
Why can't "Dang KouZhi" become a famous book? Emperor Huizong of Song transformed into Ming Jun, and The Good Han of water margin became a negative character

author:Shigeru Hakuba

Text: Dutou Yun Ge (author's original authorization)

Before that, the author and everyone read the "Dang Kou Zhi" for the one hundred and twenty-second time, Wu Yong returned to Liangshan and Xu Huai could not stand, and Song Jiang was tied down by Yun Tianbiao, Chen Xizhen and others in the three cities of Tai'an. Today we continue to read the 123rd "Tokyo Castle He Taiping Jie, Qingzhou Capital Bi Yingyuan Recommended Xian" ("Water Margin" sequel, Qingzhou Fu Bi Yingyuan Recommended Xian" to see how the follow-up development is.

Synopsis: Xu Huai hoped that Zhang Shuye would send troops to help attack Liangshan, but he could not wait for a long time, it turned out that Fang La rebelled, and Tong Guan, entrusted by Liangshan, suggested that Tianzi send Zhang Shuye to conquest Fang La, and Tianzi agreed. Before Zhang Shuye went out on the expedition, he recommended He Taiping to serve as the official Shangshu and also managed the affairs of the taiwei. It happened that Gao Jin, a servant recommended by Gai Tianxi for He Taiping, knew Tong Guan'er, a prostitute of the Tong Guan family, and Zhu Er was discovered by Tong Guan for having an affair with Tong Guan's female pet Ah Xiu, and punished him, so Zhu Er has always been dissatisfied with Tong Guan. One day, Jewel happened to meet Gao Gao, and during the conversation between the two, Gao Jie learned that Tong Guan and Liangshan had exchanged letters, so he asked Zhu'er to steal the letters and give them to He Taiping. He Taiping took the evidence and went to Tianzi to report it, and Tianzi was furious, so he beheaded Tong Guan. He Taiping also recommended Gai Tianxi as an emissary of Shandong's review, and Gai Tianxi also promoted Bi Yingyuan, who had helped to investigate the assassination of Hou Meng in Liangshan, as the prefect of Qingzhou. Bi Yingyuan was on his way from Jinan to Qingzhou, passing through Zhangqiu, and saw that everyone wanted to catch the pig dragon that was harmed in the water, but the pig dragon had great strength, and everyone had no way, this was the veteran general Pang Yi appeared, successfully caught the pig dragon on the shore, Bi Yingyuan and Pang Yi became brothers, and recommended him to serve Yun Tianbiao, preparing to recover the Qin Fengshan occupied by Liangshan, did not expect that at this time there was a change in Yun Tianbiao's home.

Why can't "Dang KouZhi" become a famous book? Emperor Huizong of Song transformed into Ming Jun, and The Good Han of water margin became a negative character

DuTou Yue: After describing the battles between the officers and the army and Liangshan for many consecutive times, the author finally stopped and inserted a story of the imperial court removing traitors and collecting good generals in this time. "Lang Kouzhi" arranged for Liangshan to be adulterous with Cai Jing, Tong Guan and other great traitors, the author wants to realize the ideal of peace in the world, then he will definitely eliminate both, after Cai Jing was killed, the author pointed the knife at another adulterous minister Tong Guan, of course, this is only a novel description, historically Cai Jing was degraded to Lingnan, died in Tanzhou on the way. Tong Guan was indeed executed, but it was not Emperor Huizong of Song who did it, but his son Emperor Qinzong of Song. In the novel, the merits of eliminating the traitors are arranged under the name of Song Huizong, which is nothing more than an attempt to create the image of a virtuous monarch, but unfortunately, Song Huizong is not only not a virtuous king, but even he himself is captured by the Jin State and becomes a prisoner sitting in a well and watching the heavens. The difference between the novel and reality is so great, so if you really want to rely on the fictional plot of the novel to achieve the purpose of educating the people in reality, it is obviously out of touch with reality, which is one of the reasons why "Lang KouZhi" has little impact on the people after its birth. Speaking of which, let's first talk about the allusions that appear in this return.

