
A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (27) Li Yi, Li Yi, Li II, and Ge Wu

author:National History

This article is compiled from the reading notes of "Hu Shi's Philosophy Class at Peking University".

Li Yu, the lord of Zigang, is a native of Lixian County. 1659-1733。 My father was a reclusive old scholar. Under the guidance of his father, Li Yu won Xiucai at the age of nineteen, and when he saw Yan Yuan at the age of twenty-one, he deeply thought that Yan Xue was for granted.

In his more than 20 years of study, he has successively met Xu Sanli, Fei Mi, Wang Fuli, Mao Qiling and other celebrities. He even talked about the nature of the heart by Song Ru, but in the end it did not help. Therefore, he advocated the establishment of practical studies, teaching literature, martial arts, economic history, artistic ability, and sticking.

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (27) Li Yi, Li Yi, Li II, and Ge Wu

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > first, theory</h1>

Yan Yuan said that the rational qi is one, and it also seems to have a differentiation. Although Li Yu believes that the "qi" spoken of by the Han people and the "reason" spoken of by the Song people are essentially the same thing, there is also a difference. Confucius once said that one yin and one yang are the Tao. With its popularity, with its methodical reasoning. It's not that there's something else outside of qi. Essentially, it says the same thing, qi talks about movement, and reason says law.

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (27) Li Yi, Li Yi, Li II, and Ge Wu

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, lattice</h1>

Li Yuan believes that the things of the grid are the things in the university. The word "grid" is more thoroughly spoken by Cheng Zhu, which is the meaning of "learning". Zhi zhi is "learning literature", and sincerity is so that the world is "covenant ceremony". Zhi, that is, to push to, is to achieve the purpose of knowledge through the study of literature.

In order to oppose song Ru's bad habit of empty words, Li Yu deliberately emphasized the role of things. Honest cultivation qi zhiping has its own things, and learning things has its own objects. "Ritual" is also a thing, and "music" is also a thing, and anyone who learns etiquette and music must list its things. Get a field trip, this is the true meaning of "to". We cannot leave "Xi" to talk about "learning" in vain.

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (27) Li Yi, Li Yi, Li II, and Ge Wu

Zhu Xi said that when the Southern Jian people went to Jianning, they had to go to the county hall to be considered "to", and if it came to the territory of Jianyang, it was "not to". This is also the truth of the knowledge of the grid. The sages have always been the first to know, and the knowledge lies in learning. As the saying goes, "One place is less than one black", which is the meaning of the closest thing to the knowledge of the lattice.

If "lattice" means "learning", why not just say: "Learning to know"? Li Yuan believes that there is a depth and a shallow level of learning, which can be called learning. And the "lattice" can only be regarded as a lattice when it arrives. Lattice objects are all about what is learned, from shallow to deep. Those who say that there are objects outside of school are retreats and not pragmatic. This is not the study of the saints. The learning of the saints is based on facts.

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (24) Gu Yanwu

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (25) Yan Yuan

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (26)
