
Qilu famous dish: steamed Gagi fish

author:Xiaotao Entertainment said

Lu cuisine, which originated in Shandong, is the only spontaneous cuisine in the four major Chinese cuisines (and also the eight major cuisines) (compared to the Influential cuisines such as Huaiyang, Sichuan and Cantonese), and is the oldest, most technical, most difficult and most powerful cuisine.

Qilu famous dish: steamed Gagi fish

Steamed Jiaji fish is one of the traditional dishes in Shandong, and the coast of Shandong is rich in Jiaji fish.

Original, tender and refreshing, not greasy for a long time, often used as a large dish for high-end feasts.

Qilu famous dish: steamed Gagi fish

Gagi fish, the scientific name of the real seabream, is a precious edible fish, since ancient times is a treasure among fish, folk often use this to entertain guests.


Gagi fish


Shiitake mushrooms (dried) Fatty meat Ham Ham Winter shoots rape hearts


Rice wine Ginger Salt Chicken fat Pepper pepper shallots

Qilu famous dish: steamed Gagi fish


1. Scrape off the scales of the fish, remove the gills and internal organs, wash them, and beat the lancet knife on the fish;

2. After sharpening the knife, put it in boiling water and blanch it, then fish it out, sprinkle a spoonful of fine salt, and place it neatly on the plate;

3. Put the pork fat on a flower knife and cut into 1 cm wide slices;

4. Cut the green onion into small pieces and slice the ginger;

5. Water hair shiitake mushrooms, winter shoots, ham, rape hearts are changed to a knife width of 1 cm pieces;

6. Put the fish in the fish pond dish and add 200 ml of rice wine, peppercorns and clear soup;

Qilu famous dish: steamed Gagi fish

7. Place the fatty meat, green onion, ginger slices, shiitake mushrooms, winter shoots and ham on the fish (exposing the fish eyes), steam them in the cage for 20 minutes, and then remove them;

8. Take out and decant the soup into the wok, remove the green onion, ginger and peppercorns, and blanch the rapeseed hearts and place them neatly on the fish;

9. Bring the soup to a boil in a wok, beat off the foam, pour over the fish and drizzle with chicken fat.

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