
"Professional Closed-store" assists "White Moonlight": The routine is a little deeper after the break

author:Wen Ze notes


Recently, the related news of "professional closed-door people helping the boss run away" rushed to the hot search, causing heated discussions. Many netizens who have been cheated by training institutions, gyms, etc. are even more indignant.

"Professional Closed-store" assists "White Moonlight": The routine is a little deeper after the break

Fang Yuxuan was also a professional shopkeeper, and he went ashore in time after discovering the chaos in the industry. Until one day, the former goddess asked him to help close the shop, and he hesitated......

Reunited, the people who went ashore and closed the shop went into the water again

That day, a line of information popped up in Fang Yuxuan's WeChat: "Do you guess which god who has not been able to move for many years will come to this class reunion?" Cheng Mingmei! After many years, when he saw this name again, he still couldn't stop throbbing: "I must be there for this class reunion." ”

Fang Yuxuan was born in 1996 and lives with his mother. In 2014, he was admitted to a university in Guangzhou to study law, and after graduation, he interned in a small law firm, and then followed his brother to a labor service company to handle business such as store transfer and bankruptcy liquidation, and helped some small and medium-sized bosses who needed to close their stores safely.

At first, Fang Yuxuan was reluctant to do this business. From a legal point of view, the closure of stores is a legitimate business, but when it comes to some projects, it will still damage some interests of the relevant parties. Not long after entering the industry, Fang Yuxuan took a case with his senior brother.

An elderly couple opened a physical bookstore, and the impact of e-books and online shopping made the bookstore unsustainable, so they asked them to help close the store in order to recover some of the funds and reduce losses.

After Fang Yuxuan took over, he first took stock of the assets, including inventory, in-store facilities, and remaining lease contracts. Later, according to the actual situation of the bookstore, a discount promotion of inventory books was planned to reduce the inventory pressure. At the same time, he negotiated with the landlord to transfer the remaining lease rights to a café that was looking for a storefront, and transferred the remaining books to the new owner at a 2% discount. The three parties were all happy and grateful to Fang Yuxuan.

Fang Yuxuan found that as long as you work hard and have professional ethics, it is also a good profession to be a professional shopkeeper. In this industry, he has been working for 3 years.

Slowly, he noticed that the industry was showing signs of drifting.

Some shopkeepers take advantage of the owner's plight and take over at a low price and then sublet it at a high price to make a profit. Some store closers deliberately conceal or undervalue assets so that they or their related parties can take over at a lower price when dealing with bankruptcy liquidation. Others are even more simple and rude, knowing that recharge members don't have the time to recover hundreds of thousands of membership fees all over the world, they become dog-headed military advisors or scoundrels who help unscrupulous bosses run away.

At the end of 2020, Fang Yuxuan, who had some savings, simply resigned and returned to his hometown, partnered with his classmates to open a coffee shop in the city, and planned to wait for the coffee shop to be built before going to graduate school.

On this day in December 2021, his classmates invited him to the class reunion. Originally, he didn't plan to go, but when he heard that Cheng Mingmei would go, he wanted to see the former goddess again, so he agreed.

Cheng Mingmei and Fang Yuxuan are high school classmates, and her father Cheng Shaoming is a dance teacher. She danced since elementary school, was beautiful and elegant, and was a goddess in the hearts of many boys. In the years since graduating from high school, I have held several class reunions, but the process is bright.

At the party, everyone had a good chat. Cheng Mingmei learned that Fang Yuxuan studied law and had experience in closing stores, so she immediately chatted with him individually: "Can you do me a favor?" ”

Cheng Mingmei and her father Cheng Shaoming opened a dance training class in the center of the city, which is not small. In the past two years, the business has been too difficult to do, and the training course is almost unstable, they want to close the store, but the lease contract has not expired, and they don't know how to negotiate with the landlord and how to clean up the accounts. "You study law, can you help us close the shop? We're ready to lose money, and we want to lose as little as possible. ”

Fang Yuxuan was naturally happy to help Cheng Mingmei, but as soon as he heard that there were many paying members in the dance class, he politely declined. Cheng Mingmei was not only not angry, but also took the initiative to add his WeChat.

After the party, Fang Yuxuan found that he would pay attention to Cheng Mingmei's social dynamics intentionally or unintentionally. Knowing that she likes to go to concerts, he specially bought a ticket to invite her to the theater. Knowing that she liked to eat desserts in the north of the city, he drove half an hour to buy them. Cheng Mingmei will also return the gift warmly and generously.

