
The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times


If there is any big news in the table tennis world recently, it must be our Zhang Ben brothers and sisters! This is not at the Tunisia Regular Challenge, but Tomokazu Zhang and Zhang Benmei and the brother and sister duo really shine.

Today, let's talk about their wonderful performance in this competition.

Let's talk about Zhang Benzhihe first, this young man has both strength and appearance, he is simply a male god in the table tennis world.

He teamed up with Hina Hayada to defeat Sweden's Carlsen and Carlberg in the mixed doubles event to win 3-2 and secure the mixed doubles title.

You say it's a coincidence, Zhang Benzhihe also partnered with Matsushima Terukor, and he went all the way to the men's doubles final, this luck and strength are simply a combination of two swords!

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

However, if you want to talk about the heart-wrenching moment of this competition, it has to be the men's singles semi-final duel between Tomokazu Zhang and Teruku Matsushima.

At the beginning of the game, Matsushima Teruku was like a chicken, leading 8-6 in the middle game and 9-6 in the final game.

Seeing that Zhang Benzhihe was about to lose, this guy had a hard psychological quality, won five points in a row, and won the first game 11-9!

In the second game, Matsushima Teruku seemed to find his form, winning 11-9 to draw 1-1.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

At this time, the audience's mood is like a roller coaster, up and down, and it is called a thrill to watch.

In the third game, Tomokazu Zhang made another effort and won 11-6, 2-1 and gained the upper hand again.

But unexpectedly, Matsushima Teruku actually made a fierce effort in the fourth game, beating Tomokazu Zhang to a 2-11 defeat, and the score was tied 2-2 again.

This back-and-forth struggle is simply more exciting than martial arts novels! When it came to the tiebreaker, the two sides chased after me, and the score was stuck at 3-3 and 6-6.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

Matsushima Teruku once led 9-6, and everyone was happy and their hearts were racing, but they didn't expect Tomokazu Zhang to withstand the pressure, win four points in a row, get the match point 10-9, and finally win 12-10 thrillingly and advance to the finals.

To be honest, watching their game, who dares to say that table tennis is not exciting?

Well, let's talk about our sister Zhang Benmeihe, this girl is also full of energy, she is the top seed player in this competition, and she has shown super strength in the singles event.

Facing South Korean-Chinese player Zhu Qianxi, Zhang Benmei and played heartily.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

Although the first game started a little hard, it was still stable in the middle game, and won 11-9 to give the opponent a disadvantage.

In the second game, Zhang Benmeihe became more and more courageous, starting 4-2, leading 8-5 in the middle game, and finally winning another city 11-7.

In the third game, Zhang Benmeihe was like a chicken, starting 5-0, leading 8-2 in the middle game, and finally defeated the opponent 11-3 and advanced to the final cleanly 3-0.

It's called a scenery on the field, no matter how you say it, it's the younger sister of the big brother, and the strength is very good.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

Talking about the other highlights of this tournament, Yukiya Uda faced Shinozuka Daito in the men's singles semi-finals, and it was really a lot of fun.

The game was so tense that it gritted its teeth, and finally won 3-2 and successfully advanced.

Satsuki Oto also performed well in the women's singles semi-finals, beating Miyu Nagasaki 3-1 to advance to the final.

As for the next game arrangement, it is worth looking forward to.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

According to the schedule, the match schedule on June 30 is very tight, 17:00 Women's Doubles final Sakura Yokoi and Satsuki Oto vs. Chitale Gorpard, 17:45 Men's Doubles final Feng Yixin and Huang Yancheng vs. Tomoto Zhang and Teruku Matsushima, 18:30 Women's Singles final Miwa Zhang vs. Satsuki Oto, 19:15 Men's Singles final Tomokazu Zhang against Yuya Uda.

Looking at this airtight schedule, just thinking about it makes people's blood boil!

Let's make a bold guess, Zhang Benzhihe has three finals to play, and he is really expected to achieve the glory of the triple crown, what a glory this is! Don't forget, table tennis is our national sport in China, and we have been a well-deserved hegemon for so many years.

Now seeing the rise of powerful new stars like the Zhang Ben brothers and sisters, it makes people feel that there is no shortage of heroes in this sport.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

Yes, the changes in the competitive arena are nothing more than full of infinite expectations!

