
Clear heat and reduce swelling, fish tail melon soup

author:Nutritious soup


Anchovies, knotweed, ginger


Clear heat and reduce swelling, fish tail melon soup

1: Wash and dry the fish tail, put a little salt on it and marinate for a while, wash and cut the melon into pieces, and slice the ginger

Clear heat and reduce swelling, fish tail melon soup

2: Heat the oil, add the fish tail, fry until both sides are slightly yellow, then add ginger and fry until fragrant

Clear heat and reduce swelling, fish tail melon soup

3. After the water in the pot is boiled, put the fish and the melon into the pot in turn, turn the water to a low heat for 15 minutes and then add the appropriate amount of salt

Clear heat and reduce swelling, fish tail melon soup

Tang Pinjun said:

This soup has heat-clearing, diuretic and anti-swelling properties. The fish tail is salted for a while, so that when the fish is fried, the meat is tight and not easy to spread. Some people don't like fish tails, think that the fish has too many thorns, it doesn't matter, it's the same with the whole fish to cook.