
Cuisine: Steamed gargi fish, home stewed fathead fish, beef pie

author:80 grocery stores

Steamed gagi fish

Cuisine: Steamed gargi fish, home stewed fathead fish, beef pie

Ingredients: Dalian sea specialty Gagi fish (red snapper)

Ingredients: magnolia slices, shiitake mushrooms, fatty meat, green onion, ginger, etc

Cooking: Steamed

Comments: Dalian sea is rich in Jiaji fish, with delicious meat, beautiful appearance, auspicious name and other characteristics. Using the steaming technique and the time of steaming the fish, the characteristics of the gagi fish can be fully reflected

Pour the juice big head treasure

Cuisine: Steamed gargi fish, home stewed fathead fish, beef pie

Ingredient name: Benhai DatouBao

Dosage specification: 600g/case

Preparation Method:

1. Change the big head treasure into a knife, hang the paste, and fry it to a golden brown.

2: Make a sweet and sour sauce and pour it on the fried kohlrabi.

Flavor characteristics: crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fresh and delicious, sweet and sour.

Cultural connotation: Yingkou Benhai special small seafood is selected as raw materials to show the local characteristics of Yingkou and inherit the spirit of Yingkou cuisine.

Home stewed fathead fish

Cuisine: Steamed gargi fish, home stewed fathead fish, beef pie

Ingredients used: Select a pure wild fathead fish from Fushun Gangfang Reservoir.

1. Disconnect the gills from four fingers down, leave the fish head for later, scale the gills and cut the chamber, and remember to clean the black film in the belly of the fish.

2. Boil oil, chicken fat, soybean oil, three kinds of oil to boil, the three kinds of oil will increase the aroma of the oil.

3. Add the shallots, ginger, garlic and soy sauce and sauté the pan until fragrant.

4. Put in the cooking wine, vinegar to remove fishy, add the appropriate old soup to boil, put the fish head into the pot, open the salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, a little sugar, change the heat and simmer for 40 minutes.

5. Add a little coriander, a pepper Titian, simmer for another 5 minutes, collect the juice on high heat and get out of the pot.

Cow house pie

Cuisine: Steamed gargi fish, home stewed fathead fish, beef pie

Flavor Profile:

"Haicheng Niuzhuang Pie" is a provincial intangible cultural heritage, a time-honored brand in Liaoning Province, and one of the representative noodles in Liaoning Province. Its thin skin and large filling, external scorched inside, fat and not greasy characteristics have been welcomed by the general public for hundreds of years.

Base material:

Noodles: High gluten flour, warm water.

Filling: pork, beef, monosodium glutamate, salt, soy sauce, green onion, pepper noodles, sesame oil, sea rice, minced ginger, broth, etc

1, and noodles: according to the temperature of spring, summer, autumn and winter to adjust the water temperature, so that the water surface is soft and tough. After living, brush the surface with soybean oil and leave it in a cool place for 2-3 hours.

2, mixing filling: meat into a thick paste, according to the proportion of ingredients to add a variety of vegetable fillings, spices, ingredients, to ensure balanced nutrition, delicious taste.

3. Packaging: note-down, flattening, filling, closing. Ensure that the shape is moderate, the skin is thin and the filling is large, and there is no trace at the mouth.

4, baking: the temperature is appropriate, put in the cooking oil, after the oil temperature is suitable, the cake blank under the pot, three turn four burns.