
Animal you may not know: Hexagonal Arowana

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Animal you may not know: Hexagonal Arowana

Hexagonal arowana has no frontal scale arc and is biconcave in the vertebral body. The lateral costostral grooves are pronounced. Most adult species are predominantly land-dwelling, burrowing in earthen caves. There are about 30 kinds of fertilization in the body. It is widely distributed, reaching southeastern Alaska in the north and highlands of Mexico in the south. Spawning in ponds or streams during early spring breeding, and some species lay their eggs on land in the autumn. When winter rain comes, the larvae enter the water to live. The egg attaches to a twig or other object. Female salamanders lay about 100 to 300 eggs, divided into several clusters of eggs, each group averages about 16 grains, the eggs of the animal are extremely black and brown, about 30 to 45 days of hatching, the larvae are about 12 mm long, with balanced branches. [1]

The genus Apatosaurus has a broad head, small eyes, a large tongue, and only the sides are free. The teeth of the plough bone are mostly transverse, some are far apart, and some are "m" shaped. It is widespread, reaching southeastern Alaska in the north and highlands of Mexico in the south.

When it rains, adults can be seen on the ground. Juveniles are found throughout the year. Mostly 1 year to complete metamorphosis. Juvenile outer gills and caudal fins are well developed. The famous Salamander, the Mexican salamander, is naturally sexually mature, while morphologically incomplete metamorphosis, belonging to the child's body; only occasionally metamorphosis is induced by thyroid hormones. The tabby blunt-mouthed salamander is a child in the high mountains of the west; in the eastern lowlands, it can complete the metamorphosis in a few months. Low temperatures and many other factors can inhibit it from completing metamorphosis. Spotted salamander and Mexican salamander can live up to 25 years.

The Mexican blunt-mouthed salamander is a popular pet in the international market, and they have a funny name - "Hexagonal Dragon". Hexagonal dragons have a very high regenerative capacity, especially juveniles, and can regenerate any severed limbs within a month. As you grow, your ability to regenerate gradually diminishes, and you can't regenerate your limbs, but you can still regenerate tissues such as the epidermis or fingers and toes.

Animal you may not know: Hexagonal Arowana

In the natural environment, hexagonal dragons did not evolve into salamanders, and if they were to be forced to evolve, they would have to increase the amount of iodine ions in water or add the hormone thyroxine to food.

The hexagonal arowana is an uncompromising ancient species. According to modern scientific analysis, this peculiar salamander creature has existed for at least tens of millions of years. But miraculously, such a long time did not make the slightest change in their bodies. At present, more than thirty species of hexagonal arowana exist in the world (according to 2009 statistics, and now some species may be extinct), all of which are consistent with their original form, which is also a miracle in biological history.

Animal you may not know: Hexagonal Arowana

Origin: Cernega, Zambia, Nigeria, Lake Chad in Khotanga, White Nile, etc

Water temperature: 22 ~ 26 °C


Hardness: 2~13 dgh

Body length: 60cm

Food: Carnivorous

Characteristics: It is an ancient fish species, known as living fossils. Strong physique and rapid growth

The fish is 16 to 20 cm in size.

Hexagonal Arowana is more adaptable, but the water quality changes sharply, which will affect the appetite, so when changing the water, it is necessary to add neutral new water. The water temperature suitable for adult fish is 20 ~ 25 °C, if the water temperature is slowly reduced to 20 °C, it will not cause harm to the hexagonal arowana. The water temperature in the juvenile fish should be maintained at 25 to 26 °C, or slightly high temperature is more suitable for growth.

Hexagonal arowana is not picky eater, young fish can be fed red worms, earthworms, etc., slightly larger and then fed scaly shrimp, granular food, or fish meat, fish intestines and cod liver, etc.; after growing into adult fish, you can feed goldfish, crucian carp, small bighead shrimp or fillets. In order to facilitate feeding, in addition to feeding raw bait, it is best to feed some artificial feed.

Hexagonal dragon is a kind of dinosaur fish, the amount of food is very large, once the feeding bait is not enough to eat, it will harm other fish, so in the mixed feeding, it is best to take the method of dispersed feeding. Large carps, cichlids, catfish and other fish can be mixed with dinosaur fish, but it should be noted that the "lungfish" in ancient fish cannot be polycultured with hexagonal arowana.

