
There are many dialects of Changyi in the Dream of the Red Chamber, and the reason is actually related to jiang Ziya's descendants

author:Wu Xuehua talked about history

In Changyi, Shandong, the Jiang clan is a large clan, and the folk have been circulating the township proverb for hundreds of years: "Changyi County, half of Jiang, heaven and earth do not change Jiang is not chaotic".

The surname of Jiang in Changyi, Shandong Province, was first traced back to Jiang Ziya's body. Jiang Ziya, also known as Jiang Shang. His ancestors served as the officials of the Four Mountains and assisted Xia Yu in the management of water and soil. Shun and Yu shi were sealed in LüDi, so they were also called Lü Shang. In the two generations of Xia and Shang, some were given to the descendants of the side branches, and some of the descendants became commoners, and Lü Shang was his distant descendant. In fact, Lü Shang's original surname was Jiang, because he was surnamed after his fiefdom, so he was called Lü Shang.

There are many dialects of Changyi in the Dream of the Red Chamber, and the reason is actually related to jiang Ziya's descendants

So where is Jiang Ziya?

There have always been many claims about his hometown, and now the controversy is still very large, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, Anhui, Shanxi these five provinces have places claiming to be Jiang Ziya's hometown, but in the historical records, his hometown is the coast of the East China Sea, another theory is Donglu Township, but these two places are actually a region.

Both the chapters of Mencius' "Leaving Lou Shang" and "Dedication to the Heart" mention that Jiang Ziya "lived on the coast of the East China Sea"; the Lü Shi Chunqiu Shoushi also said, "Tai Gong Wang, The Soldier of Dongyi"; the Shi Ji Qi Taigong ShiJia also said that he was "a man from the East Sea". But these statements are very general and vague. Zhang Hua's "Naturalist Chronicle" of the Jin Dynasty said it more clearly: "Haiqu City has Donglu Township Dongluli, taigong wang also out"; "Water Jingzhu Qicheng" also says, "Juzhou East Hundred and Sixty Miles East Lü Township, Thorn Jin in Lang Evil Sea Qu, Taigong Wang out.".

In ancient times, Lü and Ju were originally a word, Ju was the name of the Zhou Dynasty, which is now Ju County, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, and the coast of the East China Sea is about the coast of the Yellow Sea in eastern Shandong, which also refers to the city of Rizhao, and the folding willow is the location of the ancient Dongyi tribe. Although Jiang Ziya's hometown is still controversial, the "Shandong Rizhao Theory" is more convincing.

As for the Weishui fishing of Jiang Ziya, everyone knows that in Shaanxi Weishui Fishing King Wen, in fact, in the Changyi area of Weifang, there is also a Weishui River, and there are still remnants of Jiang Taigong's fishing place, next to the Taigong Temple.

Why is the surname Jiang so prosperous?

After the success of King Wu of Jiang, he established the State of Qi at Yingqiu (present-day Linzi District, Zibo) to stabilize the East. After the Qin state attacked Qi, the Jiang clan people went east to avoid disasters, and took root in the Changyi area, and for thousands of years, the Jiang clan people multiplied in the Changyi area and became a big surname.

There are many dialects of Changyi in the Dream of the Red Chamber, and the reason is actually related to jiang Ziya's descendants

And the person surnamed Jiang actually has a real legendary history with "Dream of the Red Chamber".

After the Qing Dynasty swept through the Central Plains, when the Qing army besieged changyi city, the officers and soldiers in the city rose up to resist and swore to defend the city to the death, "Although the shepherd boy is a child, Xian Fen is not afraid of death, and climbs the city to guard the cherry blossoms." "After eight days and nights of fierce fighting, Changcheng fell, from the county orders and county beggars to the ordinary people, most of them were martyred. In the streets and alleys of the city, blood flowed like a river, and the bones were stacked. This is the appalling "noon change" in the history of Changyi. In this tragic change, Jiang Shizhen, a native of the eastern corner of Changcheng, was killed by Qing soldiers after his father Jiang Yan was killed by Qing soldiers, and after his brother died in battle to defend the city, in order to protect the women and children in the city from being slaughtered, he had to submit to the Qing Dynasty, and succeeded Li Xiquan as the son of Li Xiquan, the leader of the Zhengbai Banner, and became a naturalized flag man, changed his surname to Li Shizhen, and became Li Shizhen.

