
Wu Song was exhausted and Lu Zhi was deeply mad Song Jiang Li Kui Lingchi, what was the end of Gao Li's father and son?

author:Half a pot of old wine and half a cigarette

Yu Wanchun's twenty-two years and three drafts did not win a round of applause—he wrote all the good men of Liangshan to death: The execution of Song Jiang and Li Kui by Ling Chi was a great pleasure, which made Lu Zhishen mad and Wu Song tired, which offended the public anger.

Perhaps in Yu Wanchun's view, Lu Zhishen's "crazy demon" is an epiphany, Wu Song is still sitting in danger like a god, and has given enough respect to these two good men, but the reader ignores those and accuses Yu Wanchun of being a court eagle dog.

Wu Song was exhausted and Lu Zhi was deeply mad Song Jiang Li Kui Lingchi, what was the end of Gao Li's father and son?

In the author's opinion, even if the good man of Liangshan died at the hands of the imperial court eagle dog, he was still stronger than being the imperial court eagle dog after being recruited—Song Jiang beat tian hu wang QingFangla, how could Chen Xizhen not beat Song Jiang? At least "Dang Kou Zhi" is a little stronger than "Water Margin": in "Water Margin", Gao Yanei is at large, and the good men are humble to Gao Qi, and there are two paragraphs in "Dang Kou Zhi" that are really well written: Lin Jiao's head cooked Gao Yanei miserably, Zhu Tonglei angrily beheaded Gao Qi, and finally even Gao Qi's head was shattered by Lin Chong.

Realistically speaking, "Water Margin" has always called Gao Li a "Tai Wei", which is very unpleasant, especially after the good Hansheng of Liangshan captured Gao Li, the scene of the good Han of Liangshan bowing down and bending his knees is like the "Sentinel Of The Sentinel And Gao Zu Returns home" in the textbook: "The old man of Wang Xiang insisted on the watai plate, and Zhao Helang held the wine and hulu. ”

In front of Gao Li, the main leaders of Liangshan became Wang Xianglao and Zhao Busy Lang: "Song Jiang taught to kill cattle and slaughter horses, set up a feast, and the leaders of all sizes came to meet with Gao Taiwei. Each Shi Libi, Song Jiang held a cup of Qing Qing, Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng held the bottle and held the case, and Lu Junyi and other waiters treated each other. ”

Wu Song was exhausted and Lu Zhi was deeply mad Song Jiang Li Kui Lingchi, what was the end of Gao Li's father and son?

After Liangshan's one hundred single eight generals finished the seating, it seemed that they had suddenly been transferred to the spine, so we can't help but doubt: Fifty times after "Water Margin", was it really written by Shi Nai'an? In the treatment of Gao Li and Gao Yannei, how can Shi Nai'an write inferiorly to Yu Wanchun?

There are commentaries that are widely circulated in the folk, "Lu Ten Times" and "Wu Ten Times", and Yu Wanchun did not dare to make a mistake, did not dare to write Lu Zhi Shen WuSong into the ranks of the good men of Liangshan who were executed by Ling Chi, but gave them a magnificent ending: Lu Zhi had a deep epiphany and said, "The family has done a great thing this time", and sat down peacefully; Wu Song stood out after the wheel war of all the enemy's top masters, "alone, holding the stick straight, angry eyes, sitting on the stone, majestic", and the gods generally left the world.

Lu Zhishen's ending of Wu Song is not satisfactory, and the ending of Gao Yanei and Gao Li is very happy, especially the gao Ya Nei who bullied men and women, and died very funny - lin chong used as a pig and sheep dish.

Wu Song was exhausted and Lu Zhi was deeply mad Song Jiang Li Kui Lingchi, what was the end of Gao Li's father and son?

Yu Wanchun had never been a formal court official in his life, nor had he been promoted to a soldier in the examination, so he still spoke from the standpoint of the common people many times, and he also hated Gao Yannei's evil.

It is precisely because of his extreme hatred for the People's Inner Family that Many of Yu Wanchun's descriptions of "Lin Jiao's head cooked miserably in The High Inner One" cannot be quoted, so we can only tell those stories that are more funny and can be said.