Each individual needs a space of at least 45cm in length, with a water depth of not less than 15cm, and no water flow. Ph (hardness) between 6.5 and 8, the best is 7.4 to 7.6. Hexagonal dinosaurs like hard water, if the water quality of the living area is soft, it can be adjusted by adding salt, and the formula and dosage can be seen later. The mat is made of stones with a diameter of more than 2 cm (to ensure that it will not be eaten by mistake) or fine sand, which is better than sand and can make hexagonal dinosaurs grasp the bottom of the water. In addition to the bottom sand, a large amount of aquatic weeds can be planted in the tank, because the hexagonal dinosaurs are somewhat shy by nature and need a secret hiding place. Natural light can be used or a light can be added according to the arrangement of the aquarium. The temperature is between 14 and 20 degrees, avoid drastic changes, and the optimal temperature is 16 to 18 degrees. Do not polyculture with other aquatic animals, nor should individual hexagonal dinosaurs be polycultured.

Hexagonal dinosaurs were only found in Lake Xochimilcho and Lake Chalco in Mexico. Since the Mexican salamander is a close relative of the North American tiger skin salamander, many people refer to the larvae of the tiger skin salamander as hexagonal dinosaurs, which is not correct, although the appearance of the two is similar, but the tiger skin salamander larvae will evolve into salamanders on their own, and the tiger skin salamander juvenile pattern is slightly different from that of the hexagonal dinosaurs. American industry breeds hexagonal dinosaurs in large numbers, and wild individuals have become rare. At the same time, it also cultivated pure white white seeds, and in the past two years, it has cultivated golden white seeds, which has greatly improved the texture of hexagonal dinosaurs. It also makes the hexagonal dinosaurs in the original body color increasingly rare.

Fish tank arrangement

Animal you may not know: Hexagonal Arowana

Hexagonal dinosaurs can grow up to 30 cm long, so it is more suitable to raise tanks to be more than three feet. Dense aquatic grass is required. The most notable point is that hexagonal dinosaurs required a lower temperature than the average salamander, because the lake water in the origin is made of melted ice and snow, so the water temperature is best kept below 20 degrees and 15 degrees. Therefore, not only a cooler is needed, but also a cooler with a higher cooling force to maintain this low temperature in the summer. Hexagonal dinosaurs eat a very large amount, any fish and shrimp live bait or a variety of feed as long as swallowed are all accepted, in the group breeding can not be too large difference in size, so as not to be swallowed by small individuals.

The distinction between male and female is very easy in adults, the male is slimmer, the femoral cavity is enlarged and raised, the female is hypertrophied, and the fettering cavity is flat. Juveniles are unable to distinguish between male and female. In the breeding tank, the male will first lay the seminal vesicles, and the female will then suck the seminal vesicles into the fettering cavity to complete mating. Males need to fish out the breeding tank after mating, females will lay eggs within 12 to 20 hours after mating, the number is between 200 and 400, salamander eggs and frog eggs are coated in a layer of transparent colloid, preferably placed in the incubation tank, each tank is not more than 50 eggs. At room temperature for about 15 to 20 days, it will hatch into juvenile tadpoles, and after helping the tadpoles get out of the gelatinous, they can feed the shrimp of the harvest year. Juvenile tadpoles are best kept separately and separately to avoid predators, and there is a strong tendency among the larvae to devour each other. Tadpoles grow rapidly, and with plenty of food, they can reach sexual maturity and begin to reproduce in about a year. Hexagonal dinosaurs are healthy and easy to raise, suitable as a novice to start salamander breeding.

Juveniles: water fleas, water earthworms.

Sub-adults: water earthworms, red worms, river shrimp (shrimp heads must be removed).

Adults: water earthworms, red worms, small fish, loach, cattle hearts, river shrimp.

The water quality is clean.

Don't put sinkwood (which turns water into soft water), and remember that hexagonal dinosaurs like hard water.

The temperature (preferably 16 to 20 degrees) should not exceed 25 degrees.