
Xiangyuan County Municipal Garden Service Center: Make enough "embroidery effort" to refresh the city's "new appearance"

author:Shanxi News Network Changzhi Channel

Since the work of creating a national civilized city in Xiangyuan County has been carried out, the county municipal garden service center has started from a street, a node, a green space and other subtleties, and vigorously promoted the key work of street leveling, pole lighting, smooth drainage, green trees, flowers, and facilities, and continuously improved the landscape quality and urban "appearance" of the jurisdiction.

In the past few days, reporters have seen garden workers cleaning leaves, trimming green plants, and repairing facilities everywhere in the green belts, parks, streets, and other places in the jurisdiction; in order to facilitate the travel of citizens, the county municipal garden service center organized personnel and equipment to repair street lamps, damaged castors, manhole covers, and roads in some sections of Xiangyuan County, and at the same time, comprehensively dredged the sewer network.

Xiangyuan County Municipal Garden Service Center: Make enough "embroidery effort" to refresh the city's "new appearance"
Xiangyuan County Municipal Garden Service Center: Make enough "embroidery effort" to refresh the city's "new appearance"
Xiangyuan County Municipal Garden Service Center: Make enough "embroidery effort" to refresh the city's "new appearance"
Xiangyuan County Municipal Garden Service Center: Make enough "embroidery effort" to refresh the city's "new appearance"

In order to give the general public a comfortable living environment, the county municipal garden service center has high standards and a high starting point, and the public toilets are washed, wiped, cleaned and cleaned uninterruptedly to ensure that the public toilets are clean and hygienic, odorless, no mosquitoes and flies, and no dust. And install hanging public toilet cleaning standards, management assessment standards, public toilet cleaning requirements, supervision telephones and other facilities in a conspicuous position on the wall of public toilets, and consciously accept social supervision.

Xiangyuan County Municipal Garden Service Center: Make enough "embroidery effort" to refresh the city's "new appearance"

The landscaping work is not done well, the construction accounts for three points, seven points rely on management and protection, the county municipal garden service center in order to better provide the masses with a comfortable and comfortable living environment, further improve the garden green space maintenance management system, timely check and grasp the growth of garden plants and the lack of plants, dead plants, and timely greening in the jurisdiction of the weeding, fertilization, watering, whole branches, pruning, etc., so that the jurisdiction of the flowers and trees grow vigorously, to ensure that the forest trees no diseases and insect pests, no weeds, no pieces of dead plant phenomenon.

Xiangyuan County Municipal Garden Service Center: Make enough "embroidery effort" to refresh the city's "new appearance"
Xiangyuan County Municipal Garden Service Center: Make enough "embroidery effort" to refresh the city's "new appearance"

In the next step, the Xiangyuan County Municipal Garden Service Center will continue to strengthen the management and protection of landscaping and the maintenance of municipal facilities in accordance with the work requirements of creating a national civilized city, strengthen the responsibility of creating literature, and continue to contribute to the creation of a national civilized city.

Xiangyuan County Municipal Garden Service Center: Make enough "embroidery effort" to refresh the city's "new appearance"

Civilization is the intrinsic temperament of a city

It is also the happy background of a city

Chuangcheng is our own business

Every citizen is the protagonist!

(Source: Xiangyuan Xiangyuan)

(Editor-in-Charge: Zhang Wenwei)