Li Shizhen has been familiar with the scriptures since childhood, his thinking is quick, his knowledge is great, and after joining the flag book, he is the best among many flag people, and is deeply appreciated by his righteous father Li Xiquan. In the fourth year of Qing Shunzhi, that is, in 1647, Li Shizhen was 29 years old. In this year, the Eight Banners of Talent, Shi Zhen participated in the Gongsheng Court, and was selected in the sixteenth place, and was awarded the Changlu Yun Judge. Since then, Li Shizhen, with his shrewdness and ability and loyalty to the imperial court, has been promoted all the way in the political arena, and his official fortunes have been prosperous. In the sixth year of Qing Shunzhi, when Li Shizhen was 31 years old, he was promoted to the prefect of Anqing. Qianlong's sixth-year "Jiangnan Tongzhi" records: "The prefect of Anqing Province, Li Shizhen, Changyi, Gongsheng, shunzhi six years to take office. ”

In the eighth year of Shunzhi, when Li Shizhen was 33 years old, he was promoted to lianghuai yuntong. In the fourteenth year of Shunzhi, when Li Shizhen was 39 years old, he was transferred to the prefect of Yan'an. In October of the same year, he was immediately promoted to deputy envoy of Guangdong According to the Inspection Department, and was divided into the Eastern Route of Ling. The Records of Emperor Zuzhang of the Qing Dynasty, vol. 112: "In the fourteenth year of Shunzhi, Ding You, ding Hai in the winter and October, Li Shizhen, the prefect of Yan'an in Shaanxi Province, was promoted to deputy envoy of Guangdong According to the Inspection Division, and was divided into the Eastern Route of Ling. Less than two years later, in April of the sixteenth year of Shunzhi, Li Shizhen was promoted to deputy envoy of Yanghe Dao in Shanxi, and the following year, in September of the seventeenth year of Shunzhi, Li Shizhen was promoted to participate in the administration of Shanxi Buzheng and was divided into Jining Dao. In the sixth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty, that is, in 1667, Li Shizhen was promoted to the post of envoy of Henan. After Shi Zhen arrived at his post, he retried the case, rehabilitated the innocent, and saved thousands of people, thus being known as "Qingtian" in Zhongchuan.

There are many dialects of Changyi in the Dream of the Red Chamber, and the reason is actually related to jiang Ziya's descendants

Because the Manchu Qing court in order to win over han officials, Li Shizhen thus received favors from Empress Xiaozhuang, and his son Li Xu was summoned to the palace, once accompanied by the Kangxi Emperor, at the age of 21 he was appointed as the cabinet secretary, and at the age of 24, he was released as an official and served as the prefect of Shaozhou, Guangdong. Li Shizhen's niece, Li Xu's cousin, became a concubine of the Kangxi Emperor.

What the People of Changyi are proud of is that Li Xu's sister was married to Cao Yin, Cao Xueqin's grandfather, and then Lang's uncle and uncle were appointed to Suzhou Weaving and Jiangning Weaving respectively. Since Cao Yin's mother was once the nursing mother of the Kangxi Emperor, both Li and Cao were favored by Emperor Mu. The Kangxi Emperor's five southern tours, all of which were driven by Li Xu and Cao Yin, were infinitely beautiful for a while, and the People of the Jiang clan in Changyi were also proud of it.

Li Xu and his sister had returned to Changyi many times to visit their people and brought back the silk weaving process, so that the people of Changyi began to learn the appearance of the south, using tulip silk to weave into silk cloth. Li Xu's sister is the prototype of Old Lady Jia in the book "Dream of the Red Chamber", Cao Xueqin followed her grandmother back to Changyi many times when she was young, and lived in Changyi for a period of time, so in "Dream of the Red Chamber", she left a lot of slang in Changyi dialect.

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Like the 67th time in "Dream of the Red Chamber", It is written that Aunt Zhao got the southern soil given by Baochao, and went to Madame Wang's place in a stacked and resting way, wanting to show it and buy it well.

This "stacked and resting" is a dialect word in Changyi, Shandong Province, which describes a person who is unstable and behaves frivolously.

In addition, there are a large number of words in the book, such as "pestering him" and "saying forked", which are actually dialects of Changyi.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, the silk deficit case was investigated, the Li and Cao families were defeated one after another, and some of the Changyi people were forced to move away, fearing that they were implicated, and one tribe of people lived in the village of Jiangjiazhai north of Liu yan.

There are many dialects of Changyi in the Dream of the Red Chamber, and the reason is actually related to jiang Ziya's descendants

The Jiang clan is spread all over Changyi, known as the surname of Changyi, and many people are engaged in silk weaving. After more than 100 years of development, a textile industry centered on Liu Yan has been formed. During the Jiaqing period, the Liuyan people used backpacks to carry the woven silk cloth and began to go to Guanzhong and Nanyang to walk through the Kanto, called backpackers.

In the area of Changyi Liuyan Town, there is still a saying that "the poor go south, the rich go to Beijing, and die helplessly to go to the Kanto".

Wherever the backpackers' footprints go, there is willow silk. During the Daoguang years, there were workshops specializing in silk weaving on Liuyan Street. By the Xianfeng period, there were more than twenty silk workshops and more than a dozen storefronts on Liuyan Street. In the early years of Guangxu, more backpackers gained a foothold in the northeast, Guanzhong and the Nanyang island states. Some backpackers went to India and left their lives there in order to do business.

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