
Wang Tong trained Wei Zheng, Hu Yu trained Cheng Hao, how did the ancient masters train students?

author:Beijing Daily client

On September 1, the annual back-to-school season began. Respecting teachers and re-teaching is a long tradition of the Chinese nation, for thousands of years, many famous teachers have emerged in Chinese history, cultivating many talents, let's see how the ancient masters trained students.

Yan Zhitui: Educate children to establish noble ideals

Wang Tong trained Wei Zheng, Hu Yu trained Cheng Hao, how did the ancient masters train students?

Yan Zhitui Qing Dynasty stone carving

Yan Zhitui (531 – c. 597) was a famous writer, educator, and thinker during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. His educational ideas are written in his monograph "Yan's Family Training", which is the first systematic and rich family training in China's history, which provides reference for future generations in family education and moral cultivation. Yan Zhitui spent his life as an official in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, although he did not specifically engage in education and teaching, but his educational ideas influenced for more than a thousand years.

Yan Zhitui's family education has an important content, that is, to educate children to aspire and establish noble ideals of life. It is recorded in the "Yan Family Training and Godson" that there was a scholar in the Qi Dynasty, who introduced his parenting experience and said: "I have a son, who is seventeen years old, who is quite knowledgeable and sparse, and teaches him to speak xianbei language and play the pipa, and he wants to understand it a little, so that he can do things for the secretary of state, and he is not spoiled, and he also wants to do things." This scholar-doctor paid close attention to his children's education, not only learning "foreign languages" but also learning to play the pipa, which was not to be blamed, but the purpose of this scholar-doctor's teaching of his son to learn talent was to rely on the powerful and bend the government to win fame and fortune. Yan Zhitui was extremely indignant about this, and repeatedly strictly guarded his descendants from following suit.

Wang Tong trained Wei Zheng, Hu Yu trained Cheng Hao, how did the ancient masters train students?

"Yan's Family Training"

Yan Zhitui emphasized erudition in the cultivation of talents, and in addition to requiring his descendants to master the study of scriptures and literature and history, he also vigorously advocated the study of the knowledge of the "Hundred Schools". He said in the "Yan Family Training": "The finger of Fu Ming's Six Classics involves the book of a hundred families, even if it cannot gain virtue, dun li customs, it is like an art, and it can be self-funded." That is to say, Yan Zhitui not only requires learning all the agricultural, industrial and commercial skills that are conducive to survival, but also knowing about the knowledge of medicine, music, arithmetic, calligraphy, chess, archery, painting, etc. For example, for medicine, Yan Zhitui believes that learning medicine in ordinary times is of great benefit to daily life, and can save lives at critical times, "micro-antidote, small harmony, home can save emergencies, but also a victory"; for the piano art, he also does not object, learning the piano art can please people's temperament, "This world's distortions, although it has changed in ancient times, it is enough to smooth the look." ”

Of course, Yan Zhitui advocates erudition at the same time, but also emphasizes the specialization and refinement of knowledge learning. He once recorded in the "Yan Family Training and Provincial Affairs" section: "In recent times, there are two people, Lang Wushiye, sexual multi-camp comprehensive, slightly unknown, not enough to be asked, history is not enough to discuss, the article can not be passed on to the collection, the handwriting is not enough to stay and play, Bu Xiao shoots six to three, medicine cures ten to five, music is under dozens of people, bows are in thousands of people, astronomy, painting, chess, Xianbei language, Hu Shu, fried walnut oil, refining tin for silver, and so on, a little outline, are not familiar." ”

These two "Lang Wushi", just like today's children, learned everything at the request of their parents, and as a result, they were not proficient in everything. Yan Zhitui was extremely opposed to this. Of these two "Lang WuShi", he believed, "If the gods of the other are omitted, if they are omitted from their heresy, they should also be exquisite." ”

Wang Tong: Trained a number of Founding Heroes of the Tang Dynasty

Wang Tong (584-617), a famous educator and thinker in the late Sui Dynasty. In the fourth year of Sui Renshou (604), Wang Tong began to organize and write the Six Classics. Nine years later, the "Continuation of the Six Classics" was completed, and Wang Tong's name moved the world, and students from all over the world came from afar to learn from him the way of assisting the king and governing the government. Wang Tong ran schools in Huangjie Mountain and Bainiu Creek, with many students, and at that time, he was known as a thousand people under the door. He was regarded as a figure like Confucius, and the White Cow Creek where he taught was also known as "Wang Confucius Creek". The students he educated included Wei Zheng, Xue Shuo, Wen Yanbo, Du Yan, Du Ruhan, Chen Shuda, and other founding heroes of the Tang Dynasty, and Fang Xuanling, Li Jing, Li Mi, and others also asked Wang Tong for advice and were influenced by it. Wang Tong's teaching ideas were included in the book "Zhongshu".

Wang Tong trained Wei Zheng, Hu Yu trained Cheng Hao, how did the ancient masters train students?