Why can't "Dang KouZhi" become a famous book? Emperor Huizong of Song transformed into Ming Jun, and The Good Han of water margin became a negative character

There is only one allusion that appears this time, and the text said when introducing He Taiping's appearance: "It turns out that He Taiping was born with a yellow-skinned crepe, pale hair, a slightly slumped waist, a serene step, and a quiet voice. Fan Jinmen commented at the end of the sentence, "Suddenly make up He Taiping's appearance, Odd." Among them, Wenzi retreated as if he were invincible, and his words were as loud as if they did not come out of his mouth. The author's intention is this. The sentence quoted here is from the Book of Rites, "Tan Bow", which reads: "The Jin people are said to know people." Among them, Wenzi retreated as if he were invincible, and his words were as loud as if they did not come out of his mouth. It is mentioned in the seventeenth hundred families of the Jin TongGuan Library. Life does not pay profit, and death does not belong to its sons. This means that during the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a capable minister named Zhao Wenzi in the Jin Dynasty, who was so weak that he could not afford to wear clothes, and spoke slowly as if he could not speak, like a useless person. But the Jin people all thought that Zhao Wenzi knew people very well. Because he recommended more than seventy petty officials to manage the warehouse for the Jin Dynasty. These people did not covet selfish interests before they died, and when they died, they did not ask anyone to take care of their children. That is to say, although Zhao Wenzi seems to be weak and dull, he has superior knowledge. Fan Jinmen believes that Yu Wanchun is writing here with Zhao Wenzi as the prototype of He Taiping, and although both of them are not good-looking, they both have the wisdom of people, recommend talents for the country, eliminate traitors, and are virtuous ministers.

Why can't "Dang KouZhi" become a famous book? Emperor Huizong of Song transformed into Ming Jun, and The Good Han of water margin became a negative character

After talking about the allusions, let's talk about some of the creative aspects in this return.

The first is a contradiction and error in the "Dangkou Zhi", that is, the description of Fang La's rebellion. In the 92nd time, the author once borrowed Hou Fa's mouth and said: "In the early morning of the first day of December last year, due to the rebellion of the Zhejiang demon Fang La, the thieves were rampant, and the officers and soldiers were repeatedly defeated,......" twenty times apart, and in the 112th time, he wrote: "In a few days, Wei Yangyin returned from Muzhou to see Ren Sen. Ren Sen Fang knew that Wei Yang was secretly serving Tong Guan to march Fang La, but he did not expect that the Yong would be constrained and would lead to defeat. In this return, it is mentioned again that "Xu Huai was wondering, and suddenly received the Beijing Newspaper one day, Fang Zhimu Prefecture Fang La rebelled, the thief was huge, Tong Guansong asked to conquer Liangshan's division and change the conquest of Fang La..." The 132nd time in the later text made a brief description of the process of the conquest of Fang La in this article: "And it is said that Zhang Shuye has been ordered to conquer Fang La since July of the previous year, and arrived in Mu Prefecture in August, and Fang La resisted to meet the enemy." How could Fang La deal with this Zhang Tianshen? However, when he met with the officers and soldiers, he was defeated at every turn. Zhang Bofen, Zhang Zhongxiong, Deng Zongbi, Xin Congzhong, Zhang Yinglei, Tao Zhenting, Jin Chengying, and Yang Tengjiao, eight generals, thunder and lightning, the clouds swept in, less than five months, had already swept away the thief village, and Fang La was captured. ”

