
Disappeared for 10 years! Yunnan Longling found a critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard with strong reproductive ability but very few critically endangered species! A summary of the population status of the round-nosed monitor lizard

author:The Eight Precepts speak of science
Disappeared for 10 years! Yunnan Longling found a critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard with strong reproductive ability but very few critically endangered species! A summary of the population status of the round-nosed monitor lizard

On July 10, Mucheng Township, Longling County, Baoshan City, discovered the rare and endangered wild animal round-nosed monitor lizard. This species is a national-level key protected wild animal and is a critically endangered species. This is also after more than 10 years, the critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard has once again made a rare "appearance" in Longling County.

I have rarely heard of any large lizards in China, and I don't know about species like the round-nosed monitor lizard. What does it eat? What about the living environment? And so on.

Disappeared for 10 years! Yunnan Longling found a critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard with strong reproductive ability but very few critically endangered species! A summary of the population status of the round-nosed monitor lizard

The round-nosed monitor lizard is large and belongs to the reptiles of the genus Of Monitor Lizards, also known as water lizards, five-clawed golden dragons, monitor lizards, etc., and is closely related to the Komodo dragon. Adults can reach up to 2 meters in length and the tail length is about 1.5 times the length of the body.

Disappeared for 10 years! Yunnan Longling found a critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard with strong reproductive ability but very few critically endangered species! A summary of the population status of the round-nosed monitor lizard

Why is the round-nosed monitor lizard also called a "five-clawed golden dragon"? The main reason for this is that the round-nosed monitor lizard has thick limbs, sharp fingers, and small maculas on its back, hence the name "five-clawed golden dragon". Isn't it very domineering to hear this name?

The round-nosed monitor lizard's activity time is not particularly shown, and it can come out and move during the day and night, because of its large size, it looks a bit clumsy, but it is a flexible foodie, fast predatory action, and its diet is also very ferocious, like to eat fish, frogs, rats and other foods. Eat small mammals, such as mice and monkeys, and even other monitor lizards and their kind.

Disappeared for 10 years! Yunnan Longling found a critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard with strong reproductive ability but very few critically endangered species! A summary of the population status of the round-nosed monitor lizard

The round-nosed monitor lizard's ability to eat is that it can treat all the food that can be eaten as prey, and it is very aggressive. However, the round-nosed monitor lizard looks very lazy, with round nostrils, a pair of big eyes, and looks a bit cute, but it can climb trees or swim in the river very versatile.

Since the round-nosed monitor lizard is so strong in attack, how many of them are they? It is said that tigers are poisonous and do not eat children, and round-nosed monitor lizards are also of this type, and when they are hungry, their cubs will not let go. As a result, there has been no massive rise in the number of round-nosed monitor lizards without many predators.

Disappeared for 10 years! Yunnan Longling found a critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard with strong reproductive ability but very few critically endangered species! A summary of the population status of the round-nosed monitor lizard

According to statistics, adult round-nosed monitor lizards can lay 40 eggs a year, and in some special environments, it is likely that round-nosed monitor lizards can lay eggs at any time of the year. Round-nosed monitor lizard: a first-class national treasure, a swimming dragon in the water.

What is the distribution of the rounded-horned monitor lizard in China? According to statistics, the places where the round-nosed monitor lizard lives in China mainly includes parts of Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan and Yunnan, and some round-nosed monitor lizards may live. In addition to China, the round-nosed monitor lizard is distributed in some overseas countries, such as: India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia and other regions.

Disappeared for 10 years! Yunnan Longling found a critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard with strong reproductive ability but very few critically endangered species! A summary of the population status of the round-nosed monitor lizard

As a national level wild protected animal, the round-nosed monitor lizard is now in a relatively dangerous situation, although it is said that the global round-nosed monitor lizard is very rich, but there has not been an accurate statistics.

Disappeared for 10 years! Yunnan Longling found a critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard with strong reproductive ability but very few critically endangered species! A summary of the population status of the round-nosed monitor lizard

However, the number of round-nosed monitor lizards in China is precarious, because of its high economic value, resulting in a large number of round-nosed monitor lizards being captured, which has led to a sharp decline in the number of round-nosed monitor lizards in China, reaching the brink of endangerment.

So, what protection measures does our country have? In China, a monitor lizard reserve has been established for it, and at the same time, artificial breeding and breeding are encouraged, is it difficult to breed round-nosed monitor lizards?

Disappeared for 10 years! Yunnan Longling found a critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard with strong reproductive ability but very few critically endangered species! A summary of the population status of the round-nosed monitor lizard

First of all, the breeding technology: the round-nosed monitor lizard has a very small guts, day and night comparison, compared with less activity during the day, under artificial breeding conditions can independently feed on live animals such as crucian carp, frogs and mice, and can also eat beef, refined pork and quail eggs.

Round-nosed monitor lizards often suffer from parasites, colds and secondary pneumonia. The most suitable temperature for breeding is 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, the relative humidity is 50% to 90%, of which the temperature of safe wintering conditions is 20 degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity is 60% to 90%.

Disappeared for 10 years! Yunnan Longling found a critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard with strong reproductive ability but very few critically endangered species! A summary of the population status of the round-nosed monitor lizard

Secondly, the breeding method belongs to oviparous, and the females are expected to lay eggs in tree holes on the shore from June to August, laying 15-30 eggs per clutch, and the size of the eggs is 70 mm × 40 mm. The incubation period is 40-60 days. The round-nosed monitor lizard has a lifespan of up to 150 years.

Disappeared for 10 years! Yunnan Longling found a critically endangered species round-nosed monitor lizard with strong reproductive ability but very few critically endangered species! A summary of the population status of the round-nosed monitor lizard

The appearance of the round-nosed monitor lizard shows that the protection of the environment and ecology of Mucheng Township in Longling County, Baoshan City, China has done a very good job. According to this trend, there will be more wild protected animals in China in the future. Cheer for the Chinese environment!

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