
The 19th Standing Committee Meeting of the 11th CPPCC Shuangliu District was held

author:Dual-stream publishing

On November 3, the 19th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th Chengdu Shuangliu District Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was held. Li Delong, chairman of the district CPPCC committee, presided over the meeting, Tang Jinsong, secretary of the cppcc leading group of the district CPPCC committee, and Luo Wanneng, member of the standing committee of the district party committee, secretary of the district discipline inspection committee, and director of the district supervision commission, were invited to attend.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the relevant meetings of the national, provincial and municipal CPPCC committees, conveyed and studied the spirit of the 14th District Party Congress, and listened to the briefing of the District Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission on the work of the construction of party style and clean government in the whole region in 2021; and the report on the key work of the district court and the district procuratorate in 2021. Subsequently, members of the CPPCC District Committee Niu Jun, Lai Kai, Zhao Jianguo, and Liu Ji actively made suggestions on relevant work.

The meeting fully affirmed the work of the District Discipline Inspection Commission, the District Court, and the District Procuratorate. The meeting pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the Supervision Commission of the District Discipline Inspection Commission has adhered to the main line of optimizing the political ecology and planting clean and honest soil, continued to deepen the rectification of work style and discipline, and taken a clear-cut stand in punishing corruption, and achieved remarkable results in various work; the district court and the district procuratorate have persisted in serving the overall situation around the center, faithfully performing their functions, and achieving new results in various work, creating a good legal environment for the high-quality construction of China's aviation economic capital.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study, publicize, and implement the spirit of the Fourteenth District Party Congress, regard the study, propaganda, and implementation of the spirit of the District Party Congress as a major political task at present and for some time to come in accordance with the requirements of the district CPPCC party group, earnestly unify thinking and action with the spirit of the meeting, and contribute the wisdom and strength of the CPPCC to the realization of the goals set by the meeting. It is necessary to actively help the construction of a sound party style and a clean administration and the construction of a double stream of rule of law in the whole region, give full play to the advantages of CPPCC members in extensive contacts and democratic supervision of the CPPCC, take the lead in observing discipline, studying the law, abiding by the law, and using the law, give full play to the functions and roles of the CPPCC organizations, and actively offer suggestions and suggestions for the construction of "clean and honest double stream" and "rule of law double stream" and gather positive energy. It is necessary to do a good job in the work of changing the term of the regional CPPCC with high quality, treat it as the most important matter in the current work of the regional CPPCC, strengthen ideological understanding, understand and support the various policies of the regional CPPCC, resolutely obey the organizational arrangements, ensure that the work of changing the term of office is clean and upright, and meticulously organize and prepare for the first session of the twelfth session of the regional CPPCC.

Xia Dianqiang, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, zou Junping, deputy secretary of the leading party group of the district CPPCC committee, were invited to attend; Qi Guiquan, Li Genfu, Guo Jianwu, and Liu Chang, vice chairmen of the district CPPCC committee, attended the meeting; Zhu Feng and Wei Yu, candidates nominated for vice chairmen of the district CPPCC committee, were invited to attend; Zhu Yongkang, secretary general of the district CPPCC committee, attended the meeting; and Zeng Yaolin, secretary of the party leading group and acting president of the district court, was invited to attend.

[Source: Airport Media Reporter: Wang Rong Wang Xingguo Editor: Hu Ran Review: Liu Wei Zeng Wanjuan]

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The 19th Standing Committee Meeting of the 11th CPPCC Shuangliu District was held