Once, Fang Yuxuan tested Cheng Mingmei: "You should know that I meant that to you back then, why didn't you choose me?" Cheng Mingmei smiled playfully: "At that time, I saw that you were still disappointed when you officially announced your relationship." Then I met other people and we talked. Knowing the truth, Fang Yuxuan especially regretted that he did not confess to Cheng Mingmei back then. This encounter, he didn't want to miss the opportunity again.

During the Spring Festival in 2022, Fang Yuxuan asked Cheng Mingmei to watch a movie and planned to confess. But Cheng Mingmei said that she wanted to do part-time work and refused. Fang Yuxuan suspected that Cheng Mingmei used her part-time job as an excuse to reject herself. On this day, he secretly followed Cheng Mingmei after work and followed him to a bar in the city center. The bar was dimly lit and the music was restless, Cheng Mingmei changed into a thin dance costume and stood on the stage and danced, and the men and women in the audience booed. Fang Yuxuan didn't feel good in his heart.

was "met" by Fang Yuxuan and danced at night to make money, but Cheng Mingmei was still generous. She confessed to Fang Yuxuan that when she first opened a dance training class, her father used his house as a mortgage to apply for a loan, and the fees paid by the members were basically used to pay rent, utilities and employee salaries. Originally, the training class was able to maintain its operation, but in the past two years, the training course has been opened and stopped, and the business has become worse after the epidemic.

"Opening the door every day is a loss of money, but we don't dare to close the store easily, for fear that we will have to go to sleep on the street with a debt after returning the membership fee." Cheng Mingmei sighed: "The money I earned from part-time dancing here has been subsidized into the training class, and I don't know how long I can last." ”

Fang Yuxuan drove Cheng Mingmei home. On the way, she fell asleep, Fang Yuxuan looked down and saw that she had a band-aid on her heel, and blood was oozing from the edges. At that moment, he decided to re-emerge and help Cheng Mingmei's father and daughter close the store.

Thrilling, the store closure operation is as fierce as a tiger

Fang Yuxuan went to see Cheng Mingmei's dance training class. At that time, Cheng Shaoming was teaching. He was in his 50s, kneeling on the ground, using a wooden stick on the lap of the cadets, and teaching board by board. The training classes were all facing closure, but his teaching was not slacking off at all, and Fang Yuxuan was very touched. Let such entrepreneurs sleep on the street, then the world is too unfair.

That day, Fang Yuxuan took the initiative to greet Cheng Shaoming and introduced himself. Cheng Shaoming heard about Fang Yuxuan from his daughter earlier, so he told the truth about his inability to make ends meet without concealment. Fang Yuxuan communicated with Cheng Shaoming about the closure of the store.

After that, Fang Yuxuan came to the dance training class many times to visit the field and communicate with Cheng Shaoming and Cheng Mingmei. After several communications, he came up with a plan to close the store. Carry out activities first to make the store look like it is still operating normally, and then pull a wave of popularity, lest someone see the clue and run to ask for a refund in advance. At the same time, the staff structure was restructured, faculty and staff were retained, and all civilian staff, including the front desk, were eliminated after the event.

After reading the plan, Cheng Shaoming said with emotion: "I have danced all my life, and I am about to become a fool." It is still young people who have knowledge and level, and they are still doing things safely. If only I had a son like that. A teacher happened to come into the room to get the materials, and when he heard the second half of the sentence, he said, "What is this?" A son-in-law is also half a son. ”

In fact, when Fang Yuxuan came to the training class several times to talk about things, his eyes couldn't help but glance at Cheng Mingmei, and as soon as Cheng Mingmei approached, he was very nervous. Cheng Shaoming saw these details in his eyes. Hearing what the teacher said, Cheng Shaoming also echoed. Fang Yuxuan found that Father Cheng admired him so much, and he was greatly encouraged.

Fang Yuxuan conducted several rounds of negotiations with the landlord, analyzed the business conditions and market prospects of the dance training class in detail, and sincerely expressed the current predicament and helplessness of the Cheng family, hoping that the landlord would understand. After several twists and turns, the landlord recognized Fang Yuxuan's sincerity and professionalism and agreed to the rent settlement plan he proposed.

The dance workshop had some unsold dance costumes and props, and Fong planned an inventory clearance event through social media and local community promotion. He also contacted some dance schools and dance groups, and wholesaled some costumes and props to them at low prices. Cheng Shaoming's father and daughter returned some of the funds.

