
The famous dish "Steamed Gagi Fish" is easy to learn, and it can eat an extra bowl of rice for dinner

author:Small yan food club

Hello everyone, I am Xiaoyan Officia, welcome to the world of food. Today I would like to share with you a dish called "Steamed Gagi Fish".

The famous dish "Steamed Gagi Fish" is easy to learn, and it can eat an extra bowl of rice for dinner

The scientific name of the Gagi fish is true, the body is silver red, the flesh is tender, the taste is delicious, and it is the best quality of marine fish. People are happy to use it as a delicacy at festive banquets, which has the meaning of increasing auspiciousness and annual surplus (fish), so it is commonly known as Gagi fish.

The Gargie fish prefer to inhabit the near-shores of sediment bottoms and spawn in May by swimming from deep water to nearshore. China's coastal areas produce Gagi fish, of which Shandong coastal production is the largest.

Steamed gagi fish

The famous dish "Steamed Gagi Fish" is easy to learn, and it can eat an extra bowl of rice for dinner

Raw materials equipped with:

1 jiaji fish (about 750 grams), green onion, ginger slices 25 grams each, peppercorns, 50 grams of shiitake mushrooms, ham 50 grams, green vegetable leaves 25 grams, fatty meat 100 grams, broth 200 grams, refined salt 2.5 grams, monosodium glutamate 2.5 grams, cooking wine 10 grams, chanterelle 10 grams, winter shoots 50 grams.

Preparation method

1. Remove the scales, cheeks, and internal organs of the fish, put a cross knife on both sides of the fish body, release a pot in the water, put it in the fish pond on the left side, sprinkle with salt monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, and pour the broth.

The famous dish "Steamed Gagi Fish" is easy to learn, and it can eat an extra bowl of rice for dinner

2. Shiitake mushrooms, winter shoots, ham, and green vegetable leaves (washed) are cut into 3.3 cm long, 1 cm wide and 0.3 cm thick slices. Cut the fat into a comb flower knife 3.3 cm long, 1 cm wide and 0.3 cm thick. According to the different colors, the above raw materials are placed on the body of the fish and arranged in the shape of "human". Place the green onion, ginger and peppercorns in the basket and steam thoroughly.

The famous dish "Steamed Gagi Fish" is easy to learn, and it can eat an extra bowl of rice for dinner

3. Pour the original soup of the steamed fish in the fish pond into the net spoon, adjust the taste, remove the foam, pour on the fish, and drizzle with chicken fat.

Today I shared it here, if you have any better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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