
I was really surprised that the rice cooker could make this --- steamed gagi fish

author:Yuha kitchen
I was really surprised that the rice cooker could make this --- steamed gagi fish
I was really surprised that the rice cooker could make this --- steamed gagi fish

The scientific name of The gagi fish is snapper, and there is a saying in Qingdao: gagi head, mackerel tail, knife fish belly, pure mouth

It is said that the head of the Gagi fish tastes delicious

In the past, Gagi fish was the preferred marine fish for festivals and hospitality.

In recent years, there has been less food, and there are few traces of Gagi fish on the market.

My favorite way to eat it is steamed, which can retain the delicious taste of gagi fish,

There are occasional gagi fish on the market, to be honest, the size of the fish is really not big,

I haven't eaten it for a long time, and I can't help but buy a few to taste its umami taste,

The steamed gagi is delicious

I was really surprised that the rice cooker could make this --- steamed gagi fish
I was really surprised that the rice cooker could make this --- steamed gagi fish

Ingredients: 4 fish, green onion, 4 slices of ginger, 1 tablespoon of fresh soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1/2 tablespoon of cooking wine


1, Gagi fish to the intestines to scale and wash

2: Put 2 cups of water in the rice cooker and put in the steaming dish that comes with you

3: Place the plate on the steaming plate and spread the green onion and ginger on the bottom of the plate

4: Place the fish on a plate, try to lay flat and pour in a tablespoon of cooking wine

I was really surprised that the rice cooker could make this --- steamed gagi fish

5. Cover the pot lid, press the "Menu/Select" key to select the "Universal Stew" function, press the "Time" key to adjust the time for 15 minutes, and press the "Pressure Cooking Rice/White Rice Shortcut" key to start

6, after cooking, open the lid, the fish steaming is also just right

7, take out the plate, control the water in the plate, take out the green onion and ginger,

8: Put the vegetable oil into a hand spoon and heat over low heat until it smokes

9: Place the fish on a plate, sprinkle the surface with white strips of green onion, a little pickled pepper ring, drizzle with fresh soy sauce, and pour hot oil while hot

I was really surprised that the rice cooker could make this --- steamed gagi fish
I was really surprised that the rice cooker could make this --- steamed gagi fish


1, the size of the fish is relatively small, the steaming time is also slightly shorter

2, there is steamed fish soy sauce taste better