Originally, Fang Yuxuan planned to use his professional knowledge and ability to help them reduce their losses as much as possible. After many exchanges and contacts, he also has a little more understanding of the father and daughter. This father and daughter are very reliable people who really love dance and teach wholeheartedly. Now, Cheng's father recognizes himself and likes himself like this, and he decided to try his best to help them close the store without damage.

Fang Yuxuan went off the rails and organized a dance competition to stimulate the enthusiasm of the students, attract the attention of the outside world, and also improve the popularity of the training class. Cheng Mingmei didn't understand, he explained: "If your store is cold and empty now, students will feel that there is a problem with the operation of your store, and when the store is closed, they will rush over to find trouble as soon as possible." Moreover, it is lively and well-known, which can also attract other businesses to take over and sublease. ”

During the preparation of the event, Fang Yuxuan and Cheng Mingmei designed posters and made promotional materials together, and the cooperation was particularly pleasant. The contest was quite successful. Later, Fang Yuxuan planned a promotional event, changing the tuition fee of 1,490 yuan a month to only 3,980 yuan for three months. In this promotional activity, the training course made a profit of nearly 800,000 yuan, repaid the original loan, and excluded the activity expenses, and also made a profit of 550,000 yuan.

Cheng Shaoming was very happy and organized an outing and specially invited Fang Yuxuan. When leaving, Cheng Shaoming arranged Fang Yuxuan and his daughter in the same car, wanting to match the two of them. Fang Yuxuan also keenly captured Cheng Shaoming's thoughts.

When he arrived at the scenic spot, Cheng Shaoming grabbed Fang Yuxuan and said, "Bright and afraid of water." With that, he arranged for Fang Yuxuan and his daughter to collect firewood. The place where the firewood was collected was on the opposite side of the stream, and Fang Yuxuan instantly understood what Cheng Shaoming meant.

After returning from the outing, Fang Yuxuan was even more motivated. He rented out part of the training course and reduced the business area to reduce costs. Then, he arranged the aftermath for Cheng Shaoming. Under Fang Yuxuan's arrangement, Cheng Shaoming dismissed unimportant employees and gave corresponding compensation. Subsequently, Fang Yuxuan and Cheng Shaoming discussed the gradual withdrawal of membership dues, and Cheng Shaoming nodded and agreed. Finally, a declaration of bankruptcy.

After this operation, at the end of 2022, the dance training class finally filled the gap and closed the store smoothly. On the day the store was closed, Cheng Shaoming also cried, saying that he would definitely find a way to return the membership fees one by one. Fang Yuxuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

If you are robbed, you will be a great wrongdoer

After everything settled, Fang Yuxuan chose a weekend to confess to Cheng Mingmei with flowers and gifts. Cheng Mingmei was a little surprised and said, "Brother Xuan, I'm about to get married." ”

Fang Yuxuan was dumbfounded: "You're getting married?" Then how many times did your dad hint that I was chasing you? Cheng Mingmei was both helpless and angry: "You'd better ask him directly." ”

When Fang Yuxuan found Cheng Shaoming, Cheng Shaoming had been lying in the hospital for a few days. It turned out that Cheng Mingmei's fiancé was a foreigner, and they met online because of dance and started an online dating. Cheng Shaoming opposes his daughter finding a foreigner, and he is still a netizen who doesn't know the roots, and the father and daughter often quarrel over this matter.

After seeing Fang Yuxuan, Cheng Shaoming liked him very much and praised him in front of his daughter several times. Cheng Mingmei was a little annoyed, at that time, she was also busy dealing with the closure of the store, so she no longer talked to her parents about her foreign boyfriend, and Fang Yuxuan didn't know that she was in love.

On the other side, Cheng Shaoming watched his daughter and Fang Yuxuan work together and travel together, getting along happily, thinking that the long-distance relationship had been broken. Unexpectedly, just a few days ago, her daughter insisted on going abroad to get married, and Cheng Shaoming was so angry that she fell ill and was hospitalized.

After Cheng Shaoming was discharged from the hospital, he sent Fang Yuxuan 100,000 yuan for closing the store, which Fang Yuxuan confiscated and asked him to return to the members. The matter has come to this point, and he can only let it go, Fang Yuxuan doesn't want to contact the Cheng family anymore.