It can be seen that the description of Fang La's rebellion in "Dang Kou Zhi" is completely inconsistent, according to the time calculation in the novel, Hou Fa arrived in Liangshan in February of the sixth year of Zhenghe (1116), then Fang La's rebellion was a matter of Zhenghe five years (1115), and Wei Yangyin's defection to Xu Huai was already in May of the eighth year of Zhenghe (1118), Xu Huai learned that Fang La's rebellion and Zhang Shuye's night conquest was already the matter of July of the second year of Xuanhe (1120), if it is counted before and after, then "Dangkou Zhi" The Chinese rebellion lasted for four or five years! This is clearly illogical. Historically, Fang La revolted in October of the second year of Xuanhe and was captured in April of the third year of Xuanhe. The timing of the Chinese rebellion and defeat in the novel is obviously different from the historical time (but there are also overlapping times, from October of the second year of Xuanhe to the end of the year). This is actually related to Yu Wanchun's death before he had time to revise the first draft, and later his son Yu Longguang only spent three months to revise, not carefully, so he left this inconsistent plot.

Why can't "Dang KouZhi" become a famous book? Emperor Huizong of Song transformed into Ming Jun, and The Good Han of water margin became a negative character

In addition, Fan Kinmen also wrote a criticism of the events of the pacifying Fang La's rebellion, he wrote :"Press: The history of the square la, the merits of the child' success. The successor sable took the child and gave it to Song Jiang, I don't know how thick it is to Song Jiang and thin to Tong Guanye. Are there similarities and differences between Jiang Zhi and Guan Guo? Now Zhonghua seized ji zhong, and Shu was pingyun. However, the child is too unjust and depressed, but no one has cried out for it, and he is a gentleman who is evil and inferior, and all the good in his body is taken away. Fan Jinmen believed that Song Jiang and Tong Guan were both one hill, and expressed dissatisfaction with the writing of Song Jiang Square La in the original work of Shui Hu, and believed that Yu Wanchun transferred the credit to Zhang Shuye because Tong Guan was a traitor, so the credit that originally belonged to him was also deprived.

Let's talk about the veteran Pang Yi who appeared in this return, the book writes that he successfully caught the pig dragon alive by virtue of his rich experience and extraordinary strength, in fact, the pig dragon is the Yangtze crocodile that we are familiar with, the "Compendium of Materia Medica" calls the Yangtze crocodile a dragon, and the common people call the Yangzi crocodile as the earth dragon and the pig dragon, and the ancient people regard the Yangtze crocodile as a dragon. In addition to describing Pang's infinite perseverance, the novel also writes a seemingly "different" thing, that is, Pang Yi once regarded the big knife Guan Sheng as his idol. The original text said: "Among the heroes of the world, the person whom Lao Fusu praised was The Great Sword Guan Sheng of Puzhou, and he secretly thought that this person was loyal and courageous. Continuing to hear that the house had fallen to the thief, the astonished ones were endless. Because of the unpredictability of the hearts of the people in the world, they did not dare to come out and came out. In the novel with the theme of "Honoring the King and Destroying the Kou", it is indeed rare for the "General Lei" to admire the "Thief Kou". Regarding this design, Fan Kinmen explained in his comments [ Magic Pen . This is really a mistake, not Pang Gong is ignorant also. Yu Taste: Nai'an is a piece of wizards, but unexpectedly wrote a piece of Great Evil in Guansheng, which is unnoticable. Looking at Zhonghua's theory now, Gai first won my heart. It turned out that Fan Jinmen and Yu Wanchun both believed that after Shi Nai'an designed Guan Sheng as a martial saint in the original Water Margin, he actually surrendered Liangshan and insulted the name of Wu Sheng, so he was quite dissatisfied with Shi Nai'an's writing, and even scorned the character of Guan Sheng, and even thought that he was not worthy of the surname Guan, and changed it to Guan Sheng. The reason why Yu Wanchun let Pang Yi mention Guan Sheng again was to satirize Guan Sheng's surrender to the enemy again, which was actually consistent with the purpose of the whole book to destroy the king, even if the good man of Liangshan had advantages and superiority, once he became a thief, it was "just like being thrown into the dung cellar", which is the author's logic.

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