
Bottle Interpretation - Motorcycle Diary

author:Bottle cut

Original 2018-04-04 Bottle Diary

Bottle Interpretation - Motorcycle Diary

Moto Diary

Author:Che. Guevara

Moto Diary, which is cut. A travel diary of Che Guevara, which chronicles his friend Alberto when he was a young man. Grana's daily travels in Latin America, the writing is smooth and witty and humorous, he can vividly depict them together over the lofty mountains, across the rivers and lakes, several times fell on the car, and then to the motorcycle scrapped and continued to walk on their feet, on the way they endured hunger and overcame many difficulties and did not forget to visit leprosy patients in poor areas, bringing their knowledge and insights to communicate with the local backward medical team.

From Buenos Aires, they traveled along the Atlantic coast of Argentina, across the Pampas, across the Andes, into Chile, and from Chile all the way north, traversing Peru and Colombia on the way to Caracas.

If travel can change a person's life, arm people's minds, cut. Che Guevara's consciousness evolved to another level of his life, and later he fought for freedom and liberation in Latin America, a hero for whom young people in Latin America and the world fell for from the war years all the way through to our time. Now and many T-shirts and sweatshirt hats we can often see his handsome head, and the youthful vitality he exudes never seems to leave us.

At the beginning, he was just a reckless young man, just graduated from medical school, and his good friend couldn't wait to drive the motorcycle "Hercules", which was called "scrap copper and rotten iron", and began to travel without hesitation. They have also pursued the freedom of the wind like us, full of joy on the road to understand the world, this book is dedicated to those who are the same, for them youth is not only a round of years, but also contains infinite sincerity and noble spirit.

"I, when I re-set foot on Argentine soil, have left us, and the person I rearranged and polished these diaries is no longer the same person I was, and the wandering journey above the capital Americas has changed me, and the change is far beyond my imagination." 」

May my future travels also arm my brain, broaden my thinking, and bring me a different spiritual world. Both the soul and the body will walk on the road.

2018.4.3 Bottle

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