
"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

author:Entertain Daewoo

After passing through the Hidden Mist Mountain, the four masters and apprentices finally entered a country, and looking at the words on the city gate, Tang Monk said happily, "The bhikkhu kingdom has arrived in a new country." ”

I happened to walk by a peasant house next to me, and when I heard Tang Monk say this, he said with a disdainful face: "Hmm, what bhikkhu country, now it is a small children's city." ”

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

The city gate clearly said that it was the kingdom of bhikkhus, but the people in the city said that this was a small city, and the Tang monks were puzzled, but they asked two passers-by, and they did not expect that none of them were willing to explain the reason, which aroused the curiosity of the masters and disciples even more.

I had to wait until I arrived at the pavilion, and I asked the local station official, only to find that the hidden feeling behind this was so sensational.

In the pavilion, the station officer saw the Eight Commandments holding the child snatched from the hands of the officers and soldiers, and said with a panicked face: "If you walk around the streets with your children in the daytime, you are not afraid of bringing disasters?" ”

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

In a word, everyone was even more surprised, they were children who were saved, obviously they had done good things, how could they become a disaster?

And the strange thing is not only this, the whole children's city, there is a goose cage in front of the door, but why is the cage not filled with geese, but small children?

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

After a question was asked, the officer was even more frightened, and quickly said that he was going to prepare a meal and wanted to escape their questioning.

The Eight Commandments were unusual this time, and when they heard that they wanted to eat, they were not excited at all, but they stopped the stationer and did not let him go, and the stationer had no choice, and when he saw the questioner's heart, he had to say the reason:

The child in the goose cage is because of the king's inability to do so, and the origin of the name of the children's city is actually changed by the people, because the king has a serious illness, and if he wants to cure the disease, he needs a costly medicine introduction, which is the heart of 1111 children.

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

This prescription was a bad idea from the abbot of the bhikkhu kingdom, and I did not expect that the king would gladly pronounce it after hearing it, which shows his trust in the abbot and how faint and absurd he himself is.

However, there were obviously so many noble concubines in the palace, how could this one abbot be granted many privileges and still win the trust of the king?

This also starts with that hunting 3 years ago.

3 years ago, the king went hunting in Liulinpo and chased a small fox, but he did not expect that the fox ran so fast that he disappeared as soon as he slipped away.

When the king finally chased after a willow tree, he did not think that the fox did not see it, but saw a beautiful person sleeping on the tree.

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

When the king saw the beauty, he instantly forgot about the fox just now, and did not say that he would let her go home and say hello to her family, and directly entered the palace.

The beauty was able to sing and dance, and the king was fascinated, and gradually she took the place of the queen, and the king simply abolished the queen and set up the fox beauty as the queen.

On the day of the canonization, a stranger in the form of a Taoist suddenly appeared, and the new queen said that it was her father, and the king smiled happily when he saw it, and immediately made the man the abbot of the country.

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

The arrival of the abbot increased the absurdity of the king, and after that, not only was there a beautiful person by his side, but also the abbot accompanied him to drink and rejoice.

Since then, the time of absurd "kings not early dynasty" has begun.

However, such "good days" did not last long, because of the excessive play, and soon the king fell ill, living on drugs every day, and when lying in bed and unable to get up, he needed to smell the fragrance of the beauty to be relieved.

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

Seeing that the king was terminally ill, tai used all the medicine to cure his illness.

In the end, it was the abbot who came up with the solution, saying that he had an overseas secret recipe that could cure the king's illness.

The secret recipe is all good to say, but the medicine primer is really counterintuitive, that is, the heart of 1111 children.

Speaking of this, Goku already had a mirror in his heart, so where is the Taoist? What abbot? It's a monster.

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

Normal people, where can they think of such a cruel and bloody way to use a child's heart as a medicine primer?

At night, Tang Monk was so angry that he sat up and said, "Emperor Duan, Emperor Dusk, for your greed for joy and beauty, you will kill the lives of so many children." No matter which country's subjects are born of parents, flesh and blood, how can they be hurt at will? ”

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

Yes, if there really was such an enlightenment as Tang Monk, how could the king be easily toyed with by those two demons? How can lustful and greedy bear the heavy responsibility of the king of a country?

The next day, Tang Monk went to the palace to change Guan Wen, and just after leaving the palace, suddenly the sky was gloomy, and a fierce wind blew up, and the goose cages that blew flew around.

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

Soon the wind stopped, and the guards went to look for the goose cages, and found that the cages were gone along with the children.

When the king heard this, he was shocked, thinking that he was completely finished, and when all his thoughts were in disgrace, the abbot came up with a bad idea: if there is no child, then start with Tang Monk.

When Goku heard what the youkai said, he quickly thought of a way to swap bodies with the master, so that he could deal with the two yokai and the faint king for the master.

So Goku transformed into a master and jumped to the palace.

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

Listening to the nonsense of the guozhang with erlang's legs crossed, and hearing him say that he wanted his own heart, he simply staged a "spitting out" Dafa.

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

Compared with when Guan Wen was reversed, this time Tang Monk's words and deeds simply formed a huge contrast with the original, not only stunned the king sitting in a high position, but also shocked the abbot on the other side.

How could Tang Monk, as a good person who practiced for the Tenth Dynasty, be so reckless?

When Goku returned, Kunijo reacted, he was the Sun Wukong who made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace 500 years ago, but at that time, everything was too late.

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

This episode of this episode is the most explosive moment of the actor Chi Chongrui' acting skills who played Tang Monk, but behind this is the helplessness of 1111 children's hearts.

Taking the name of the country alone, the change from the bhikkhu country to the change to a small children's city is full of the helplessness and irony of the people.

Because this name was not changed by the king's holy will, but was called by the people privately, they knew that they were powerless to dissuade the king's inability to do so, and they could only be angry at such trivial matters as changing the name.

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

It is said that the larger the position, the greater the responsibility, but from ancient times to the present, many high-powered people often do not recognize their responsibilities, but abuse their private rights, so that the end is tragic.

Moreover, no matter who it is, the pie will not fall from the sky, because it is certainly not a trap or a trap. The pie won't fall off, so it's even less likely to fall out of thin air a beauty who can please herself everywhere.

"Journey to the West": The most explosive episode of Tang Monk's acting skills, but behind it is the heart of 1111 children

Moreover, if the king uses his brain, he will not be played by the two goblins in the applause, which shows that the words of others should not be trusted, and they still have to have their own judgments when things happen.

Not only that, but the king, as the king of a country, does not think about the livelihood of the people, but relies on his own rights to do all the bad things, and such a person's behavior is more than hateful.

Therefore, no matter what kind of identity, self-denial is the best, because if you really wait until the sin is extremely evil, and then want to turn back, it will be too late to repent.