
I have to admire Zhang Lan! Energetic, this hot day sits outdoors live

author:Mushroom heads

Zhang Lan's live broadcast boom: A 66-year-old strong woman, energetic, and live streaming has become a new legend

In this scorching summer, when most people are looking for a summer resort, Zhang Lan has chosen a different way - outdoor live broadcast. Imagine sitting outdoors in the scorching sun, sharing her life, experiences, and insights with thousands of netizens. Such a scene not only makes people sigh at her perseverance, but also makes people curious: why is she so desperate?

I have to admire Zhang Lan! Energetic, this hot day sits outdoors live

Zhang Lan, this name is now thunderous in the live broadcast industry. At the age of 66, she still retains her energy and passion for her career. One might ask, why is she working so hard now that she is not short of money? The answer may be hidden in her gushing live broadcast, in her thirst for knowledge and love for life.

I have to admire Zhang Lan! Energetic, this hot day sits outdoors live

A girlfriend once tried live streaming, and she said that sitting in front of the camera, facing a blank screen, the feeling of embarrassment and overwhelm made her give up quickly. Zhang Lan, on the other hand, can broadcast live for hours in a row and is still full of energy, which is behind her love and persistence in the live broadcast career. The sheer amount of her knowledge is amazing. Whether it's life trivialities or industry trends, she can tell them eloquently and fascinatingly.

I have to admire Zhang Lan! Energetic, this hot day sits outdoors live

Zhang Lan's enthusiasm is really admirable. She not only surpassed 90% of young people, but also became a legend of the times. Ever since she started to embark on the road of live streaming, she has devoted herself to it. She told us with her own actions: age is not the limit, as long as you have dreams and passion, you can create your own brilliance.

I have to admire Zhang Lan! Energetic, this hot day sits outdoors live

So, why is Zhang Lan so desperate? Maybe it's because she knows that live streaming is not only a way to make money, but also a way to connect with the audience and transmit positive energy. She hopes that through her own efforts, more people can learn about high-quality products and services, and at the same time, she hopes to inspire more people to pursue their dreams with her own experience.

I have to admire Zhang Lan! Energetic, this hot day sits outdoors live

Since the early days of live broadcasting, the audience in her live broadcast room has gradually grown from dozens and hundreds of people to tens of thousands of people per day. She always remained calm and patient, insisting on starting the broadcast on time every day. It is this perseverance and perseverance that makes her stand out in the highly competitive field of live broadcasting. Everyone's success is not achieved overnight, but requires a long period of accumulation and persistence to accumulate and develop. Her success proves this, her tenacity and perseverance are truly admirable, showing the demeanor of a strong woman, which is difficult for ordinary people to match.

I have to admire Zhang Lan! Energetic, this hot day sits outdoors live

Of course, Zhang Lan's success did not happen overnight. There is a lot of hard work and sweat behind her. She is constantly learning new knowledge and trying new ways to bring a better live broadcast experience to the audience. Her spirit is worth learning from each and every one of us.

Today, Zhang Lan has become a leader in the live streaming industry. Her story tells us that no matter how old or young you are, no matter where you are, as long as you have dreams and passions, you can create your own wonderful life. Let's praise Zhang Lan and applaud her persistence and hard work!

I have to admire Zhang Lan! Energetic, this hot day sits outdoors live

Finally, if you are also moved by Zhang Lan's story, you might as well go to her live broadcast room to feel her exuberant energy and love for life. Maybe you'll find your own motivation and direction. At the same time, you are also welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and feelings, let us cheer for Zhang Lan together!

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