In the fourteenth year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1749), it was moved to the side of the Western School Bureau (at the present-day Yizhong Avenue in Anhua County). In the forty years of Qianlong, Tang Shangwu of Zhixian County rebuilt the academy. Three first doors were built, two gates were built over a pavilion, and a wall was built. In the eighth year of Jiaqing (1803), Chen Ying of Zhixian built Wenchang Pavilion and changed its name to Chongwen Academy. In the 28th year of Guangxu (1902), Chongwen Academy was transformed into a higher elementary school. In the Qing Dynasty, Tao Shu, the governor of Liangjiang, Luo Huodian, the governor of Yungui, and Huang Ziyuan, the famous calligrapher, all studied at the academy and became models of Shilin.

  Binzi Academy, majored by Yiren Huang Daizhong (Qing Guangxu Yi Unitary Ke ren) and Huang Yunpan (Qing Guangxu Ding Unitary Branch Xie Yuan). The site of the institute is in Yaqueping, Anhua County, and the college can accommodate more than 200 teachers and students. In the thirty-second year of Guangxu (1906), it was renamed Binzi Higher Primary School. After the establishment of the Republic of China, it was changed to the second county girls' school, and later changed to the county vocational school. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, it was also used as the site of the Provincial No. 5 Middle School. After the founding of New China, the Provincial Fifth Middle School moved to Meicheng and then to Ningxiang, and the school building was demolished.

  Qionghu Academy was originally built in the 43rd year of Qianlong (1778) in the Qing Dynasty, and its site was in Zhoujiawan, Yuanjiang County. Later, in the twenty-fourth year of Guangxu (1898), the new Qionghu Academy was built in Paomaling, and it was completed in the twenty-sixth year of Guangxu. The main practitioners are Zhang Zhelin (Juren), Dou An dun, and Fang Yong (Bagong). The four characters of the golden plaque "Qionghu Academy" in the middle hall of the academy were inscribed by Zhang Jianxun, a yuanjiang national. The courtyard is divided into three roads: the middle road has a gate tower, a middle hall, a bell and drum tower, and a lecture hall; the east road is an East Zhai group room; and the west road is a West Zhai group room. There are more than 80 large and small houses, with a construction area of 3,000 square meters. Celebrities such as Li Xiuhuan and Li Lihe often lectured, and the academy was quite prestigious. In the 29th year of Guangxu (1903), Qionghu Academy was ordered to be changed to Yuanjiang County Higher Primary School. After the founding of New China, the Yuanjiang County No. 1 Middle School was established on the old site.

  In the 26th year of Guangxu (1900), under the influence of the "Penghu Restoration" ideology and the influence of the West Wind and the East, Yiyang Academy began to adjust the teaching content, such as Longzhou Academy changing the "Eight Shares" to "Policy Theory", advocating science, and setting up chinese language, self-cultivation, chemistry, physics, history, public opinion and other subjects; in the "Governance of Affairs" section, the Proverbs Academy also opened four types of bibliographies of military, public opinion, politics, and Nongsang, teaching some modern science that has been applied to the world, so as to adapt to the increasingly open trend of the times. With the rise of new learning, the establishment of Xinyi Academy opened a new page in the history of Yiyang College. In the 29th year of qing guangxu (1903), people of insight moved to abolish the imperial examination and advocate the establishment of new schools. The new style of yiyang school was first opened in 1904, not only established primary education, but also created secondary education, is The first and most active place for Hunan Province and even the whole country to run new schools and build foreign schools, it can be said that Yiyang once again led the way in the field of education.

  In the 27th year of qing guangxu (1901), Christian Protestantism was introduced to Yiyang, and nearly 100 foreign pastors from Norway, Finland, the United States, Denmark, germany and other countries came to Yiyang to preach and establish churches. After the establishment of the church, schools were established successively.

  In Jiangbei, in 1904, the Toubao Junior Primary School was set up in toubao, and soon moved to Wumafang in the city to build a new school building; in 1906, an advanced class was added; in 1912, a school building was added to the side of the Wumafang Church and a girls' normal school was established. This is the earliest "new learning" in Yiyang.

  In Jiangnan, in 1904, dispatched by the Norwegian Lutheran Society, Dr. Ni Ersheng came from Changsha to Yiyang and built a large chapel in Taohualun. In 1904, near the Taohualun Church, Xinyi Higher Primary School was founded. In order to facilitate students to enter the middle school, in 1906, the construction of Xinyi Middle School Began, and the following autumn was completed to enroll students, the first principal was The Norwegian Herzberg, and the Chinese Chen Jiazhen was the vice principal. The duration of the school is four years, and the curriculum is in accordance with government regulations except for religious classes. In 1911, only six people graduated from the first class. In 1919, the Chinese Lutheran Society was established, and the Swedish Lutheran Society and the Norwegian Lutheran Society jointly planned the establishment of Xinyi University, which was located in the current Yiyang No. 1 Middle School, and was completed and opened in 1922. The first rector was Dr. Weizmann of Sweden. The school is divided into three departments: the Department of European Dialects, the Department of Social Sciences, and the Department of Mathematics and Physics. There were only four students in the first class of the European Dialects Department, six students in the Social Sciences Department, and twenty students in the Mathematics and Physics Department. In 1935, several other classrooms and dormitories were built in Taohualun Wayao Mountain (the upper side of the former Yiyang District Pharmaceutical Factory), and the private Xinyi Girls' Normal School was established, which was later changed to the Girls' Department of the Private Xinyi Middle School because the educational facilities were not in line with the regulations of the Ministry of Education. In 1913, Ni Ersheng also founded the Blind Eye School, that is, the School for the Deaf and Dumb, which was located on the banks of the Bijindu River, and two years later moved to the new site of Taohualun and changed it to the Eye Eye Temple, which was opened for 30 years.

  Although Yiyang's academy has disappeared in the long river of history, this kind of educational tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation, after thousands of years, is still glorious in its spirit of governance, deep spiritual roots, and vast aura, which still deeply affects the students of Yiyang and cultivates future generations.

Source: Yiyang Online

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