
Why should chicken feed supplement choline chloride?

author:Breeding classroom Lili
Why should chicken feed supplement choline chloride?

Choline chloride alias egg-booster, vitamin B4, is the most widely used choline supplement in the feed industry, in the mouth of many feed people, choline chloride is often referred to as "choline". Choline (scientific name hydroxide β- hydroxyethyltrimethylamine) is an indispensable basic component of the animal body, animals in the case of sufficient protein can synthesize choline in the liver, feed raw materials also contain a certain amount of natural choline, but these amounts can not meet the needs of rapid growth of animals, so it is necessary to artificially add choline to supplement.


Chicken feed contains a certain amount of choline chloride, the chicken body can also synthesize some, due to the increase of the age of its synthesis capacity to increase, the chicken demand for choline increases, especially chicks, but its synthesis speed can not meet the needs of growth and development, such as do not pay attention to the addition of deficiencies. In addition, the body's ability to synthesize choline is related to the amount of choline added to the feed during the growth period, and the addition of too much choline to the growth period feed will cause the synthesis capacity of the chicken itself to reduce its own choline, which makes the chicken more sensitive to the lack of choline after adulthood.


Choline is synthesized in the liver, and vitamin B12, methionine and folic acid play an important role in the synthesis of choline, so when poultry suffers from liver disease or the content of vitamin B12, methionine and folic acid in feed is insufficient, it can also cause choline deficiency. In addition, the raw materials for liver synthesis of choline are methionine and serine, if the level of choline in the feed is appropriate, methionine does not have to be used as a raw material for the synthesis of choline. Because choline is very cheap, the appropriate amount of choline can not only save methionine, but also be more economical.


The amount of choline required is related to the energy concentration of the diet, when fed a high-energy and high-fat diet, on the one hand, the intake of chickens is reduced, the intake of choline is insufficient; on the other hand, the liver also needs more choline to synthesize lipoproteins to transport out the fat in the liver, so attention should be paid to the addition of feed choline.


Vitamins B2 and B5 are related to the utilization of choline in the body, and when they are deficient, they can cause disorders in the utilization of choline and cause similar choline deficiency.


When the supply of methionine in the diet is insufficient, choline can replace part of the methionine, thereby improving the conversion and utilization rate of nutrients such as protein. Therefore, in the process of layer chicken breeding, choline chloride is used as a vitamin additive and added in an appropriate amount in the high-energy feed based on corn, which can improve the egg production and egg quality of layer chickens.