
Brandon Rose assisted in the inaugural Beijing Comic Control Trend Expo


<b>The</b> Reed Comic Con, which swept Shanghai last year, will land in Beijing for the first time in June this year. The Beijing Comic Control Trend Expo (BJCC) was held on June 9-10, 2016 at the new China International Exhibition Center in Shunyi, Beijing. Yesterday, the organizers announced the first lineup: "Superman Returns" Superman actor Brandon Rose, Adi Granov (Adi Granover), Mark Brooks (Mark Brooks) and many other comic book masters, Cosplay big name Carlos Blanchard (Carlos Blanchard), sculptor Brian Muir (Brian Muir) will meet in Beijing and Chinese fans, will present the original Comic Con Pop Culture Feast.

Brandon Rose assisted in the inaugural Beijing Comic Control Trend Expo

Film and television guest Brandon Ross and his superhuman image

Film and television guest Brandon Ross became a hit as Superman in Brian Singer's "Superman Returns". Brandon has since starred in a number of film and television productions: in 2010, Brandon starred as the villain Todd Ingram in Edgar Wright's "Crooked Scott"; In the same year, Brandon returned to NBC in the drama "Supermarket Agent" and co-starred with Samuel Jackson in the film "Strategic Task Force"; in 2012, Brandon played a native American in the movie "Crooked Arrow", in which he led the team in the continuous struggle in the qualifiers. In addition, Brandon also played the DC Comics superhero Atom Man in the American drama "Green Arrow" and "Legends of Tomorrow". His recent works include the science fiction suspense film "400 Days" and the co-production film "Evaporating Pacific".

Brandon Rose assisted in the inaugural Beijing Comic Control Trend Expo

The first batch of announced creative guests gathered

In addition to the film and television guests, the first batch of creative guests announced at the show are also extremely powerful: Adi Granover is the creator of the Iron Man comics and the designer of the film Iron Man armor; Mark Brooks is the author of many popular comics such as "Ant-Man", "Deadpool", "Guardians of the Galaxy" and many other popular comics; the well-known toy company Side Show has also produced a series of highly distinctive character statues based on his design of Crimson Witch and Spirit Butterfly; Tim Seeley is the author of "Tim Healy" Batman: Immortal Saga, Deadpool vs Thanos, Special? Author of the comic strip "Gong Grayson"; Brian Muir is one of the most admired statue artists and artists in the film industry. He participated in the work related to "Star Wars" and created the image of the famous Black Samurai. His sculptural work also includes the Stormtrooper's armor, the Death Star robot, the CZ 3 robot, and the finishing of the C3PO robot; cosplay artist Carlos Blanchard, who is famous for making medieval Batman.

The Beijing Comic Control Trend Expo originated from the New York Comic Con. New York Comic-Con has grown rapidly since its debut in 2006 and has become the most prestigious anime fan festival on the East Coast of the United States, and is currently the second largest comic con in the United States, second only to San Diego Comic-Con in scale. As the exhibition date is approaching, there will be more film and television creators announcing that it is worth looking forward to.