
Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this

author:DV site

The face is bright in color and smooth in taste

Delicious raw meat

I believe that many neighbors can't help but move their fingers


Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this

Take a bite of that fresh, that cool

The picture shows that texture

But have you ever thought about it but the disease comes from the mouth

These meats that are not fully cooked will have parasites!

Foreign blockbusters about parasites

It has cast a shadow on DV Jun's young mind

Parasites that travel from the brain, stomach, and whole body

The special effects are always Hin realistic

Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this

But the parasites in life make things happen

No need to add special effects!

Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this

Limb numbness, blurred vision, and occasional convulsions

For sixteen years, Mr. Liu, a native of Zhanjiang, has suffered from illness

Relies on taking painkillers to relieve pain

In March this year, Mr. Liu had a severe headache for two consecutive weeks

I couldn't walk steadily, so I went to the hospital for medical treatment

Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this

X-rays show Mr. Liu

Preoperative head MR

A large cystic mass in the left cerebellar hemisphere

Compresses the cerebellum, brainstem

It is a cysticercosis lesion

The "black hole" part is the cysticercosis lesion

Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this


In addition to the head, imaging examination is also indicative

Patients also have cysts in both lower extremities

Dispersed densely around the left and right calves

Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this

Look at these shocking pictures

Mr. Liu felt numbness in his head

I didn't expect so many cysts lurking on my body

Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this

Combined with the history, multiple intracranial neurocysticercosis is considered

Doctors performed a "lump resection of the left cerebellar cysticercosis" for him.

After the operation, the doctor said that the patient caused the disease

Probably with which to eat

Undercooked pork with parasites is associated

Cysticercosis is a disease caused by the parasitism of the larvae of the pork tapeworm in various tissues of the human body such as the brain, eyes, subcutaneous tissues and muscles. If a cyst enters the brain, it can lead to increased intracranial pressure, epilepsy or mental disorders, etc.

Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this

Eat raw and undercooked meat

Parasites can "crawl" from the stomach to the brain

Infections of cysticercosis are mainly associated with

Unhygienic eating habits are related

For example, raw pork or pork that has not been cooked

Eat vegetables, raw water, food, etc. that contaminate the eggs

Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this

So, what other dangerous parasites are there

Hidden in everyday food?

Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this
Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this
Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this
Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this
Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this
Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this
Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this
Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this

Many people love meat, but raw meat should not be touched

Cherish life and stay away from parasites

Greedy "life" to pass their own small lives is not worth it

Guangdong man had a headache for sixteen years, and the examination found that his feet were covered with cysts! A lot of people have eaten this

Some bad eating habits

Tiny bugs may be given a chance to "live" in the body

The ground where they nest

It can be the liver, the eyes, or even the brain...

Prevention of parasitic diseases

The key is to change bad eating habits:

Food cutting board raw and cooked separation.

When cooking, the pork must be cooked thoroughly, and the habit of eating raw meat should be changed.

Develop good hygiene habits and wash your hands before and after meals.

Pay attention to "rice pork" and do not eat pork of unknown origin.

Livestock are kept in captivity to avoid mutual infection between humans and animals.

DV Jun had to remind the neighbors

The raw water should be boiled, and the raw meat should be cooked

This kills potential eggs and germs!

*(1′ᴗ‵1)*I Loveγₒu❤

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