
It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


Oh mom, have you heard? Something big is happening again! This time it's really appalling, it's terrifying! A young and beautiful Internet celebrity girl was actually killed by her boyfriend and stuffed into a suitcase! What's wrong with this world? Why is people's hearts so bad? My heart is as uncomfortable as a knife.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

This happened a few days ago in Huzhou, Zhejiang. On June 17, a grandmother picking wild vegetables found a suspicious suitcase on a hillside. How could she have imagined that when she opened it, it turned out to be a corpse inside! was so frightened that Grandma's soul was about to fly, so she quickly called the police. The police uncles rushed to the scene, and after investigation, it was found that the body was an Internet celebrity girl named Ai Kirishima, who was only 25 years old! What a good age, why is it so gone?

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

What's even more infuriating is that it was her boyfriend who weighed more than 300 pounds that killed her! This man, who is 35 years old and has nothing to do all day, relies on girls to support him. I heard that because of an emotional dispute, the two had a quarrel, and the man killed the girl. Forget about killing, and divide people's bodies, stuff them in suitcases and throw them on the mountain, how ruthless this is! This kind of person, he should be cut with a thousand cuts, no, ten thousand cuts are cheap for him!

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

Let me tell you, what kind of "Coser" is this girl, the kind of Internet celebrity who wears a fancy dress and takes pictures. People are beautiful, have their own careers, and have a lot of fans. Who would have thought that people would be glamorous in front of them, but they would encounter this kind of thing in private. This reminds me of an old saying: "Outside the gold, you will be ruined." Sometimes, people who look at the scenery may be suffering behind their backs.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

As soon as this incident came out, it really exploded on the Internet. Some people sympathized with this girl, saying that it was a pity that she left like this at a young age. Some people also say that this girl has a bad eye and has found such a boyfriend, isn't this finding fault for herself? Some people also say that this is the fate of Internet celebrities, what good thing can be done if they show up all day long? I shook my head when I heard this, what I said was too unreasonable. What's wrong with people being Internet celebrities? Do Internet celebrities deserve this kind of crime? Isn't this typical "blame the victim"?

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

I think it's a big problem. First of all, this Internet celebrity industry looks glamorous, but it is actually quite dangerous. If you think about it, you can't guarantee that you won't meet some ill-intentioned people by posting your life on the Internet all day long. Besides, this industry makes money quickly, but many people come in for money, which is like us doing business honestly, although it is hard, but at least it is safe and practical.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

Let's talk about this emotional problem. This girl has found a boyfriend who is 10 years older than herself, and she is still a jobless vagrant. I wondered, what is this girl trying to do with him? Is it Tuta fat? Besides, this man is too, gnawing at his wife all day long, and he has to kill people, isn't this a white-eyed wolf? This reminds me of the saying "Once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of the well rope". Girl, you have to keep your eyes open when you are looking for a partner, but you can't be blinded by superficial phenomena.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

Speaking of which, I remembered that we had a similar incident here a few years ago. There was a girl who opened an online store and was deceived by a man she met online. Not only did the man not mention the borrowed money, but also beat the family. Fortunately, the girl was clever and quickly called the police, so nothing happened. You see, how dangerous this online dating is! That's why I often tell my daughter, you can't believe the fancy things on the Internet, you have to keep your eyes open and see the world.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

I think this is also a wake-up call for our parents. Today's children hold their mobile phones all day long and watch those Internet celebrity live broadcasts. We need to communicate with our children so that they understand that not all the things on the Internet are true, and that they have to have their own judgment. Besides, you have to be down-to-earth, but you can't always want to get rich overnight. "No pain, no gain", this truth can not be forgotten.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

In the final analysis, this matter is still a problem of our social atmosphere. Nowadays, young people are pursuing those things that are empty and brainy, and more and more people are not doing their jobs. Look at the murderous man, who is still gnawing at his wife at the age of 35, isn't this a hooligan? In my opinion, the government should take care of this matter, catch what should be caught, punish what should be punished, and not allow such people to harm society.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

Let's talk about the legal issues. The man was guilty of intentional homicide, which is supposed to be punishable by death. But now in this society, there are always people who say that the death penalty is abolished, and I don't understand, who should die if this kind of person doesn't deserve to die? "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", this is justice! But then again, punishment alone is not enough, we should solve the problem fundamentally, such as strengthening moral education, raising the legal awareness of the whole people, and so on.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

This is also a wake-up call for us. Now this society, on the surface, looks glamorous, but in fact there is an undercurrent. Each of us needs to be vigilant and protect ourselves. Especially girls, you should be more careful when you go out, learn to protect yourself when you encounter danger, and resolutely say no when necessary!

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

In the final analysis, the occurrence of this tragedy has something to do with each of us. We can't just shout a few words on the Internet to "kill for life" and be done, but also reflect on whether there is something wrong with our society. Why would anyone do such an unconscionable thing? Is something wrong with our education? Are our laws not perfect? These are all things that we need to think about.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

In conclusion, I would like to say that life is precious, and everyone should cherish their own life and respect the lives of others. We can't do irreversible things on the spur of the moment. I hope that through this incident, more people will realize the preciousness of life, and our society will become safer and more harmonious.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

This has taught us a lesson. Each of us should take this as a warning and reflect. For young people, learn to protect themselves and not be fooled by the superficial brilliance. For us elders, we should care more about our children and give them the right guidance. For society as a whole, we need to work together to create a safer and better environment.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

As the saying goes, "Don't forget the past, the future is the teacher". We cannot allow such a tragedy to happen again. Everyone should start from themselves, with more care and responsibility, to make our society a better place. Only in this way can we truly commemorate the deceased and make life better for the living.

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

In closing, I would like to say that no matter who you are and whatever work you do, life is equal and precious. We must learn to respect every life and cherish the people around us. I hope that through this incident, more people will realize the preciousness of life, and our society will become safer and more harmonious. Let's work together to create a better tomorrow!

It's horrible! Coser loves teacher to be dismembered! The identity of her boyfriend was exposed, and more hidden truths were revealed

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