I would like to say that the performance of the Zhang brothers and sisters in this Tunisia regular challenge has really injected new vitality and passion into the table tennis world.

Whether it is a beautiful attack or a Jedi counterattack, every smash and save they bring infinite surprise and joy to the audience.

That's the beauty of sports! Let's wait and see if Tomokazu can achieve the feat of the Triple Crown in the next races! We look forward to seeing them continue to bring us exciting games! Whether Tomokazu Zhangmoto's road to the triple crown can succeed or not, to be honest, we, the audience, are really sweating.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

After all, I can't stand the thrilling state of his previous men's singles semifinals.

But it is precisely because of such tension and excitement that table tennis is more interesting, isn't it? Let's continue to see if this lad will bring us more surprises.

What we want to talk about is his sister Zhang Benmei.

This girl's performance in the women's singles semifinals this time is like chicken blood.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

Facing Zhu Qianxi, she suppressed almost the whole process, and the fight was so happy.

3-0, a reassuring victory, allowed her to advance to the final easily.

Think about it, this game is really full of highlights, you said that with such a brother and sister combination, do you still have to worry about the future of table tennis?

Let's take a look at our other men's singles player, Yukiya Uda, this is Tomokazu Zhangmoto's teammate, but in the final, the two of them will have to face off for real.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

Judging by Yukiya Uda's performance in the semi-finals against Shinozuka Daito, this upcoming final will definitely not be ordinary.

The boys are all desperate rhythms, and the audience is looking forward to the wonderful duel between the two players in the final.

As for Sazuki Oto, this girl is not bad, she suppressed Miyu Nagasaki, and walked step by step to the women's singles final to play against Miwa Zhangmoto.

The two female generals are fighting, and it's really hard to say who wins and who loses.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

But judging from the previous performance of Satsuki Oto, she will never give up until the last moment.

I really didn't expect this competition to give so much suspense, which is more worrying than a TV series!

With all that said, let's take it easy.

The stars in this game have their own styles and characteristics, which also makes the game varied and interesting.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

Don't look at the game when they are all serious like generals, they are actually like ordinary young people in private, with their own interests, hobbies and personalities.

Look at that Zhang Benzhihe, don't look at the ruthlessness on the field, in fact, he is a complaining expert in private, and he didn't forget to joke with his teammates after the game and ridicule his performance during the game.

As for Zhang Benmeihe, she is a good girl, she likes to read books during breaks, and occasionally learns from her younger brother to type a few sentences of Chinese, which makes her teammates laugh.

Let's talk about the audience, the atmosphere of this competition is called a warm one, cheers, cheers, and applause one after another.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

Whenever the Zhang brothers and sisters showed their might, there was thunderous applause in the audience.

Even in the intervals, everyone was enthusiastically discussing the wonderful moments of the game, and they were so excited that they felt as if they were part of the competition.

Many spectators even brought their families to watch the game, and the children couldn't take their eyes off it, maybe they also have the potential to become table tennis masters in the future.

In the final analysis, a sports competition is not only a competition, but also a grand party and a festival of celebration.

The Zhang brothers and sisters shined in the table tennis arena in the regular season in Tunisia, and Zhang Benzhi won the mixed doubles championship and advanced to the finals in three times

No matter who wins in the end, we, the audience, are the biggest beneficiaries, and after watching the wonderful games, our mood is also flying.

Of course, through this competition, we have also seen the rise of more young players, and seen their fighting spirit on the field, which makes people feel the hope and infinite possibilities for the future.

Win or lose, as long as you put in the effort, that's part of the success.

With that, let's look back at how many good memories this Tunisian regular challenge has given us.

The shining performances of the Zhang siblings, the hard work of Yuya Uda and Satsuki Oto, and the upcoming finals are all moments worth looking forward to and remembering.

Every swing and every score of the athletes tells us the meaning of struggle and perseverance.

Let's continue to look ahead.

This competition may be just the beginning, and there are more wonderful stories waiting for us in the future table tennis arena.

Let's witness together whether Tomokazu Zhang can achieve the triple crown, whether Mihe Zhang can be proud of the arena again, and look forward to more miracles and surprises.

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