
Species Encyclopedia: Round-nosed monitor lizard

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The round-nosed monitor lizard, a genus of monitor lizards in the family Ilzoosauridae, has 5 subspecies that diverges: nominate subspecies, Andaman Islands subspecies, Ziegler subspecies, Sumatran subspecies, and Indonesian subspecies. It is found in South and Southeast Asia, inhabiting mountain streams or coastal estuaries, ponds and reservoirs. It is large in size, with a total head and tail length of about 150 cm and a weight of 20-30 kg. Distributed in Hainan, Yunnan and Guangxi in China, it is one of only two species of monitor lizards in China (the other is the Bengal monitor lizard), which is a national first-class protected animal.

Species Encyclopedia: Round-nosed monitor lizard
Species Encyclopedia: Round-nosed monitor lizard

The head is narrow and long, slightly triangular. The snout is long and the snout is rounded. The dorsal scales of the head are large, hexagonal, flat and unangular. The nostrils are large and round or oval in shape. The ear holes are oval, erect, and the eardrum is visible. The body is strong, slightly flattened, and the whole body is covered with grain scales. The scales on the back of the trunk and limbs are ridged and slightly diamond-shaped. The limbs are thick and the claws are long and hard. The tail is flattened, the tail base is thicker, and the back is thinner, and the scales on the tail are arranged in two rows; the tail end is rounded and blunt, hard and upturned. The head and dorsal area are dark brown with pale yellow spots; the ventral surface is pale yellow with a small number of black spots.

Species Encyclopedia: Round-nosed monitor lizard
Species Encyclopedia: Round-nosed monitor lizard

It lives mainly on land, and is out and about day and night, but is most frequent in the early morning and at sunset. He is also good at swimming and climbing trees. Preys on fish, frogs, snakes, birds, rats and insects. As oviparous animals, females lay eggs in shore caves or tree burrows during the rainy season from June to July, laying 15-30 eggs per clutch. They can live up to 150 years. Sexually aggressive, fierce, and often whipped each other with a strong tail in the face of danger. When they feel that the situation is not good, they also have a variety of ways to help themselves, such as climbing into a tree to avoid, making a noise to intimidate the other party, puffing up their necks to make their bodies thick, or swimming into the water to hide.

Species Encyclopedia: Round-nosed monitor lizard
Species Encyclopedia: Round-nosed monitor lizard

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