It is said that after Gao Shide framed Lin Chong to force Lin Niangzi to die, he actually went to Cao Prefecture as a prefect under the protection of his father Gao Qi. Yu Wanchun and Gao Li "arranged" Gao Yanei to caozhou capital, which also has great significance: the so-called caozhou capital may be the abbreviation of yin cao prefecture -- those who make trouble (Gao Shide) will inevitably have no good end.

Lin Chong led the Liangshan army into the Cao Prefecture capital, pulled Gao Yanei out of the latrine, and conveniently killed Gao Yanei's bodyguard, "Make Ya Nei a good and lowly person, and behead him as much as possible." ”

Wu Song was exhausted and Lu Zhi was deeply mad Song Jiang Li Kui Lingchi, what was the end of Gao Li's father and son?

After cutting the grass and removing the roots, Lin Chong was worried about being tied up by the hooves of the four horses of the little minions: This 800,000 forbidden army sect leader was not timely rain Song Jiang and the black whirlwind Li Kui - the torturous means of the Oshi Xiao Official and the Jailers' Association, Lin Chong would not do anything.

I had never eaten pork, but I had always seen pigs go, and Lin Chong beckoned Gao Yanei with a wave of his hand - at this time, he should be called the cook of the prefect Gao Shide: "Gao Shide usually eats pork and mutton, how to eat it?" ”

The cook estimated that he was not less bullied, looking at Gao Shide, who was bundled up on the ground, he came to a dish with great interest: "Pork ear rolls are like dumplings, sheep's eyes are fried in hot oil, lamb is made of sheep paste, and pork is grilled." ”

Lin Chong smiled: "Excellent, you will get me a table according to his usual recipe, and the ingredients will be taken from him!" ”

Next, it is not necessary or can not be described, Gao Yanei has eaten mountain treasures and seafood all his life, and he did not expect in his dreams that he would eventually become a table dish of Lin Chong - of course, before the cook finished taking the ingredients, Gao Yanei hung up, even if he really did it, Lin Chong could not eat it.

Wu Song was exhausted and Lu Zhi was deeply mad Song Jiang Li Kui Lingchi, what was the end of Gao Li's father and son?

Gao Yanei was taken from the spot by Lin Chong, and the lieutenant Gao Li did not catch good fruit to eat--the eunuch Chen Dongshangshu and Zhang Shuye were impeached, and the officials and the people were both impeached, and Emperor Huizong of Song had no choice but to order: "Even if this person is at the end of the dynasty, all of them are unknown, and Gao Li will be taken down, the furniture will be confiscated, and Gao Li will be sent to Cangzhou in the near future." ”

Gao Li framed Lin Chongfa with Cangzhou, and this time Gao Qiu himself embarked on Lin Chong's journey that year, but he did not know how this once-famous palace marshal would feel when passing through the wild boar forest?

If Gao Li ends up in Cangzhou, it is also a little too cheap for him, so Liangshan good Han Mei Hair gong Zhu Tong and winged tiger Lei crossed the grass to beat the rabbit, and when attacking the city, they went to the Cangzhou prison camp by the way and arrested Gao Li.

According to Zhu Tong and Lei Heng's original intention, it was to give Gao Li all his beard and tail to Lin Chong, so that Lin Chong could slowly entertain him to get out of the evil qi in his chest. However, on the way to escort, Zhu Tonglei became more and more angry when he looked at Gao Qi, and actually cut Gao Li off in a fit of anger.

Wu Song was exhausted and Lu Zhi was deeply mad Song Jiang Li Kui Lingchi, what was the end of Gao Li's father and son?

After Zhu Tonglei angrily beheaded Gao Qi, he gave the first rank to Lin Chong, who was lying in bed. As a result, "Lin Chong saw it, sat up, took Gao Li's head, looked at it, gritted his teeth, and said: 'I will destroy your family for you!' When he was finished, he threw his head out of the window and threw it into powder. ”

"Dang Kou Zhi" has limitations, and "Water Margin" also has flaws - especially the last fifty times, which makes people very angry. This anti-one-positive and two books is very interesting to look at together: good and evil will eventually be rewarded, only to fight early and late, if the evil people in the world are like Gao Li and Gao Yannei in "Lang Kou Zhi", they are cut to pieces and broken into powder, how good would it be?

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