
Crispy garlic pork ribs to prepare

author:Food warriors
Crispy garlic pork ribs to prepare

Crispy garlic pork ribs to prepare

Ingredients: 2000 g of ribs.

Garlic sauce: 100 grams of garlic cloves, 50 grams of onions, 30 grams of ginger slices, 30 grams of green onion segments.

Marinating ingredients: 20 grams of salt, 20 grams of chicken essence, 15 grams of monosodium glutamate, 15 grams of white pepper powder, 15 grams of five-spice powder or thirteen spices, 10 grams of pepper powder (dried green peppercorns).

Ingredients: 80 g corn starch, 40 g flour, a pinch of beer or white vinegar.

Detailed procedure steps:

1: Chop the ribs into long sections of about 8-10 cm, soak in clean water and set aside.

2: Add 100 grams of garlic cloves, 50 grams of onions, 30 grams of ginger slices, 30 grams of green onions, put them in a blender, add a little water (about 100 grams), beat into juice, and set aside.

3, the ribs into the basin to add the beaten garlic sauce, grasp and mix evenly, and then put in the fine salt 20 grams, chicken essence 20 grams, monosodium glutamate 15 grams, white pepper powder 15 grams, five-spice powder or thirteen spices 15 grams, pepper powder (dried green pepper) 10 grams, grasp and mix evenly, seal with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3-4 hours, set aside.

4, the marinated ribs with water to quickly rinse off the surface of the material, do not wash too long, so as not to fade the taste, only quickly flush the surface material can be. Rinse well and control the moisture and set aside.

5: Add 80 grams of corn starch, 40 grams of flour to the marinated ribs, and add a little beer or white vinegar to make it more crispy. Grasp and mix evenly, so that the rib bucket evenly sticks to a layer of paste, set aside.

6, add an appropriate amount of vegetable oil to the pot, the oil temperature rises to 50% heat (about 150 ° ) when the ribs into the ribs, do not stir urgently after the ribs, to be set after stirring, with low heat soaked until basically mature after fishing out.

When the oil temperature rises to about 180°-200°, the ribs are fried in hot oil until the surface changes color, and the crisp can be taken out and eaten.

Tips: Sprinkle with salt and pepper, cumin powder, barbecue sauce, etc. to increase the taste according to the taste.