
Cao Cao: Yesterday when I was alone in the city, how many crossbows and arrows in the city? Judge: Hate less! Hate less

author:Shizuya Thought

This article is based on Luo Guanzhong's novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" (Part 32) of the Thirty-second (Part II) Decision Zhanghe Xu You's Plan, which has nothing to do with the main history.

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms progressed to the thirty-second time, and with the death of Yuan Shao, the civilian and military generals who followed him also walked like a tree and scattered, dying. The top martial generals Yan Liang died in Baima, Wen Qiu died in Yanjin, and Guan Yu was beheaded; Zhang Gao and Gao Lan were forced to defect and both switched to Cao Cao. The top strategist Tian Feng was given death in prison, frustrated because he could not escape being captured by Cao Cao, and was later killed; Xu You threw himself at Cao, and Feng Ji was killed by Yuan Tan; only Guo Tu and Xin Ping protected Yuan Tan, and yuan Shang was still infighting, not knowing that death was coming.

Cao Cao: Yesterday when I was alone in the city, how many crossbows and arrows in the city? Judge: Hate less! Hate less

Yuan Tan could not defeat Yuan Shang and surrendered to Cao Cao, the original intention was to let Cao Cao fight Yuan Shang for him, and after both sides were defeated and injured, they would reap the benefits of the fisherman. Playing this kind of trick in front of Cao Cao, Yuan Tan inevitably got a bit of a banmen axe, which was all the rest of Cao Cao's play, and Yuan Tan still thought that he had a good plan.

On the one hand, Cao Cao agreed to Yuan Tan's request to surrender, on the one hand, he won the hearts and minds of the people, and on the other hand, he dredged the grain road, that is, he did not fight Yuan Shang. Yuan Shang saw that Cao Cao did not send troops and continued to attack Yuan Tan with his life. Cao Cao saw yuan shang leading the main force out, knowing that the opportunity was coming, so he led a large army to attack Jizhou, all the way invincible, straight to the city of Jizhou, the jizhou defender will be the judge, a good attacker and good at using archers.

Cao Cao: Yesterday when I was alone in the city, how many crossbows and arrows in the city? Judge: Hate less! Hate less

The good attack of the trial was reflected in the Battle of Guandu, where the Cao army was shot at cao from a commanding height on the tushan mountain in front of the Cao camp, and it was also secretly penetrated through the Cao camp, making the Cao army suffer a lot. The good keeping of the trial was reflected in the Battle of Shouyi, sitting in the isolated city without reinforcements, and repeatedly defeating the Cao army. And whether attacking or defending, the most useful class of troops is archers.

The archers who were trained in the trial were strictly disciplined and ordered, and the lethality was extremely high. In the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao had already learned something, and in the Battle of Shouyi, Cao Cao personally experienced it. Yuan Shangjiu attacked Yuan Tan and turned back to rescue Yicheng, and the trial partner wanted to join forces with Yuan Shangli, and attacked Cao Cao at both ends, so he killed from Yicheng. Cao Cao personally led the army to kill the army and horses under the command of the trial back to Yecheng, and the arrows in the city rained down, shooting Cao Cao's helmet, and Cao Cao almost died on the spot.

Cao Cao: Yesterday when I was alone in the city, how many crossbows and arrows in the city? Judge: Hate less! Hate less

Yuan Shang's rescue troops outside the city collapsed at a touch, and the trial had no hope and could only stick to it. The city of Jizhou was solid, and Cao Cao decided to besiege the city with the water of the Zhanghe River, and the trial was exhausted but never surrendered. Xin Bi, a man who had eaten inside and outside, came to recruit an, interrogated the anger, and led the Xin Bi family of more than eighty old and young to the head of the city, and threw people's heads under the city while killing, which was also enough.

Seeing that the city could no longer be defended, the nephew of the trial match, Opened the city gate to welcome Cao Jun in, and the trial match fought with the Cao army to the death, and was captured by Xu Huangsheng and sacrificed to Cao Cao. Cao Cao asked the interrogator, "Yesterday when I was alone in the city, how could I do the crossbow arrows in the city?" The judge replied, "Hate less!" Hate less! Cao Cao asked again, "Qing is loyal to the Yuan clan, and it is not forbid that it will not be so." Will I be able to surrender now? The judge replied: "No drop!" Don't drop! Cao Cao ordered people to be executed, and the last words of the trial were: "My Lord is in the north, and I must not die facing the south!" ”

Cao Cao: Yesterday when I was alone in the city, how many crossbows and arrows in the city? Judge: Hate less! Hate less

After the death of The Trial, Jizhou fell into the hands of Cao Cao, and Yuan Shang lost his roots and fled for his life. Yuan Tan saw that Yuan Shang was defeated and thought that Cao Cao would be seriously injured, and wanted to take the opportunity to drive Cao Cao away and restore Jizhou. To find out whether Yuan Tan can get his wish, and look at the next decomposition.

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