Wang-do Images

Wang Tong attaches great importance to the transformation and development of teaching materials and teaching methods. He wrote extensively throughout his life, teaching his students and writing a large number of scriptural auxiliary readings for them. According to the "Zhongshu" record, Wang Tong also improved the teaching method, changing according to the changes of the times and the environment, and constantly enriched and improved the content of the teaching materials.

In his teaching, he also paid attention to absorbing the ideas of other sects and schools such as Buddhism and Taoism, and took some references to enrich and enrich Confucianism, changing its monotonous and tedious situation, enhancing its interest, and making students interested in learning. Wang Tong pays attention to teaching according to aptitude and eclecticism, and for different students, at different times and places, his exposition will change, and it will be explained from person to person, and the effect is very good.

Wang Tong trained Wei Zheng, Hu Yu trained Cheng Hao, how did the ancient masters train students?

Wang Tong's "Middle Talk"

According to the Zhongshu Qingyi Chapter, Wei Zheng asked, "Is the saint worried?" Wang Tong replied, "The whole world is worried, but am I alone not worried?" Wei Zheng asked again, "Is the saint suspicious?" Wang Tong replied, "Everyone in the world is suspicious, but I am not suspicious." Wei Zheng asked and left. Wang Tong said to Dong Chang: "Lotte knows his destiny, I am worried; exhaustive reason, I am suspicious." ”

Dong Chang said why didn't he say that to Wei Zheng? Wang Tong said: "The traces of those who ask questions are also the traces of those whom I tell you, and the judgment of the traces of the heart is long, and I am alone." From this dialogue, it can also be seen that for different people, Wang Tong's educational philosophy is also different.

Wang Tong also attached great importance to moral cultivation and put forward relevant laws for improving moral cultivation. He asked students to become morally upright people with lofty ambitions, according to the Heaven and Earth Chapter: "Wei Zheng, Du Yan, Dong Changzhi, Zi (Wang Tong) said: 'Each word is ambitious. Zheng Yue: "May the King of Ming, think faithfully, and retreat to make up for it." Drowning: "May the law of the king be enforced, so that there will be no wrongdoers in the world." Chang Said: "May the way of the saints be practiced in time, and always have nothing to do with the source." Zi Yue: "Oh, I and Tsuneya." ’”

These ideas became the main components of Wang Tong's education and an important part of his Confucian educational thought. Many of these concepts and formulations were creative, not only had an impact at the time, but were widely borrowed by later scholars.

Hu Yu: Lead students to swim in the great rivers and mountains

Hu Yu (993-1059), a famous educator in the Northern Song Dynasty, lived in Andingbao, Shaanxi Road, and was known as Mr. Anding. Hu Yu repeatedly failed to pass the examination, desperately wanted to do science and make a living by teaching. In the first year of the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song (1034), Fan Zhongyan moved to Suzhou and founded "Su Xue", hiring Hu Yan as a professor. In the second year of the Qing calendar (1042), he was invited by Teng Zongyu to attend the Huzhou Prefecture School. After teaching in Huzhou for nine years, Hu Yu taught well, and his rules of study were also adopted by the imperial court as The Taixue Law. From the second year of Emperor Hu (1052), Hu Yu lectured in Taixue, and later served as a scholar, responsible for "Guan Gou Taixue", and later became a doctor of Taichang.

Wang Tong trained Wei Zheng, Hu Yu trained Cheng Hao, how did the ancient masters train students?

Image of Fumiaki Hu

When Hu Yan educated his students, he had a strong sense of responsibility, "treating all students as his children, his fathers and brothers." Ouyang Xiu praised him for "the most prepared teaching method."

According to the Qing Dynasty Ding Baoshu 'Records of Words and Deeds in Anding', Hu Yan once pointed out: "Scholars who only guard one township are stuck in one song, and they are stingy and despicable." It is necessary to travel in all directions to see the human condition, the customs of the north and the south, the weather of the mountains and rivers, and to hear it widely, it is beneficial to learn. ”

Wang Tong trained Wei Zheng, Hu Yu trained Cheng Hao, how did the ancient masters train students?

A Record of Words and Deeds of Stability, which records Hu Yan's educational thoughts

To this end, Hu Yan led the students of Huzhou to tour Guanzhong, ascending to the far horizon, and the majestic mountains and rivers in the north were very different from the beautiful scenery in the south. Hu Yu said to the students: "This can be said to be mountains and rivers. Scholars, it is not seen! ”

Hu Yan not only guides students to study, but also urges them to exercise, rest and play. He established a shooting hall and a music hall in Huzhou Prefecture, "although the scholar learns books, he does not abandon riding archery and qinser", and students must learn archery and music in addition to learning their own majors. In the evening after each big and small exam, he let the students gather in the first hall, play music and sing, and then disperse until the second day. His teachings were not only passed down as beautiful talk by the Song people, but even after six or seven hundred years, the Qing Dynasty people still imitated them.

