
American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

author:Dog brother pet

Hello everyone, a few days ago, the Imported Grain Brand of the United States Lei Che Bai Nengsi, also known as Tianheng B, the canned cat of the American Snow S was voluntarily recalled

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

The cause may be too high choline chloride

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

Chlorine exceeding the standard may cause a variety of symptoms and diseases in cats, including: nausea, excessive saliva, pupil contraction and vision loss, diarrhea or vomiting, difficulty walking, muscle tremors, irregular heartbeat, dyspnea, possible heart or respiratory failure, and in special cases, may even lead to the death of the cat

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

I looked for this cat canned food for sale in China, and it was shipped from the bonded area

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

So this can at home and abroad is definitely the same, and domestic cats may also eat this can lead to illness and death

And there is no choline chloride in the national standard, and the products that lead to the recall in the United States are completely reasonable and legal in China, and you can't complain about him

Eat this chicken liver canned shoveler must pay attention to determine the shelf life and batch of problematic is the following this

If you eat this chicken liver canned cat must look at the shelf life to see if this batch is not

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

However, Tianheng B only recalled this product in the United States

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

There was no recall of the product in China, no indication of whether the batch was sold domestically, or whether there were any problems with other batches

The previous article on the public name is a promotional article

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

The flagship store did not say this news, and let the product continue to sell

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

I think this is a very irresponsible approach, and I hope that the agent can quickly figure out the situation and not treat cats and dogs at home and abroad differently!!

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

I also bought this product to send choline chloride for testing, hoping to determine if there was a problem with other batches of the product

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

The results will be given to everyone to reply, and it is also expensive to test the choline chloride

Finally, tomorrow the college entrance examination, even if I write a cat and dog food evaluation, Language, mathematics, logic, English, etc. are very important, so everyone still has to cheer

Everyone does not have to be nervous, the exam before the college entrance examination does not represent your level, do not have to be nervous, may not be nervous, may not be others, you just need to test better than others, no one can score full marks, I took the exam very poorly, but the college entrance examination is still arrogant is the first in our school's liberal arts

So let's put down our baggage tomorrow and rush the duck!

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride

That's it for today, thank you

American cat can tianheng B may cause cats to get sick and eat dead cats to be recalled due to high choline chloride