
note! Eating hot pot ate out the brain cyst worm

author:Yiranju Health said

It is the cold winter season, and eating hot pot has become people's preferred food. However, if you eat hot pot, the food is not cooked thoroughly, especially meat food, long-term consumption of half-cooked meat slices, may suffer from cerebral cysticercosis, and in severe cases, it can even endanger life.

note! Eating hot pot ate out the brain cyst worm

Shabu-shabu suffers from neurocysticercosis

Mr. Liu is 53 years old and was originally in good health. But starting in September, he had a headache for several weeks and did not get better. A week ago, he deliberately rushed to the hospital, and after examination, there were more than 10 foreign bodies the size of soybean grains in his brain, "There are nearly a hundred cysticers in it, which is called cysticercosis!" The doctor said.

"I usually pay attention to personal hygiene, why do I get this disease?" Mr. Liu asked blankly. Neurosurgery experts inquired in detail about the patient's living habits, and it turned out that the patient liked to eat half-cooked meat slices when shabu-shabu, which was the cause. In addition, Mr. Liu also likes to eat barbecue, and the kind of meat skewers that are tender on the outside are his favorite.

Causing hydrocephalus is really dangerous

"Cysts cysticers mixed in the flesh enter the body without being killed and are transferred to the brain through the bloodstream." Experts analyzed that Mr. Liu has developed a series of symptoms: obvious headache, frequent vomiting and rare eating, accompanied by urinary incontinence, unstable walking, and the inability to walk alone.

Mr. Liu was immediately admitted to the hospital. During the meticulous examination, the doctor found that the patient was unresponsive, indifferent, poor orientation, comprehension, and calculation, and the posterior occipital bone window was obviously raised and the tension was high, and the preliminary diagnosis was: meningitis caused by cerebral cysticercosis, non-communicative hydrocephalus.

Neurosurgery medical staff developed a meticulous surgical plan, and expert doctors performed neuroendoscopic triventricular fistula for patients, supplemented by comprehensive treatment such as multiple lumbar punctures and continuous drainage. On December 14, Mr. Liu recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

Raw and cooked foods are also infected

According to experts, since the beginning of this year, the hospital alone has treated more than 10 cases of such patients, all of whom are the scourge of "eating raw". Experts told reporters that there are more and more "raw food families" such as raw meat slices and sashimi, and the cause of neurocysticercosis is all caused by eating raw food.

"It is worth noting that if the raw and cooked food cutting board or kitchen knife is not distinguished, it is also the cause of the disease!" Experts added that for example, after cutting the raw meat knife and then cutting cucumber shreds, the eggs mixed with raw meat are very easy to spread to the cucumber shreds, and people who eat such cold vegetables will also be infected with cerebral cysticercosis.

In this small editor, we remind everyone that we should try to eat less barbecue and do not eat half-cooked food.

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