
"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

author:Bright Net


A wild fox

Appeared in Mangshi Amaranth Dam

Sharp mouth, thick and long tail

Dripping eyes, extra aura

This scene was recorded by photographer Qian Minfu

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here
"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here
"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

Amaranth Dam is an alpine swamp peat wetland, which has the role of regulating climate, controlling soil erosion, and beautifying the environment. As the ecological environment of the amaranth dam is getting better and better, the species are gradually enriched, and many wild animals will appear here.

Walking into the Amaranth Dam is like entering a treasure trove of wildlife resources. The peaks are misty, the mountains are babbling, and the green meadows below are covered with low hills and gentle slopes.

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here
"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

The deeper the trees in the mountains, the stronger the fragrance of the trees becomes, and when you look up, you can see the crisscrossing branches, thick and strong. Against the backdrop of blue skies and white clouds, enjoy the Myo man landscape.

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

The ecological environment continues to improve

Biodiversity is effectively conserved

It inhabits and breeds for wild animals

Good space provided


A lot of precious wildlife is there

The landscapes and lakes of the Yunling Land appeared in the forest and lake grass

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

In the southern section of Gaoligong Mountain

Baihualing area

A new genus of the squirrel family

The genus Hiyama big-eared flying squirrel was found

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

The Hiyama big-eared flying squirrel is a genus of Lee's flying squirrel

Researchers from the Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences photographed the Li's small flying squirrel in Baihualing, a branch of the Longyang Branch of the Gaoligong Mountain Baoshan Management and Protection Bureau in Yunnan. At present, the new genus is only found in northern Myanmar and Nujiang Prefecture in Yunnan Province, as well as in the Baihualing Station area of the Longyang Branch of the Gaoligong Mountain Baoshan Management and Protection Bureau, and experts have assessed its threat level as near-danger (nt).

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

It is understood that a research team composed of Chinese, Australian and Lao scholars, through meticulous morphological and genetic analysis, confirmed that a new genus of the shrew family was found in Gongshan County in the northern section of Gaoligong Mountain in August 2020, and named it The Little Flying Squirrel of the Xishan Big-eared Flying Squirrel Genus.

In the Tengchong North Sea Wetland

Three rare water ducks – cotton ducks

It is monitored to inhabit here

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

Cotton appeared in the Tengchong North Sea Wetland

It is the thinnest of the ducklings in the family Duckidae and generally lives in rivers, lakes, ponds and swamps. Omnivorous, mainly plants, especially water lilies, also eat insects, crustaceans and so on.

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

The cotton bird is the smallest goose in the world, with a round head, short feet, and a beak that resembles the beak of a goose, and the adult bird is about 30 cm long and weighs nearly 200 grams. Because it looks like a cotton ball from a distance, it is named "cotton".

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

It is mainly distributed in China from central to southwestern Sichuan, south of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, south to southern Yunnan, Hainan Island, Guangdong and Guangxi, and occasionally in northern China and Taiwan.

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here
"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

Due to its small number (estimated to be no more than 2,000 in China), it has been included in the IUCN's 2012 Red List of Threatened Species and the List of Wild Animals under National Key Protection in China.

In Longling County, Baoshan City

Round-nosed monitor lizard

Northern dolphin-tailed monkey, bee monkey

It has been observed successively

Cadres from Mucheng Township, Longling County, Baoshan City, used their mobile phones to take a picture of rare and endangered wild animals on their mobile phones during the patrol. According to the judgment of Dr. Wang Jishan of the Kunming Survey and Design Institute of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, it should be a national class I key protected wild animal round-nosed monitor lizard, which belongs to the extremely endangered species. This is also after more than 10 years, the critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard has once again made a rare "appearance" in Longling County.

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

Round-nosed monitor lizard Infographic

At about 3:30 p.m. on the same day, when Yang Guojun, a cadre of Laoman Village in Mucheng Township, and his party of 3 people patrolled to the banks of the Nu River and waited for the mountain, they suddenly heard the sound of stones rolling down from the stone ridges along the river. Yang Guojun quickly recorded this fleeting precious image with his mobile phone.