When Taixue was teaching, Hu Yan also followed the temptation of students who had gone astray. According to the appendix of the "Anding Study Case", there was a student from Panyu, Guangdong Province, who came to Kaifeng to study, from a merchant family, and when he came, his father gave him a lot of money. At first, the student lived a life of spending time and drinking, but soon squandered the money, fell seriously ill, and lay dying in a hotel. After Hu Yao knew, he went to visit this student, first alerting him to the art of health maintenance, and then Hu Yao told him the truth of self-cultivation. After being taught by Hu Yu, this student suddenly woke up, read angrily, and a few years later passed the entrance examination.

Because Hu Yu "has the most prepared teachings", people are willing to learn from him, which is the so-called "everyone is happy and thus successful".

Hu Yan's disciples were all over the government and the public, the most famous of whom was Cheng Yi, the master of science in the Northern Song Dynasty. Cheng Yi studied under Hu Yi in Taixue during the reign of Emperor Hu, who tested students with the question "What Yan Zi Is Good to Learn", and Cheng Yi's answer sheet of "Learning to the Way of the Saints" was deeply appreciated by Hu Yi, and later Cheng Yi became a master of Yi Xue, and his book "Yichuan YiChuan" was deeply influenced by Hu Yi.

Cheng Yi had great respect for Hu Yi, and recorded in the "Song Yuanxue Case and AndingXue Case", "Mr. Yichuan's salute also arrived, and although Yu Lianxi tried to learn from him, he often knew Uncle Mao, and Mr. Yu was not Called Mr. Anding. The meaning of this passage is that although Cheng Yi (known to the world as "Mr. Yichuan") also studied at Zhou Dunyi (濂溪), he only called Hu Yi mr. and Zhou Dunyi as an uncle, which shows Cheng Yi's respect for Hu Yi.

Yan Yuan: Promote all-round development

Yan Yuan (1635-1704), a progressive thinker and educator in the early Qing Dynasty. The main connotation of Yan Yuan's "practical learning" education ideology is "practice, practical text, substance, and practicality", similar to our quality education today. His teaching ideas and teaching methods are recorded in books such as Xi Zhai Ji Yu, Xi Zhai Shi Zhi Zhi, and Xi Zhai Words and Deeds.

Wang Tong trained Wei Zheng, Hu Yu trained Cheng Hao, how did the ancient masters train students?

Yan Yuan

Yan Yuan attaches great importance to the study of the Six Arts. Yan Yuan demanded to his students: "Whoever is my disciple, first learn the number of Lile Shooting Imperial Books, soldiers and farmers, Qiangu, water and fire workers, and although they have not been able, they are willing to learn together." ”

According to the "Xi Zhai Chronicle", Yan Yuan not only teaches students the knowledge of the six arts in the classroom, but also often goes to the outside of the classroom with the students to practice. Once, Yan Yuan led students to the wild to hold an archery competition. He fired six arrows in a row, and the arrows hit the bullseye, and the students cheered from the side. After the students who participated in the competition finished shooting, Yan Yuan found that the best among the students only shot two arrows. The students all praised the teacher as a "sharp archer", but Yan Yuan could not be happy, Yan Yuan said: "Kong Shengxian also taught many students at the beginning, among which Yan Hui's benevolence and forgiveness exceeded Confucius, Zhongyu's loyalty and courage were also above Confucius, and Duanmu's ability to speak and argue was beyond Confucius's reach. I think it is precisely because the blue is better than the blue that Kong Xue can continue to carry forward and become the way for future generations to cultivate themselves and establish their lives. And now that I have taught so many of you students, let alone surpass me, there are no people who have caught up with me, and if so, what future does our school have, how can I be happy? ”

Wang Tong trained Wei Zheng, Hu Yu trained Cheng Hao, how did the ancient masters train students?

Yan Yuan's "Xi Zhai Ji Yu"

The students suddenly realized, secretly determined, and worked hard. Later, they made great strides in their studies. Among them, Li Yu (gōng) became a famous scholar, who inherited and developed the doctrine of Yan Yuan, which was later called the "Yan and Li School".

When Yan Yuan presided over Zhangnan Academy in Feixiang County, Hebei Province, he made an attempt to reform the academy's education. In the lecture hall, he wrote such a couplet: "Talk about storing holes, encouraging practice, getting rid of hometown wishes, Zen Yu, exhortations, and thesis; respecting the Heavenly Heart, studying economics, mediating talents, political affairs, Taoism, and qi numbers." He meant giving students the freedom to play and let their personalities flaunt. In this unique academy, Yan Yuan and the students together, "discussed soldiers and farmers, distinguishing between business and ancient times", "learning ceremonies, songs and poems, learning books, lifting stones, distance, boxing", etc., and carried out a comprehensive education of morality, intellect and body for the students.

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