At the beginning of 2023, Fang Yuxuan was taking inventory of goods in the store when a group of people rushed into the store and smashed the coffee shop. The clerk shouted to call the police, and the person who came to smash the store crossed his waist and said, "Call the police, don't let the scammer escape." ”

They are students of Cheng Shaoming's dance class, and some are parents of students. Not long after they paid the fee, they found that the boss had run away, and after asking around, they learned that the boss had run back to the countryside. Only then did Fang Yuxuan know that Cheng Shaoming had returned to his hometown in the countryside with the money, and Cheng Mingmei also went abroad to travel and marry her foreign boyfriend as scheduled.

Fang Yuxuan was very angry, and Cheng Shaoming promised him many times that he would refund the fee. Even if you don't retreat, you shouldn't come to him. He told the person who smashed the store that he was only responsible for legal affairs, and the debt had to go to Cheng Shaoming. During the quarrel, someone shouted: "Cheng Shaoming said that you are his son-in-law, and you are responsible for everything, let everyone come to you." ”

This time the store was closed, he was purely distressed by Cheng Mingmei to help, and later he also recognized the character of their father and daughter before he took the risk to help them close the store without damage, and also helped them make arrangements for refunds early. Unexpectedly, Cheng Shaoming not only did not refund the money, but also spread rumors everywhere.

Fang Yuxuan called Cheng Shaoming, who was recuperating. He told Fang Yuxuan that he was not unwilling to return the money, and that the money could not cover the entire refund amount, so he used the money for investment, but he was trapped by the stock market and funds and could not withdraw it. As for telling people that Fang Yuxuan was his son-in-law, he was even more helpless: "I miss you so much...... It's those people who spread the word, and they just find an excuse to get the money back. Fang Yuxuan was speechless.

In February, after the results of the preliminary examination for the postgraduate entrance examination, Fang Yuxuan was actively preparing for the re-examination, but was reported to have taken advantage of legal loopholes to assist unscrupulous bosses to run away with money. Immediately afterwards, his mother was besieged by parents who defended her rights on her way to buy groceries, and she was injured and hospitalized.

Fang Yuxuan decided to find the Cheng family's father and daughter to come forward to clarify for him. Cheng Shaoming was sick, and he was afraid that he would talk nonsense and pit himself, so Fang Yuxuan didn't dare to find him easily.

In March 2023, Cheng Mingmei came back, and Fang Yuxuan found her, planning to ask her to make a video to clarify for herself. After seeing Cheng Mingmei, Fang Yuxuan unexpectedly discovered that she had opened a dance studio again. He felt like a big wrongdoer, he was tricked by Cheng Mingmei's father and daughter, and he also took advantage of his feelings......

Fang Yuxuan asked her what was going on. Cheng Mingmei explained that the main reason for him to close the store was to consider the interests of employees, and the bankruptcy liquidation damaged the interests of members, but the employees benefited; Now that the epidemic has passed, she also has experience in running classes, and she will definitely be able to make money by opening a dance studio again, and when the time comes, she will return the membership fee that should be refunded for her father.

Fang Yuxuan didn't believe her explanation and accused her of using her feelings to trick him into closing the store without damage. Cheng Mingmei was angered by this accusation: "Whether you are in love or not is private, why should you tell you?" This sentence made Fang Yuxuan feel humiliated. He lost control of his emotions and pushed Cheng Mingmei. Cheng Mingmei was defenseless, stumbled a few times, rolled down the stairs, and hit her head on the steps, bleeding profusely.

Fang Yuxuan hurriedly called the emergency number and sent Cheng Mingmei to the hospital. This push resulted in multiple injuries such as concussion, fractures, and soft tissue contusions, and was identified as a second-degree serious injury.

At the end of 2023, Fang Yuxuan was sentenced to 5 years in prison with a one-year probation by a local court for intentional injury.

(Due to privacy concerns, the names of the people in the article have been changed, and the relevant information has been processed technically.) )

Recently, the new profession of professional store closure has quietly emerged, and they provide store closure services for enterprises by planning the store closure process and dealing with follow-up rights protection issues. However, under the temptation of huge profits, this profession has gradually become a trend of deviation, and many professional closed-store people "collect dirty money and do dirty work", destroying the market order and harming the interests of consumers.

In this regard, Chen Hui, a lawyer at Vosges Law Firm, believes that a complete set of work processes for such professional store closures seems to be legal and compliant, but in fact they are on the edge of the law, have no integrity at all, and have even been suspected of violating the law and committing crimes. Consumers should also enhance their risk awareness and legal awareness in the process of daily consumption, and protect their rights in a timely manner when they encounter a similar situation of being "cut leeks", and resolutely defend their own interests.

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