
"Eat cabbage in winter to keep safe", share 4 delicious cabbage recipes, winter can not be separated from one, cabbage stuffed dumplings two, vinegar slip cabbage three, cabbage stir-fried fungus four, cabbage noodle stewed tofu

author:Small crispy meat delicacy

Many places have ushered in the first snow of the year, and the temperature has dropped a lot. In many areas in the north, the reserve of winter vegetables has begun, cabbage, potatoes, green onions, which are common winter vegetables, which are 100 catties when bought.

"Eat cabbage in winter to keep safe", share 4 delicious cabbage recipes, winter can not be separated from one, cabbage stuffed dumplings two, vinegar slip cabbage three, cabbage stir-fried fungus four, cabbage noodle stewed tofu

As in previous years, this year my family also has a lot of winter vegetables, and Chinese cabbage is one of them, and I bought more than a hundred catties. The taste of Chinese cabbage is crisp and refreshing, the moisture is sufficient, vitamins and other nutrients are also relatively rich, the old saying often says "fish raw fire meat phlegm, cabbage tofu to keep safe", autumn and winter weather is dry, you should often eat some Cabbage.

The following is to share 4 kinds of cabbage delicious recipes, which can definitely be used in winter.

"Eat cabbage in winter to keep safe", share 4 delicious cabbage recipes, winter can not be separated from one, cabbage stuffed dumplings two, vinegar slip cabbage three, cabbage stir-fried fungus four, cabbage noodle stewed tofu

1: Wash and chop the cabbage into minced pieces, add salt and mix well, marinate for 1 hour, then squeeze the excess water dry, control the dry water and set aside.

2, the three fat and seven lean front leg meat chopped into minced meat, add salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, oyster sauce, stir in one direction, and then add the appropriate amount of pepper water (a pound of meat stuffing plus 3 two pepper water), stir in one direction, beat the meat stuffing hard, add green onion, ginger, and finally pour hot oil simmering green onion, stir evenly.

3: Finally, mix the squeezed dry cabbage and meat stuffing together, and mix well.

"Eat cabbage in winter to keep safe", share 4 delicious cabbage recipes, winter can not be separated from one, cabbage stuffed dumplings two, vinegar slip cabbage three, cabbage stir-fried fungus four, cabbage noodle stewed tofu

1, break the cabbage piece by piece and wash it clean, and then separate the cabbage gang and the leaves, the cabbage gang is scattered with the back of the knife, the oblique knife is cut into pieces; the cabbage leaves are directly torn into large pieces by hand.

2: Add oil in the pot, heat the oil, add green onion, garlic slices, dried chili peppers and stir-fry, then add cabbage to stir-fry a few times, add two spoons of salt to taste, fry the cabbage helpers soft and then add cabbage leaves, stir-fry the cabbage leaves soft and add aged vinegar and soy sauce.

3: Stir-fry evenly, add water starch to the soup, and the soup can be thickened to get out of the pot.

"Eat cabbage in winter to keep safe", share 4 delicious cabbage recipes, winter can not be separated from one, cabbage stuffed dumplings two, vinegar slip cabbage three, cabbage stir-fried fungus four, cabbage noodle stewed tofu

1, the cabbage clean, the cabbage gang and the leaves separate, cabbage gang oblique knife slice, cabbage leaves hand torn into pieces; soaked black fungus picked and washed.

2: Mix a sauce, add two spoonfuls of aged vinegar, two spoonfuls of soy sauce, one spoonful of starch, one spoonful of salt, half a spoon of sugar and half a spoon of chicken essence, then add a small half bowl of water and stir well.

3: Boil water in a pot, boil the water and add cabbage helpers and fungus blanched water, cook for 1 minute and add cabbage leaves, all cooked and fished out to control the dry water.

4: Add oil in a wok, add green onion and garlic and dried chili peppers after the oil is hot, then add the blanched cabbage and fungus, stir-fry a few times and add the prepared sauce, stir-fry over high heat to collect the juice.

"Eat cabbage in winter to keep safe", share 4 delicious cabbage recipes, winter can not be separated from one, cabbage stuffed dumplings two, vinegar slip cabbage three, cabbage stir-fried fungus four, cabbage noodle stewed tofu

1: Wash and cut the Cabbage into large pieces, the sweet potato noodles are soaked in advance to soften, and the tofu is cut into 0.5 cm thick slices.

2: Heat the oil in a pan, sprinkle a layer of salt, then fry the tofu in the pan until golden brown on both sides and set aside.

3, the pot and then boil the oil, after the oil is hot, add the onion and garlic to fry, then add the cabbage to stir-fry, stir-fry the cabbage soft and add the appropriate amount of boiling water, then put the tofu and the soft sweet potato noodles under the pot, add salt, chicken essence, raw soy sauce to taste, cover the pot and simmer for 5 minutes.

4: Finally sprinkle pepper to taste, stir well and out of the pan.

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