
6 rumors of coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia! 6 regular ways to treat coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia!

author:Dr Ho Health Talk
6 rumors of coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia! 6 regular ways to treat coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia!

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

6 Top Rumors About Myocardial Ischemia For Coronary Heart Disease:

1. "Coronary heart disease, myocardial ischemia, as long as there are no symptoms, don't care": this is a wrong concept. Even in the absence of obvious symptoms, myocardial ischemia continues to damage the heart and may lead to a gradual worsening of the condition and an increased risk of serious complications such as myocardial infarction.

6 rumors of coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia! 6 regular ways to treat coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia!

2. "Coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia can be cured by home remedies": Many so-called home remedies have no scientific basis, which not only cannot effectively treat the disease, but may also delay the disease and lead to more serious consequences.

3. "Patients with myocardial ischemia with coronary heart disease cannot exercise and should recuperate": moderate exercise can help improve cardiovascular function and enhance cardiac endurance, but appropriate exercise should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

4. "Coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia can be cured as long as you take medicine, and you don't need to change your lifestyle": Medication is important, but changing unhealthy lifestyles, such as quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, eating reasonably, and controlling weight, is also crucial to the control and recovery of the disease.

6 rumors of coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia! 6 regular ways to treat coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia!

5. "Coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia is a geriatric disease, young people will not get it": With the change of lifestyle and the increase of pressure, the trend of coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia is younger, and young people should not take it lightly.

6. "Once diagnosed with myocardial ischemia in coronary heart disease, we can only wait for the condition to deteriorate": through standardized treatment and self-management, patients with myocardial ischemia with coronary heart disease can effectively control their condition, improve their quality of life, and prolong their life.

6 rumors of coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia! 6 regular ways to treat coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia!

There are 6 regular ways to treat myocardial ischemia in coronary heart disease:

1. Drug treatment: including antiplatelet drugs (such as aspirin) and statins (such as atorvastatin) to stabilize plaques and reduce blood lipids; β receptor blockers (such as metoprolol) slow the heart rate and reduce myocardial oxygen consumption; Nitrates (such as nitroglycerin) dilate the coronary arteries and increase blood supply to the heart muscle.

2. Interventional treatment: Coronary angiography is used to determine the stenosis site, and then balloon dilation or stent placement is used to restore the patency of the narrowed blood vessels and improve the blood supply to the myocardium.

6 rumors of coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia! 6 regular ways to treat coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia!

3. Coronary artery bypass grafting (bypass surgery): For severe coronary artery disease, blood vessels are surgically removed from other parts of the body to create new channels to bypass the narrowed or blocked area and supply blood to the heart muscle.

4. Lifestyle adjustment: Quit smoking and alcohol, maintain a low-salt, low-fat, low-sugar diet, control weight, exercise moderately, avoid overwork and mental stress, and ensure adequate sleep.

6 rumors of coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia! 6 regular ways to treat coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia!

5. Control risk factors: Actively treat underlying diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes, and control blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids and other indicators within the ideal range.

6. Cardiac rehabilitation: including sports rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitation, nutritional guidance and other comprehensive measures to help patients restore heart function and improve their quality of life.