
Huang Yiming exposed the screenshot of Sicong's chat, Wang Sicong: You can bear with yourself, you will have money after next year

author:Miss Lee Hee-eun


Wang Sicong's illegitimate daughter's melon

One after the other,

made a fuss on the Internet,

And never disappoint,

Coupled with Huang Yiming's comical operation,

For example, "Don't want Wang Sicong's money,

But I will support my daughter when she grows up

Inherit Wang Sicong's property! "Wait.

Huang Yiming exposed the screenshot of Sicong's chat, Wang Sicong: You can bear with yourself, you will have money after next year

So the story of Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong,

From the very beginning

Full of dramatic bloody plots.

Isn't it just in the early morning of June 28th,

Huang Yiming suddenly on social media

posted her and Wang Sicong

private chat history,

broke out Wang Sicong again

Don't give your daughter Twinkle child support,

pushed this turmoil to a new climax,

This fierce material swiped the screen again,

At the same time, it also triggered

The attention and heated discussions of the majority of netizens.

For the topic of illegitimate daughters,

Huang Yiming's attitude will be gray and resolute.

"Twinkle is not an illegitimate daughter,

Wang Sicong knew that this was his child. ”

In the face of Huang Yiming's exposure,

Wang Sicong has not responded so far,

Goose yellow is used

The heat of these exposure events,

The popularity of her live broadcast room has soared,

And through the way of live broadcast sales

Twinkle for yourself and your daughter

Earn "living expenses".

Huang Yiming exposed the screenshot of Sicong's chat, Wang Sicong: You can bear with yourself, you will have money after next year

Chat screenshot time

It was on October 28, 2023,

In the chat history,

Huang Yiming chatted with Wang Sicong on WeChat

Directly ask for milk powder money,

This time the chat history is made public

And not only for

Prove the identity of Huang Yiming's child,

It was unexpectedly revealed

Wang Sicong, who usually lives a luxurious and high-profile life

even "cried poor" to her.

According to Huang Yiming's public disclosure,

At that time, she had just been in the hospital for Wang Sicong

Soon after giving birth to a daughter (Twinkle),

In the chat history,

Huang Yiming went directly to Wang Sicong

begging for milk powder money,

And the other side cited "economic tension" as an excuse

refusal to pay,

suggested that Huang Yiming survive next year and then give her money,

Wang Sicong mentioned himself

The current economic situation is not good,

This is also in line with the image he has always given people of the rich

The contrast is striking.

Huang Yiming exposed the screenshot of Sicong's chat, Wang Sicong: You can bear with yourself, you will have money after next year

Netizens see the chat conversation

left messages in the comment area and ridiculed:

"The biggest joke of 2024,

Wang Sicong said he had no money. ”

From Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong

Judging from the chat history,

It turns out that she didn't ask for money,

but didn't get the money,

begged Wang Sicong for milk powder money,

Wang Sicong asked her to endure it,

After that, Huang Yiming also convened online

Let's help Wanda get through the difficult time together,

At the same time, it also justifies the name of the illegitimate daughter:

Don't send me a private message,

My Twinkle is not an illegitimate child,

It's an existence that is recognized by his father.

There are also netizens who ridiculed on the Internet:

Recognition will not go unpaid.

Huang Yiming exposed the screenshot of Sicong's chat, Wang Sicong: You can bear with yourself, you will have money after next year
Huang Yiming exposed the screenshot of Sicong's chat, Wang Sicong: You can bear with yourself, you will have money after next year

As a result, Huang Yiming replied directly:

All right

You netizens are trying to force me to death.

Some netizens think Huang Yiming

asked Wang Sicong for milk powder money in vain,

You threaten people,

He was also told:

"Don't let me see you living a good life."

In fact, you are Tu Wang Sicong's money!

faced netizens questioning Huang Yiming

It means that he is very aggrieved:

Who's for the money,

It's like I'm just talking to him.

Huang Yiming exposed the screenshot of Sicong's chat, Wang Sicong: You can bear with yourself, you will have money after next year


Huang Yiming also explained for Wang Sicong,

Wang Sicong blocked her

It's because of the pressure of work

Every time I give him a crazy series of calls in the middle of the night

influenced his dating life.

Through the chat logs and Huang Yiming's description,

As we can see,

Wang Sicong treated

The attitude towards this matter is rather cold.

In this regard,

What do you think,

Welcome to leave a message to discuss!