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

"Looking at the morphology of the monitor lizard in the video data, combined with its distribution range in Longling, it should be a round-nosed monitor lizard." Dr. Wang Jishan said. The round-nosed monitor lizard is large, the adult body length can reach 2 meters, the tail length is about 1.5 times the body length, the limbs are thick, the fingers are sharp, and the back has small maculas, so it is also called "five-clawed golden dragon".

It is reported that the round-nosed monitor lizard belongs to the national level I key protected wild animals, and has been listed as a critically endangered species in the "China Biodiversity Red List", a critically endangered species in the "China Red Book of Endangered Animals" and an Appendix II species of the Washington Convention (cites).

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

Cai Shuangfa, a photography enthusiast in Longling County, Baoshan City

Accidentally photographed a group of monkeys with unique shapes

Through the State Forestry and Grassland Administration Kunming Survey and Design Institute

Doctor of Zoology, senior engineer Sun Guozheng appraisal

Determined to be a national level key protection of wild animals

Northern dolphin-tailed monkey

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

The Northern Dolphin-tailed Monkey Cai Shuangfa who appeared in Longling was photographed

Sun Guozheng introduced: "The northern dolphin tail monkey is also called the flat-top monkey, and the two names highlight the two characteristics of this monkey - the pig-like tail and the 'hairstyle' of the 'plate inch'. The northern dolphin-tailed monkey is agile, has high requirements for the living environment, is secretive, comes and goes without a trace, and it is generally difficult to photograph its whereabouts, and it is indeed gratifying to be able to take pictures of them in the wild. ”

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

The northern dolphin-tailed monkey is mainly distributed in Tibet, southern Yunnan and northern Indochina, and is a diurnal, omnivorous animal. They often travel in groups of 20 or 30 and live a "family-style" group life, mainly choosing evergreen or semi-evergreen broad-leaved forest areas with abundant food sources, high ecological environment quality and dense foliage as habitats.

The northern dolphin-tailed monkey has been listed as a first-class protected animal in China's List of Wild Animals under National Key Protection, the IUCN's 2013 Red List of Threatened Species ver3.1 - vulnerable (vu) species, and the Endangered Species of China's Endangered Red Book Mammals.

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

Longling County police and civilian daily patrol work

Accidentally found a strange-looking "little guy"

It has been appraised by experts of Kunming Survey and Design Institute of state forestry and grassland administration

Identified as a national level I key protected wild animal bee monkey

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

Bee Monkey Infographic

Mainly distributed in Yunnan and Guangxi in China, the bee monkey is extremely rare and has been listed in China's National List of Wild Animals under Key Protection Level I. protected animals, the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species (2020) Endangered Species(en), the China Red List of Vertebrates (2016) Endangered Species (en) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (cites 2019) Appendix I species.

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

According to Li Zhensheng, a mucheng township cadre who was at the scene at the time, this "little guy" looked very peculiar, with short limbs, a pair of big eyes on his round and slippery head, and this cute look was like a bear and a monkey: "It walks east and west, slowly and logically." To ensure its safety, we acted as a temporary 'security guard' on the side of the road until it left safely! ”

"Nine Tails of Green Hills", round-nosed monitor lizards, big-eared flying squirrels... Show up here

Good ecological environment

It is an indispensable condition for wild animals to "inhabit"

With the continuous improvement of the ecological environment

There will be more rare wildlife

Appeared in Yunnan

Cloud report client integration

Comprehensive: Pu'er Release, Baoshan Daily, Mangshi Rong Media Center, etc

Cloud News client reporter: Zhao Lihuai Yang Yanpeng

Correspondents: Yu Yunjiang, Yan Nenglu, Cai Shuangfa, Zeng Wei, Feng Siqin, Yang Jiqiang

Source: Yunnan Daily

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