
OpenCms 6 database and class diagrams

OpenCms 6 database and class diagrams

 OpenCms 6 database diagram:

(OpenCms 6 database.*)

OpenCms 6 database and class diagrams


This diagram shows all the tables existing in the OpenCms database schema, but

not all the relationships between these tables. It gives you

an overview over the database with the most important relationships.

You should not manipulate the content of the tables directly with sql statements,

otherwise the consistency of the table data might be damaged. The only way to

work with the database tables is using the corresponding OpenCms API (e.g.

inside the CmsObjekt class).

 OpenCms Core API (version 6.2) package and class structure:

(OpenCms 6.2 Core API.*)

OpenCms 6 database and class diagrams


This diagram provides an overview over the package and class structure of the

OpenCms core. Not all classes are mentioned and some packages are

shown less detailed than other ones. The purpose of this diagram is to give

(new) template developers a good assistance finding the main classes which they

may need. These classes are shown in a more detailed way including a short

description of this class.

Note: this diagram is not intended to use for core developers

(i.e. extending or manipulating the OpenCms core).
