
Steamed gagi fish to be prepared

author:Good kitchen net

If you want to eat the most delicious and nutritious fish, it is better to steam it. How to make steamed gagi fish? Let me tell you.

Ingredients: 750 g of gagi fish

Accessories: Shiitake mushrooms (dried) 10 grams of fatty meat 50 grams of ham 50 grams of winter shoots 25 grams of rape hearts 50 grams

Seasoning: Rice wine 25 g ginger 10 g Salt 4 g chicken fat 5 g peppercorns 2 g shallots 10 g

Steamed gagi fish to be prepared

1. Scrape off the scales of the fish, clean the gills and internal organs, wash them, and beat the 1.7 cm square lancet flower knife on the fish;

2. After sharpening the knife, put it in boiling water and blanch it, then fish it out, sprinkle a spoonful of fine salt, and place it neatly on the plate;

3. Put the pork fat on a flower knife and cut into 3.3 cm long and 1 cm wide slices;

4. Cut the green onion into small pieces and slice the ginger;

5. Cut the mushrooms, bamboo shoots, ham and rape hearts into slices of 1 cm wide and 3.3 cm long;

6. Put the fish in the fish pond dish and add 200 ml of rice wine, peppercorns and clear soup;

7. Then place the pork fat, green onion, ginger slices, shiitake mushrooms, winter shoots and ham evenly on the fish (exposing the fish eyes), steam in the cage for 20 minutes and then take out;

8. Take out and decant the soup into the wok, remove the green onion, ginger and peppercorns, and blanch the rapeseed hearts and place them neatly on the fish;

9. Bring the soup to a boil in a wok, beat off the foam, pour over the fish and drizzle with chicken fat.